Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Budget Crisis Threatens Health and Safety of Vulnerable Oklahomans

Pat Moss of Ardmore is a member of the ADvantage Waiver Program.

For more than 20 years, many frail, elderly and disabled Oklahomans with limited means have relied on the ADvantage Waiver Program to receive at-home care. Without a line item in the next state budget, funding for these services may be cut, putting the lives of these Medicaid beneficiaries in jeopardy.
The ADvantage Waiver Program enables more than 23,000 Oklahomans to retain their independence and stay at home as long as possible, instead of being institutionalized. Under the program, qualified Oklahomans receive assistance that includes:
· Picking up groceries and medicine
· Assisting with bathing and grooming
· Providing housekeeping to maintain a clean, safe environment
· Giving respite care for other caregivers
“The ADvantage Program has been a vital part of my life, and I truly believe I would not have lived without it,” said Sarah Hadyn Smith of Norman. “It has given me a life worth living in a difficult time of serious illness.”
Funding cuts to the ADvantage Waiver Program could be devastating. Frail and elderly Oklahomans would be forced into institutions at greatly increased cost. More than 10,000 employees will struggle to deliver quality care and Oklahoma businesses will leave the program. In addition, these employees may have their wages cut or lose their jobs and turn to other state services.
“Many of our members do not have family to care for them and just need a little extra help to remain in their home. Under this program, providers deliver needed care at a much more affordable rate than nursing homes,” said Steve Goforth, president and founder of Tulsa-based Oxford HealthCare and legislative officer for the Home and Community Based Services Council (HCBSC).
“Preserving the ADvantage Waiver Program is the financially conservative and responsible choice. It prevents overuse of the emergency room and unnecessary institutionalization,” said Lola Edwards, president of HCBSC. “Cuts will create serious health and safety risks to the most vulnerable Oklahomans and cost the state more in the long run.”
The Council will hand-deliver over 500 member letters of support to legislators at the capitol on March 30.
HCBSC is asking the Oklahoma Legislature to sustain current funding to the ADvantage Waiver Program through a line item in the state budget.
About the Home and Community Based Services Council-
The Council is comprised of 10 provider agencies delivering services to Oklahoma’s elderly and disabled in 38 communities. The agencies represent 80 percent of all services delivered in the ADvantage Waiver Program and State Plan Personal Care Program.

Give 3 Smiles a Day

Rob Lake, CEO is proud to announce the new opening of Bethany Behavior Health where their goal is to increase functioning and improve quality of life.

