Monday, March 10, 2025

Prevent Slips, Trips and Broken Hips


A fall can happen in a split second, but it may take a lot of time, pain and rehabilitation to recover. Falls can cause injury at any age, but they can be especially devastating for senior adults. As one ages, the risk increases for injury from falling and these injuries may result in hospitalization and long term loss of freedom and independence.
You can reduce your risk for falling. Join Melanie Thorne, RN, with INTEGRIS Jim Thorpe Rehabilitation Services, as she discusses risk factors for falling and prevention of falls in an educational program, Prevent Slips, Trips and Broken Hips, presented in collaboration with INTEGRIS Third Age Life Center. Following the presentation there will be opportunity for an individual falls risk assessment.
Please call the INTEGRIS HealthLine at 405-951-2277 to make your reservation for one of the following programs.
Wednesday, July 22, 2 p.m. INTEGRIS Health Edmond, Memorial Conference Room, 4801 INTEGRIS Parkway, Edmond
Thursday, Aug. 13, 1 p.m. INTEGRIS Canadian Valley Hospital, Conference Rooms A/B, 1201 Health Center Parkway, Yukon.
Wednesday, Aug. 26, 1:30 p.m. INTEGRIS Third Age Life Center, 5100 N. Brookline, Suite 100, Oklahoma City.

