CMSgt. (Retired USAF) Lorraine Caddy serves as the Director of the Military Retiree Activities Office at Tinker Air Force Base.

Story and Photo by Van Mitchel, Staff Writer

The Military Retiree Activities Office (RAO) at Tinker Air Force Base serves as a liaison between the active-duty community and the retiree population.
The RAO is located in Bldg. 1, Door 7, Room 153 at Tinker AFB, and is manned by experienced military retiree members Monday through Friday from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
“Our office is here to serve every retiree, regardless of rank or branch of service, when they need guidance or assistance with any issues, “ said RAO Director/CMSgt. (Retired USAF) Lorraine Caddy. “We also provide volunteers to support the Tinker mission at the RAO Office, and the Tinker Clinic Pharmacy.”
Chief Caddy said the Tinker RAO was started in 1982, and she has been with it since 1985. She started as RAO Director in 2014.
“Our primary mission is to be available for any military people or their families, regardless of rank or branch of service, to help them with whatever difficulties they’re having or get them to the right people to help them, which is really what we are,” she said. “We’re more of a referral agency than a doing agency. We have somebody here Monday through Friday from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. and they’re all trained with as much knowledge as we can give them. We just take the questions as they come on the phone or through the door.”
Chief Caddy said when someone calls or comes by the RAO, the process begins by determining what their problem is and how we can help
“Most military retirees should know how to handle their own personal business, but unfortunately, a lot of people don’t talk. Husbands and wives don’t talk, so they don’t all have the same information,” she said. “We try to find out exactly what their problem is, number one. We try to give them information about this office so that they know they can always come back here. I always tell people, “If we haven’t solved your problem, please come back. We’ll find somebody else who can help you,” because we always try to be available.”
Chief Caddy said once a veteran separates from their branch of service, it becomes more challenging to find help with services needed.
“When someone is on active duty, they basically have face to face help with all their human resource issues and things of that nature. But once you separate, you’re done. You don’t really have a local office to go to for admin information, things of that nature,” she said. “We try to get them the resources they need.”
Chief Caddy said one of the ways the RAO works to get information out is through its Military Retiree Appreciation Day happening on Saturday, Sept. 28 at the Tinker Event Center starting at 7:30 a.m. with the formal program starting at 9 a.m. with several speakers scheduled.
Chief Caddy said the 2023 Military Retiree Appreciation Day had 200 attendees.
“In years past, before COVID, we had more than that, but we had to stop completely for two years,” she said.
The event is planned by Chief Caddy and a committee of volunteers that she selects.
“We’ll open the doors to the public at 0730-for those attending with lite refreshments available while they last,” she said. “I currently have 20 booth folks lined up, meaning people will come and be at a table where you can go and speak with them, and these are people from TriCare and Casualty Assistance, VA, and more. We also have a bus tour that’s available for those who want to take it around Tinker. It takes about 45 minutes to do the bus tour.”
The Military Retiree Appreciation Day also includes the naming of the Volunteer of the Year.
“That award is presented by the Wing Commander at my request to the person at the Retiree Day Service ceremony, so that they know that we give a darn that they’re there, because these people are giving their time and they’ve already given 20 years or more of their life to service,” Chief Caddy said.
Chief Caddy encourages those attending Military Retiree Appreciation Day to ask their questions.
“When I send an email, I encourage them to bring their questions, and before I dismiss any speaker, I always say, ‘Do you have more questions? Please don’t wait until he leaves and then ask me,‘ which is what happens sometimes. They’re shy,” she said. “There’s no question that’s stupid, in my opinion. There is no such thing. If you have a question and you need answers then you need to ask it. Sometimes those questions can’t be answered at the meeting, but then I make sure that that person has an appointment with the people they need to speak with.”
Chief Caddy said she has a desire to keep helping veterans as she was helped along the way.
“I did 20 years of service, and I enjoyed every minute of it,” she said.
Chief Caddy said she was very fortunate to make Chief Master Sergeant after 15 years of service. She started her AF Creer in 1957 and retired from active service in 1977, and she was one of the first 10 women to achieve the rank of CMSgt in the entire United States Air Force.
“I was fortunate because I worked with people who cared,” she said. “Women veterans at that time were not assigned worldwide as they are today. I was working on an IG team and because of that was able to spend three years at Wiesbaden, Germany. My volunteer work with the RAO is great. I meet so many wonderful people and am happy to provide this service to our military retirees.”
Chief Caddy said veteran retiree volunteers are welcome to help with the RAO.
“We would love to have you join us as a volunteer in the Retiree Activities Office, and the Clinic Pharmacy,” she said. “We only ask for 3 hours a week of your time and you will know the joy of “continuing to serve.”

For more information about the RAO or to sign up for the Military Retiree Appreciation Day call (405) 739-2795 or email Chief Caddy at


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