by Vickie Jenkins

There is something exciting taking place in Bethany, OK. It is the new opening of Bethany Behavioral Health! “Today is the first day that we’re open to see patients,” says Rob Lake, CEO. “It took a lot of people to make this work and it’s nice to see everything come together so well. This is the old Deaconess Hospital so it has come a long way. The whole place has been renovated and everything is brand new, along with the latest equipment. New business, new facility, new everything,” Lake said.
Bethany Behavioral Health is a 57-bed psychiatric hospital meaning more mental health crisis beds for the Oklahoma City metro. “Of course, as our patients grow in number, our facility will grow also. Our program will help adults over the age of 55 with major mental illness disorders,” Lake states. “We will have in-patient only. There will be a 5-day stay for adults and an 11-day stay for geriatrics. That number will change as we fill to capacity and I know we are going to grow in time. The patient will receive treatment for their individual needs and there will be an assessment before discharging them. We have the highest quality of care here,” Lake adds.
Lake attended school at Texas Tech University, where he got his Bachelors and his Masters. Beginning his career in the medical field in 1987, he spent 20 years as CEO of different hospitals in different states. “This is the 7th hospital that I have been at,” Lake says. “I’ve been at hospitals in Texas, Arkansas, New Mexico and several cities in Oklahoma. Traveling to different states gives me the chance to join in on a progressive and innovated opportunity to motivate companies for healthcare. With this being a new healthcare facility, it gave me the chance to hire all new people. Recruiting all new people was fun, yet challenging. Right now, we have 45 employees. We have high quality employees and they were all hand-picked. I am very proud of each one of them. Our main concern here at Bethany Behavior Health is to help the patients with their problems. We will focus on the patients and the quality of medical care as we see them. Right now, we have the chance to make this the best hospital it can be. Everyone needs to work as a team, doing their very best and we can make it happen. I think this is what makes everything run so smoothly,” Lake said.
Some warning signs that could indicate a senior should seek help are: anxiety/agitation, confusion/disorganization, depression, fear/paranoia, fluctuations in weight, hallucinations/delusions, memory loss, mood swings, sleep disturbances, social withdrawal, suicide thoughts and wandering.
“Do you see any challenges that you might face as time goes on?” I ask Lake. “Well, like any new facility, I’m sure we’ll face a few problems but nothing that we can’t handle. I know I have the best employees and I see how well things have gone so far. I look forward to the future and watching how much Bethany Behavioral Health is going to grow. I like my job and I like the way it makes me feel, even if I do face some challenges ahead, I can do it,” Lake commented.
When not working, Lake stays active in many ways. Triathlons, golf, tennis and cycling. “Exercise is very important to me,” says Lake. “My wife is an occupational therapist and she stays active too. We have 2 sons, Cody, 24, and Kyle, 23. Both boys will graduate in May of this year. We are so proud of both of them.” Lake comments.
“Do you have any words of wisdom that you pass along to others?” I ask Lake. “Yes, I do. I always tell my employees to make sure to give 3 smiles a day. 1. Make a patient smile. That is why we are here. 2. Make a physician smile. That is how we get our patients here. 3. Make the staff smile. This is your hospital. Make it what you want it to be; the best!”
Bethany Behavior Health is located at 7600 N.W. 23rd (formerly Deaconess Hospital) Their goal is to increase functioning and improve the quality of life. For any questions, call 844-243-1331 or 405-792-5360.

April AARP Drivers Safety Classes


Date/ Day/ Location/ Time/ Registration #/ Instructor

Apr 5/ Tuesday/ Norman/ 9 am – 3:30 pm/ 691-4091/ Palinsky
4050 Interstate Dr.
Apr 7/ Thursday/ Okla. City/ 9:30 am – 4 pm/ 951-2277/ Palinsky
Integris 3rd Age Center – 5100 N. Brookline
Apr 8/ Friday/ Okla. City/ 9 am – 3:30 pm/ 951-2277/ Edwards
S.W. Medical Center -4200 S. Douglas, Suite B-10
Apr 9/ Saturday/ Harrah/ 9 am – 3:30 pm/ 454-1456/ Harrah Senior Center
Apr 12/ Tuesday/ Warr Acres/ 9 am – 3:30 pm/ 789-9892/ Palinsky
Warr Acres Community Center – 4301 Ann Arbor
Apr 16/ Saturday/ Yukon/ 9 am – 3:30 pm/ 354-5906/ Edwards
Spanish Cove – 11 Palm Ave.
Apr 22/ Friday/ Okla. City/ 9 am – 3:30 pm/ 681-3266/ Palinsky
Woodson Park Senior Center – 3401 S. May
Apr 23/ Saturday/ Chandler/ 9 am – 3:30 pm/ 258-5002/ Brase
1st Methodist Church – 122 West 10th, church basement
Apr 25/ Monday/ Midwest City/ 9 am – 3:30 pm/ 737-7611/ Edwards
Midwest Senior Center – 8521 E. Reno Ave.
1st Baptist Church Family Life Center – 300 W. Commanche
The prices for the classes are: $15 for AARP members and $20 for Non-AARP. Call John Palinsky, zone coordinator for the Oklahoma City area at 405-691-4091 or send mail to: johnpalinsky@sbcglobal.net

SAVVY SENIOR: Auto Insurance Discounts for Older Drivers


Dear Savvy Senior,

Love read that many car insurance companies offer a variety of discounts to older drivers when they retire or reach a certain age. What can you tell me about this? Discount Seeker

