Beth Patterson

The Retired Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP) of Central Oklahoma has named a new executive director. Laura McRaniels will fill the position following the retirement of Beth Patterson on Dec. 31.
McRaniels, who was named as the organization’s assistant director in 2022, joined RSVP in 2018 and served as the organization’s volunteer coordinator linking more than 500 older adults to volunteer opportunities with 124 local nonprofit organizations.
“It is an honor to pass on the reins to Laura,” Patterson said. “In addition to Laura’s genuine compassion for people through her words and actions every day, she has such insight, problem-solving skills, follow-through, and attention to detail that make her an excellent person for this role.”
Prior to joining RSVP, McRaniels owned her own in-home childcare business, and served as a direct care specialist with the J.D. McCarty Center. She joined RSVP as the administrative assistant and was appointed to volunteer coordinator in 2018. She completed all tiers of the Nonprofit Management Certification program through the Oklahoma Center for Nonprofits. McRaniels has a long-time dedication to volunteerism, serving since 2008 with D-Dent, Inc. and West Wind Unitarian Universalist Congregation.
Since 1973, RSVP of Central Oklahoma has helped older adults continue to live with purpose and meaning by connecting them with rewarding community volunteer opportunities. RSVP is a partner of AmeriCorps Seniors and the United Way of Central Oklahoma. To learn more about RSVP of Central Oklahoma, call 405-605-3110 or visit You can also follow RSVP on Facebook at

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