The Oklahoma Department of Human Services (DHS) provided more than 7.8 million miles of rides to Oklahomans last year through its Section 5310 transportation program. The federally funded Section 5310 capital assistance grant allows DHS to contract with nonprofits and certain eligible governmental entities to provide up to 85% of the cost of vehicles to transport Oklahomans over 65 years of age or who have disabilities.
“This program helps keep people connected with their community,” said Lance Robertson, division director for DHS Aging Services. “Nearly 600,000 riders were able to take more than 1.4 million trips in the last year alone thanks to this program.”
The program includes sufficient funding to assist in purchasing about 52 vehicles a year, with 580 grant-purchased vehicles on the road today. The program has 160 sub-recipients covering 85 percent of counties in Oklahoma. DHS is actively looking for agencies meeting the program’s criteria that have a need to replace vehicles or receive new vehicles.
Entities interested in learning more can review the program’s management plan online at or call Patricia Heer at (405) 522-6683.

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