Dear Looking,
Most auto insurance companies offer policyholders a wide variety of discounts, many of which can benefit retirees. Auto insurers love older drivers because they’re experienced behind the wheel and they drive less than younger age groups, which makes them a lower risk for accidents and a safer bet for insurance companies.
While discounts will vary by insurer, many of these benefits can reduce your overall premium by 15 to 20 percent or more, and you are usually allowed to combine discounts to increase your savings, though total discounts are often capped at around 25 percent.
To find out what discounts may be available to you, contact your auto insurer and inquire about these benefits, and any others that may benefit you.
Age discount: Many auto insurance companies offer a general “senior” discount that will reduce your premium just because you’ve reached a specific age. The actual name and amount of the discount will vary by insurer.
Allstate, for example, provides a “senior adult discount” of up to 10 percent to drivers who are at least 55 years old and aren’t actively looking for full-time work. And Liberty Mutual offers a “newly retired discount” to drivers who reach that employment milestone, regardless of age.
Low mileage discount: Most insurers offer discounts to customers who drive limited miles each year, which is often beneficial to retirees who drive less because they don’t commute to work every day. The fewer miles you drive, the lower your odds of getting into an accident.
The parameters of low mileage differ by insurer, but generally about a 10 percent discount is available for driving less than 5,000 to 8,000 miles each year, although smaller discounts may also be available to seniors who drive more than this but less than 15,000.
Drivers Ed discount: Many states require insurance companies to offer “defensive-driving” discounts to drivers who take a refresher course to brush up on their safety skills. The discounts vary usually ranging between 5 and 15 percent.
Driver safety courses are inexpensive, usually costing around $20 to $30 and can often be taken in a classroom or online. To locate a class contact your local AAA (aaa.com), which operates a Driver Improvement Course for seniors, or AARP (aarp.org/driversafety, 888-227-7669), which offers the Smart Driver Course to members and non-members.
Club member discount: Insurers offer discounts to members of clubs and associations with which they have partnered. These could include professional associations, workers’ unions, large employers or membership organizations such as AAA, the National Active and Retired Federal Employees Association, the Seniors Coalition, AARP, etc. You could even qualify for savings based on the college you attended or the fraternity or sorority you belonged to decades ago.
Safe driving discount: Many insurance providers now offer discounts based on how and when you use your car. To do this, they would place a diagnostic device in your car that transmits wireless data on how you drive (including how fast you’re going and how hard you’re braking), when you drive and how much you drive. Drivers are rewarded for safe driving, low mileage and for not driving late at night.
In addition, many insurance providers also offer discounts to drivers who do not have any violations or accidents for three or more years.
Send your senior questions to: Savvy Senior, P.O. Box 5443, Norman, OK 73070, or visit SavvySenior.org. Jim Miller is a contributor to the NBC Today show and author of “The Savvy Senior” book.

Assisted Living vs. In Home Care


By Ron Burg


It can be really hard to make a decision about the living situation of an aging parent or loved one. Most people are going to want to remain in their homes for as long as possible, but sometimes that just isn’t best for the situation. It is very subjective, and it depends on the individual scenario. If you are in the position that you need to make a decision on what to do about care for your aging loved one, consider the following before you decide:
Questions You Need to Ask First
1. Do they live alone?
2. Is there a way to improve their quality at home?
3. Is there someone that could move in or that they could move in with?
4. Do they need someone to prepare their meals?
5. Do they need medication reminders?
6. Do they need regular medical care?
7. What does your loved one want to do?
It is important that you consider what your loved one wants to do. After all, it is their life that is going to change. If they don’t want to move into an assisted living home, don’t make them. If they do want to move into an assisted living home, let them. Their wishes should always be at the front of the decision, as long as they are of sound mind.
Assisted Living
Assisted living can be a good decision for those who need a little more assistance on a regular basis. The staff at the assisted living facility is going to interact with the residents multiple times a day, and they will learn their routines. The good thing about an assisted living home is that someone can be there within seconds if something were to go wrong. This is especially important for those senior that have chronic conditions.
In Home Care
There are benefits for at home care. It allows your loved one to continue living independently, but can also provide services if you need them, and it can help give you peace of mind. In home care is a good option for seniors who follow a consistent schedule and just need minor help. Say your parent needs help preparing lunch and maybe taking a bath afterward. An aide can come in during that time and help them out on a scheduled basis. This is a really helpful thing if there are other family members who provide most of the support, but who need a break sometimes.

