By Ron Hendricks

Regarding the sad news or the Oklahoma City Police officer fatally shooting a deaf man; We at Central Oklahoma Chapter Hearing Loss Association of America, encourage everyone to comply with police orders. If you are detained by a policeman –STOP what you are doing, stand still, and drop anything in your hand. The above applies if you can hear or not, however, if you are hard of hearing, after the officer approaches you, show him your pocket card that indicates the fact that you don’t hear well. A police officer will respect that. It is our goal to reach every Oklahoman with hearing loss to educate them and to help with listening skills, hints, and tricks. Central Oklahoma Chapter Hearing Loss Association of America, has been about the business of helping people with a hearing loss live successfully in the hearing world for 26 plus years. We are available to assist you, including meetings that are always open to the public and are free. We can supply a speaker for your group. See COCHLAA at the State Fair & many other community outreach events such as Health Fairs, Senior events, demonstrations, and consultations as well as at the Hearing Helper’s Room, 5100 N Brookline, Suite 100. We invite you to join Central Oklahoma Chapter of the Hearing Loss Association of America. For more information visit the website,

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