Oklahoma’s seniors are the perfect target for con artists. Many of them have a “nest egg,” own their own home and have excellent credit. This summer the Oklahoma Insurance Department is arming seniors with the tools they need to protect themselves from fraud.
“Scam artists exploit the very traits in our older citizens that we love so much,” Oklahoma Insurance Commissioner John D. Doak said. “Seniors were taught to be polite and trusting. But we’re teaching them techniques and giving real-life examples to help them be mindful of the risks involving insurance and many other interactions and decisions.”
A panel of experts will fan out across the state to share information and advice in seven different cities in June and July. These Senior Fraud Conferences include topics on insurance fraud, Medicare fraud, investment fraud, banking fraud and current senior scams.
Some red flags that attendees will learn about include:
· Unrequested calls from Medicare or Social Security. Fraudsters claim to be with these offices asking for financial or other personal information to get beneficiaries a new card or better benefits. These are almost always a scam.
· Pressure to act quickly. If an offer is legitimate, it will still be there tomorrow.
· Unsolicited offers for free money or fast cash. A promise of lottery winnings and guaranteed returns from an unknown inheritance are likely scams.
· If it seems too good to be true, it probably is. Scam artists have a knack for making people believe they’ll be better off if they take the deal.
Each seminar is free for seniors and includes breakfast. Insurance professionals can attend a conference for four hours of Continuing Education (CE) credit. The cost for CE credit is $30.
The conferences are partially funded by the Administration on Community Living’s Senior Medicare Patrol grant. To attend, please RSVP by registering online at map.oid.ok.gov or by calling 800-763-2828.

June 1 – Pauls Valley
Donald W. Reynolds Recreation Center
1005 N. Willow
Pauls Valley, OK 73075

June 6 – Altus
Privett Event Center
1320 North Forrest
Altus, OK 73521

June 15 – Oklahoma City
Tower Hotel
3233 N.W. Expressway
Oklahoma City, OK 73112

June 27 – Tulsa
Marriott Tulsa Hotel Southern Hills
1902 E. 71st St.
Tulsa, OK 74136
June 28 – Grove
Grand Lake Event Center
26301 S. 655 Rd.
Grove, OK 74344
(Next to Grand Lake Casino Lodge and 1.5 miles south of Grand Lake Casino on Highway 10)

July 20 – Elk City
Western Technology Center
301 Western Dr., Rooms 103 & 104
Elk City, OK 73644

July 26 – Tahlequah
Go Ye Village
1201 W. 4th St.
Tahlequah, OK 74464

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