Ombudsmen Volunteers Needed


Have you ever been in a nursing home or assisted living and overheard residents complaining and thought to yourself, “Something should be done. I wish I could help.” Maybe you or someone you know has a loved one and for one reason or another, needs to have long-term care. You try to find the best place possible by doing your homework; investigating, interviewing and finally you choose a facility. The loved one moves in and everything is going fine. Then comes that proverbial bump-in-the-road. Now what do you do? The answer is to call the Ombudsman.
If you haven’t heard, an Ombudsman is someone who advocates for residents living in long term care facilities. An Ombudsman visits with residents to find out their perspective on the care they receive. Ombudsmen try to empower residents or advocates for the residents to resolve that proverbial bump-in-the-road, no matter how big or small that “bump” may be.
According to the Nursing Home Reform Law, there are two key provisions that establish the foundation of care that older Oklahoman are entitled to have: Quality of Care and Quality of Life. This is the main focus of an Ombudsman volunteer. Ombudsmen ensure residents are receiving what they are entitled too, as well as, being that friendly face residents can count on.
If you are interested in being that friendly face, it only takes a desire to be the difference in someone’s life. Potential volunteers have to complete a two day training class, become certified, attend a once a month training meeting, and commit to a minimum of only 2 hours per week visiting with residents. Sound simple? It is! Such a small sacrifice to make a huge impact in the lives of so many. Our aging community deserves a happy life. Will you help deliver some happiness?
The next training will be April 27-28, 2016 at Areawide Aging Agency located at 4101 Perimeter Center Drive, Suite 310, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. Each day classes begin at 9:30am and adjourn at 3:30p.m. This 2-day training is absolutly FREE. If you are interested in becoming a volunteer or just want to learn more about the Ombudsman program, please RSVP by April 25, 2016 or contact Debra Burris or Eric Locke at (405)942-8500. Hurry!! There’s limited seating and you must register to attend.

TRAVEL / ENTERTAINMENT: Something for everyone at Norman’s Sam Nobel Museum


Photography and Text by Terry “Travels with Terry” Zinn  t4z@aol.com


An undiscovered intellectual and hands on treat is the Sam Nobel Museum of Natural History in Norman, Oklahoma.
Recently it was recognized for excellence by receiving the 2014 National Medal by the Institute of Museum and Library Services, the nation’s highest honor conferred on museums and libraries for services to their community. This honor was only awarded to five museums out of 17.500, and five libraries nationwide.
The honor was given in a ceremony at the White House where first Lady Michelle Obama said, “The work that you do in the summers and throughout the year is filling a crucial role n our country as we strive to give our young people a world-class education.”
Later O.U. President David L. Boren agreed, “This prestigious national award confirms that our museum is one of the most important university-based natural history museums in our nation and indeed in the world.”
As an example of the museums outreach is the ExplorOlogy program which involves promising students from schools across Oklahoma to get a hands on experience with experts in different scientific disciplines. One ExplorOlogy program took place in the high planes of Oklahoma in the Black Mesa area located in the states panhandle.
The Sam Noble Museum offers a variety of educational programming designed to engage and challenge students as they unlock the past, observe the present and consider the future though natural and cultural history. Jess Cole, head of education, says, “We are really fortunate to be a complement and supplement for Oklahoma schools with their science education.”
More information on the museum and their educational programs can be found at www.SamNobleMuseum.org. For your visit to the museum you may take in the “Be the Dinosaur!” exhibit running through June 12th, 2016. The exhibit is based on the fossils found in the Hell Creek Formations of Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota and Wyoming. You can guide a Tyrannosaurus Rex in a search for food or learn the behaviors of the Triceratops as it ambles through the Late Cretaceous from a video console. The highlight of a visit might be the video simulated pods which allow visitors to become dinosaurs.
Another attraction is the “Through the Eyes of the Lynx: Galileo and the Microscope” through August 31st. On March 10 at 7 pm, is the free “Galileo’s World Lecture Series and Sky Watch” hosted by the O.U. Observatory.
The museum is available for catered events and banquets.
Located at 2401 Chautauqua Avenue, the Sam Noble Museum is easily accessible near the O.U. Campus, and provides an educational and entertaining experience for all ages.

