For people considering a transition career to become a nurse, enrolling in quality nursing programs is key to a successful transition. For individuals in Oklahoma, there are a number of ABSN programs that can provide them with a firm foundation from which to pursue a career as a nurse. These programs aim to make the journey as easy and enjoyable as can be and offer numerous advantages.

Becoming a nurse necessitates a certain amount of formal education. For people who are older and switching careers or who want to spend less time studying and get straight to helping people, finding accelerated nursing programs is the way to go. Thankfully, for residents of Oklahoma, there are a number of Accelerated Bachelor of Science in Nursing (ABSN) programs that are specifically designed to make the process of becoming a nurse later in life easier. This article will explore how these Oklahoma ABSN programs work and discuss the advantages that they have over longer traditional nursing programs.

Speed is of the essence

Far and away the most important advantage of becoming a nurse by enrolling in an ABSN program is the speed. Depending on a student’s previous education and other commitments, nursing programs of the ABSN variety can be completed as quickly as twelve months. This is a huge difference from the four years that typical nursing programs might last. For people who are in their mid-life and need to change careers quickly, this makes ABSN programs absolutely perfect.

Nurses are in high demand

Just as in many other states, Oklahoma has a shortage of skilled nurses. This nurse shortage means that there is a high demand for professionals who want to work in the healthcare industry. By completing an ABSN program, you will be setting yourself up to be able to choose where and when you work, due to the very nature of the demand for the role. This means that you should expect a large quantity of work and employers that will want to keep you relatively happy. Part of the reason for this demand for professional nurses is, of course, the continued ageing population.

Job security

Following from the above point about being in high demand, you are unlikely to face issues related to being unable to find work. Indeed, individuals who have become a nurse through an ABSN program are likely to be able to secure a well-paid and relatively secure position with ease. As the population continues to age and nurses are placed in higher demand, this job security will only grow.

Opportunities for networking

While undertaking a nursing program in Oklahoma, intelligent students are likely to build rapport and forge connections with instructors, other students and professionals within the healthcare industry. This means that after completing nursing programs, there is a good chance that students will be well-placed to secure jobs, mentorships and internships. Often ABSN programs are run by institutions that seek to train individuals that they then want to employ as well, making networking a simple affair.


As ABSN programs are typically designed for people who are in the middle of their lives, and therefore likely already have some commitments, they offer a degree of flexibility. This can be absolutely invaluable for parents, individuals coming from other careers and those with part-time work. Many of these programs are likely to offer some degree of digital learning as well as hands-on clinical practice.

Career advancement

By engaging in an ABSN program as a pathway to becoming a nurse, students are often well set up for pursuing further nursing education and career advancement. With career advancement comes better pay, and leadership roles in the healthcare industry. By weathering the storm of the fast-paced ABSN program, students are building the skills they need to pursue and succeed in further education while undertaking their entry-level nursing jobs.

Support for people transitioning career

As we mentioned earlier, these ABSN programs are designed to expect people who have come from other careers. This means that there are options that allow the transfer of course credits, comprehensive support systems tailored to your experience and the all-important accelerated course that gets you into your new role as soon as possible. Making the transitionary period as smooth as possible, means that more people will complete the ABSN programs and go on to help fill much-needed nursing roles across Oklahoma.

Do good in your community

For many, one of the draws towards becoming a nurse is the thought of being able to help others and give back, in a professional capacity, to their greater community. With an ABSN program, giving back can start so much sooner. With the knowledge that what you do directly improves the lives of others, job satisfaction and purpose are likely to be very high for students who successfully complete an ABSN program.

Set-up for specialization

Similar to being positioned well to advance, accelerated nursing programs also position students well to be able to specialize in different medical fields. Having the resilience and the fortitude to push through the accelerated course load of an ABSN means that when it comes to further education and specialization in different fields, students will have the willpower to get wherever they want to go with their careers. This means that an ABSN is a great way to start completing career goals.


For residents of Oklahoma who want to give something back and help remedy the shortage of skilled nurses, signing on for an ABSN program will allow them to quickly reach their goal of becoming a nurse. Considering the high demand and job security of the position, it is likely that interested and passionate individuals will be able to grow in their careers and may find themselves in a leadership or specialized position quickly. ABSN programs are a great way to start a new career that will be as fulfilling as it is reached quickly.

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