by Ron Hendricks

BINGO! Central Oklahoma Chapter of Hearing Loss Association of America (COCHLAA) held the annual Bingo Night in June and is looking forward to more great fun in July, August & the rest of the year.
In July we will be the guests of Fernando Acuna, the Executive Chef and Director of Dietary at both, the North and South Oklahoma Heart Hospital locations. He is also one of two certified Pritikin chefs in the state of Oklahoma. We will taste some great recipes and HEAR how to cook them. The room will have a hearing loop!
August 4th will be the annual Ice Cream Social at Lakeside United Methodist Church, 2925 NW 66th St, 2-4PM. There is no charge and the public is invited. This is where COCHLAA announces new officers and planned programs for both the night and day groups for the year. We will introduces scholarship winners, and this year will give away a home loop system. Great things are happening!
This is a year of celebration for COCHLAA as we begin our 28th year of service to those with hearing loss in Oklahoma and the Hearing Helper’s Room (HHR) will be celebrating 20 years of helping, answering questions, and demonstrating all sorts of assistive hearing devices. The HHR is a place to learn and get information but you can’t buy anything,
We are very proud of one of our members, Ana Covey a representative of Assist2Hear, a private company supplying LOOP systems to Oklahoma. Ana has been instrumental in the installation of hearing loop systems in the Nichols Hills City Council Chamber, the Civic Center Music Hall, Church of St Mary in Tulsa, and most recently the Rodeo Cinema which is due to open any day now. A hearing loop connects to the sound system and provides a magnetic, wireless signal which is picked up by the telecoil inside most hearing aids and cochlear implants. Instead of struggling to understand, straining to hear the words clearly, or trying to read lips, the hearing loop brings clear sound straight to those of us suffering with hearing loss.
Your Central Oklahoma Chapter of Hearing Loss Association of America is excited about the coming year. To learn more visit our website,

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