Are you an older adult who wants to be stronger, more flexible and have better balance? Do you want to improve your ability to perform everyday activities safely and independently without excess fatigue?
Participation in the senior fitness testing program at INTEGRIS Third Age Life Center is an important first step in achieving these goals. The Senior Fitness Test measures the physical capacity of older adults to perform normal everyday activities necessary for independent living.
The Senior Fitness Test is designed to test individuals of varying abilities. You do not have to be physically fit to participate! The good news is that much of the usual age-related decline in physical fitness is preventable and even reversible through proper attention to physical activity and exercise levels.
Senior Fitness is a two part program: the initial testing on Oct. 28, after which you will be given test results and suggestions for improvement, and follow up testing on April 27, to help identify your progress and areas where you may need to continue to focus attention for improved functioning.
Testing will be held by appointment only between the hours of 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. at INTEGRIS Third Age Life Center, 5100 N. Brookline, Suite 100. Before your appointment, an information packet will be mailed to you with more details about testing procedures.
Please take advantage of this health improvement opportunity. Call the INTEGRIS HealthLine at 405-951-2277 by Oct. 14 to make an appointment for your Senior Fitness Test.

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