The INTEGRIS James L. Hall, Jr. Center for Mind, Body and Spirit and the Oklahoma City National Memorial & Museum are hosting a private reception and presentation in remembrance of the 20th Anniversary of the Oklahoma City bombing.
With the recent expansion of the Memorial, guests will enjoy private tours, wine, hors d’oeuvres and music followed by a presentation from the Center’s Murali Krishna, M.D.  Krishna, president and chief operating officer of INTEGRIS Mental Health and president and co-founder of the James L. Hall, Jr. Center for Mind, Body and Spirit, was on the front lines that day and days that followed. “I have seen it with my own eyes,” recalls Krishna. “Oklahomans are the kindest people on earth. I have seen acts of kindness, acts of compassion – nowhere could top it. I have seen Oklahoma City rise to vibrancy following the acts of terror on April 19, 1995.”
In honor and service of the Oklahoma Standard, Krishna will share his insights and recognize our city for the resilience and growth it has demonstrated during the last 20 years.
The event will take place Thursday, April 23 from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. at the Oklahoma City National Memorial & Museum, 620 N. Harvey in Oklahoma City.
Ticket cost is $50.00 per person, $500.00 per sponsorship. Victims, family members, survivors and rescue workers are invited to Krishna’s presentation free of charge. Reservations are required. For more information, please contact the INTEGRIS James L. Hall Jr. Center for Mind, Body and Spirit at 405-713-9950.

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