Mr. Terry Zinn – Travel Editor
Past President: International Food Wine and Travel Writers Association


StoneCreek breaks ground in Oklahoma on Upscale Assisted Living & Memory Care


StoneCreek Real Estate Partners, LLC began construction on a new Assisted Living and Memory Care Community in Edmond, Oklahoma.
Construction began in December on StoneCreek Assisted Living & Memory Care in the Oklahoma City suburb of Edmond, OK. with an anticipated construction completion during the first quarter of 2017. The building will be located at NW 178th Street and Western Ave.
The Edmond project will be the second newly built assisted living community of this design for StoneCreek Real Estate Partners. The 74,000-square-foot building is modeled after The Oaks Assisted Living community in the Dallas, TX suburb of Flower Mound. The Oaks at Flower Mound opened in November 2015 and received a Silver Design Award in the 2016 NAHB Best of 55+ Housing category.
“I love Oklahoma and all that it has to offer. My daughter is graduating from the OU this spring and one of my sons will be attending OSU this fall,” said Joe Geer, StoneCreek managing member. “We’re excited to build on the success of The Oaks at Flower Mound and carry our passion for working with seniors to the Oklahoma City area,” he added.
The $17 million Edmond project will include 58 assisted living apartments for active seniors and an additional 32 memory care suites dedicated to individuals living with Alzheimer’s and dementia. StoneCreek residents will enjoy access to spacious patios, a Bistro Cafe, a Skype lounge, physical therapy room and full-service salon in addition to other amenities and services.
The general contractor is Resource Commercial, Inc. of Dallas. The architect is Arrive Architecture Group, of Bedford Texas. Oxford Senior Living of Wichita, Kan. has been selected as the managing operator.

Oklahoma City Man Charged with Scamming Moore Tornado Victims


An Oklahoma City man is facing felony charges for scamming a Moore couple out of $3,577.53. The money was part of the insurance settlement the couple received after their home was damaged in the March 25, 2015 tornado.
“We will not tolerate scam artists going after storm victims,” said Oklahoma Insurance Commissioner John D. Doak. “It’s extremely difficult to put your life back together after a traumatic event. For someone to take advantage of people in a vulnerable situation is extremely disturbing.”
An investigation by the Oklahoma Insurance Department’s (OID) Anti-Fraud Unit found that Antario Brown, 36, led the victims to believe he was a public adjuster and that his services were required to process their insurance claim. Not only is a public adjuster not required to process a claim, but Brown has never been a licensed public adjuster. The victims, both 78 at the time, signed a contract with Brown allowing him to negotiate with the insurance company on their behalf in exchange for 7 percent of the final insurance settlement. Brown then contacted a licensed public adjuster to perform the service. The legitimate adjuster charged the client an additional 10 percent fee. She later contacted OID after learning the victims also paid Brown. When OID investigators spoke to Brown he claimed he was paid as a consultant.
The Oklahoma Attorney General’s Office charged Brown with one count of obtaining by false pretense.
“I know Attorney General Scott Pruitt takes these crimes as seriously as I do and I appreciate his hard work on this case,” said Doak. If convicted, Brown faces up to 10 years in prison.

