SHAWNEE, OK – Two of the many incredible facts about the Monarch Butterfly is that they are important and beautiful. Join the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) and several conservation partners for the FREE pollinator workshop and lunch on May 29 in Shawnee. This workshop is titled, “Monarch Butterfly, Importance of Pollinators” and it is certainly one in which you will want to bring a friend.
At this workshop, Michael Sams of NRCS will talk about NRCS Monarch and Pollinator Conservation Efforts in Oklahoma.
Tonee Wolf of the Choctaw Nation will provide a Choctaw Nation Pollinator Project update. Also, the Chickasaw Nation Pollinator Initiatives will be covered.
Plus, Jane Breckinridge will share about projects of the Euchee Butterfly Farms.
NRCS partners for the workshop include, the Oklahoma Tribal Conservation Advisory Council (OTCAC), other USDA agencies and conservation groups. The Seminole, Shawnee and Konawa Conservation Districts are the district partners for the workshop.
Our conservation program discussions will be led by Farm Service Agency, National Agriculture Statistics Service, NRCS, and the Oklahoma Conservation Commission and others.
The workshop will be held on May 29th and will start at 10 a.m. The meeting will be held at Citizen Potawatomi Nation (CPN) South Reunion Hall, located at 1702 Gordon Cooper Dr., in Shawnee, 74801. The South Reunion Hall is located behind the CPN Putt Putt and on the south side of Firelake grocery store.
Attendees are encouraged to pre-register by May 23rd by calling Marie Youngblood, (405) 273-2076, ext. 3 or emailing Jane Breckinridge, or contacting Dr. Carol Crouch , (405) 742-1203. The workshop is open to the public.
USDA is an equal opportunity provider, employer, and lender.
If reasonable accommodation is needed please notify when you RSVP to Dr. Carol Crouch at 405-742-1203 or
Who: Open to the Public
When: 10 a.m., Wednesday, May 29 – RSVP DUE May 23rd
Where: Citizen Potawatomi Nation (CPN) South Reunion Hall, located at 1702 Gordon Cooper Dr., in Shawnee, 74801. The South Reunion Hall is located behind the CPN Putt Putt and on the south side of Firelake grocery store.

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