Story and photo by
Karen B. Tims Ms Oklahoma Senior America, 2023
Are you interested in expanding and discovering your skills and confidence in your daily life? Do you have special talents you want to showcase on stage? Ladies and gentlemen both, please read further.
Participating in the 2023 Ms. Oklahoma Senior America pageant has undoubtedly been one of the best decisions of my life. Let me elaborate on that. I had fun creating my magical opportunity to compete in my style and manner. Committing to participate gave me a reason to be creative in my talents and shop! Shopping for my gowns and accessories was exciting and a blast!
Also, another byproduct of entering the pageant caused me to stretch and improve my skills of, confidence, talent, conversation, public speaking, creativity, establishing relationships, meeting people I never would have had the opportunity to meet, and expanding my perspective of how to live my life as a senior citizen and encourage other senior citizens to stay in the game and live their best life. I truly believe it is never too late to dream and be productive. I have made life-long friendships with outstanding ladies across the United States. Entering strengthened me to be the best I could be. There are countless other benefits. What benefits will you discover?
Senior women aged 60 and beyond are eligible to enter. Please respond quickly as the date of the competition is approaching, April 5, 2025. You still have plenty of time to prepare! Contact the State Administrator listed below to sign up as soon as possible before all the slots are filled.
Both men and women will be enriched by this experience. The women are, of course, the ones to participate and yet you gentlemen, who love women, will also reap the rewards of the growth of the women you love and those whom you may want to encourage to enter this prestigious pageant. Gentlemen, you will have the chance to drive home, that afternoon, with a Queen or a member of the Queen’s Court.
As a contestant, you will be judged on your interview, evening gown, talent of your choosing, and philosophy of life. The interview is 5 minutes to shine and be confident in the person you are. And importantly, what lady does not love the opportunity to dress up with all the glitz and glamor? There will be winners for Queen, and her court which is 1st runner up, 2nd runner up, and 3rd runner up. We have participants competing from all over Oklahoma. So no excuses if you live far away.
Should you win or be chosen as part of the Queen’s Court, you will have many, many more opportunities to be involved in public events in your Ms. Oklahoma Queen glitz and glamor. Your talent can be anything you choose and do not say you do not have any talent, of course you do! Talent is only 2 minutes 45 seconds. Every single person has talents. Ask your family and friends and they will all agree you have talents to share. Your philosophy of life is only 35 seconds. The preparation and presentations for the pageant is life-changing! You will want to thank me for having made you aware of this special experience. We have had friends who enter the pageant together and have such a fun time and experience.
Ladies, I hope I have attracted your attention and are now asking yourself, what if? You can do this and you will enrich your life by having competed. Every person who has entered the pageant in all states has confidently said what a fabulous decision they made to compete.
If you are interested or know someone who needs to know about this opportunity contact the State Administrator, Carol Kallenberger, 903-918-1478,,, Facebook is Ms Oklahoma Senior America Pageant.
The Ms Oklahoma Senior America Pageant is scheduled for April 5, 2025, 1-4 p.m., Mustang Performing Arts Center, 200 W Juniper, Mustang, Oklahoma.
We look forward to hearing from you!