Oklahomans Urged to Send Cookies to Frontline Health Care Workers

First Lady Sarah Stitt, Girl Scouts Western Oklahoma (GSWESTOK), and the Oklahoma State Medical Association have launched Cookies for Courage, a program that allows Oklahomans to purchase a box of Girl Scout Cookies for medical professionals fighting COVID-19.
“Cookies for Courage is a great way for Oklahomans to let our health care workers know we are thinking of them during this very difficult time,” Stitt said. “Oklahomans always pull together in tough times, and this is a very sweet, very simple way to support our medical community as they work to protect us all.”
Cookies can be purchased online for $5 per box or $60 for a case at www.gswestok.org/cookiesforcourage. The cookies will be distributed to health care workers and others on the frontline. Proceeds from the program will support leadership opportunities for young girls through the Girl Scouts.
“Oklahoma’s physicians, nurses and other providers are working extended hours to keep our community safe during this health crisis. We are grateful to the Girl Scouts of Western Oklahoma and its members for providing this opportunity to say ‘thank you’ to those on the front lines of patient care,” said Oklahoma State Medical Association President Larry Bookman, M.D.
Girl Scout cookie season was set to run through March 22, but due to COVID-19, in-person sales have been paused. Individual Girl Scout troops have the option of returning their unsold cookies to GSWESTOK or continuing sales online through their individual Digital Cookie websites.
“Oklahomans always set the standard for how we care for our people,” said Shannon Evers, CEO of Girl Scouts Western Oklahoma. “Cookie season was cut short this year because of coronavirus, and while that’s disappointing for our girls, they recognize that there’s an opportunity here to show love for people who are fighting this pandemic on the front lines.”


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