Dear Editor,
Recently I saw an advertisement that shouted “Invention of the Year” and then admitted “they’re not hearing aids.” Hearing loss is a major problem in Oklahoma and it is growing. Hearing loss is one of the most prevalent complaints among returning veterans. Hearing loss is big business too. Don’t believe it? Look at the TV and print advertising that is done here in central Oklahoma by hearing aid companies. Hearing aids can be expensive and they are not covered by most insurance companies or Medicare and that is why we are seeing “buy one and get one” or “30 day free trial” offers. Oklahoma state law requires a 30 day trial period on hearing aid purchases. If it does not work out, your money must be refunded less applicable fees. You cannot be charged more than $150 per hearing aid if you return them. Be sure that you understand all the costs and fees charged when making a purchase. Most quality distributors will work with you to solve any difficulties and make adjustments as required.
Hearing Loss Association of America Central Oklahoma Chapter (HLAA) encourages you to have your hearing tested if you think it might be failing. The test doesn’t hurt and many audiologists offer free hearing screenings. HLAA is working to help those with hearing loss live successfully in a hearing world. Attend an HLAA meeting to get answers to your questions about hearing loss, for yourself or a loved one. There are three meeting times in the OKC metro for your convenience. For more information visit the HLAA website,
Ron Hendricks, Oklahoma City

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