The Country Music Singers Association of Oklahoma, aka, The CMSA, was established in 1993 by Dan and Jan Barton and six friends. The motto of the group was to “Promote Oklahoma Grown Talent” by providing where entertainers and music lovers could enjoy Country, Gospel and Bluegrass music.Anyone was welcome to audition or participate as a member.
The love was obvious for all performers regardless of experience and ability.The purpose was to educate and encourage entertainers at every level,to develop every aspect of their performance in a safe,supportive and loving environment.Vice President,John Fisher started a CMSA Gospel Show which is free to the public and continues as a community service.
CMSA was granted 501-C3 status in 2009 expanding their ability to network with other non-profits. As a result CMSA partnered with The Toby Keith OK Kids Corral and The Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals.
John Fisher became President and CEO in 2012 with Kevin Tatum as his Vice President. When John passed away after a long battle with Leukemia, Kevin Tatum assumed the position as President and CEO and continues to work to fulfill the vision of countless members and entertainers who have poured their hearts and lives into this great organization. The CMSA continues to offer free workshops,vocal clinics,and guitar lessons to the public.
CMSA is also proud to offer three scholarships every year to highly qualified students who are working toward a degree in some facet of the Country,Bluegrass, or Gospel Music industry. Whether their goal is performing, teaching,producing, or anything pertaining to keeping the music alive. That’s The CMSA of Oklahoma, that’s what we do.
CMSA also became part of the North America Country Music Assoc. International. Every March this NACMAI provides an international competition in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee at The Country Tonite Theater. Music industry professionals evaluate the performances of competitors from all over the U.S. and several other countries. It’s an opportunity to perform on a large stage in a professional setting and learn which aspects they need to improve. It’s an invaluable learning experience and a chance to to network with performers from other states and make lasting friends from all over this Country. The CMSA holds a State Competition every year with highly qualified judges to evaluate each performer to determine their readiness competition. An Awards Show is held to announce the results. CMSA of Oklahoma continues in our commitment to supporting, promoting and educating Oklahoma grown talent.

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