Ginny Curtis is the founder of MCM Insurance, LLC in the Village.

story and photos by Darl Devault

Insurance leaders fear seniors are susceptible to Medicare fraud as scams are being ramped up this year. Instead of being retirement privileged, many seniors are being retirement harassed. As the Medicare open enrollment period begins, owner Ginny Curtis with MCM Insurance, LLC, explains her concern for Oklahoma seniors.
“This year more than ever we are seeing many TV commercials elude to benefits clients are not eligible for and telemarketers use high pressure fear techniques,” Curtis said. “These scammers generate repeated phone calls from local numbers asking health related questions appearing to be a customer service call. We have seen instances of insurance agents claiming of new benefits that have not been released to the public.”
Her office has seen an increase in scammers targeting older adults. They appear to target seniors with serious long-term health conditions who appear to have a higher risk for serious illness.
Curtis says she has had many of her clients calling in to tell her they have been manipulated into giving out their information. Some have even been enrolled in Medicare plans they don’t qualify for, only to be cancelled off their current insurance because of that activity.
Curtis says, other than your doctor, health care provider, or other trusted representative, never provide your Medicare number or personal information to anyone who contacts you through unsolicited calls, texts, or emails.
MCM is a family owned local insurance agency. The main location is 2232 W Hefner Rd, found between Pennsylvania and May Avenue on Hefner Road in the Village right next to the post office. MCM’s 50 licensed agents have a combined 100 years of experience.
The agents pride themselves in providing exceptional education on Medicare and the many options its clients have. The agency is licensed with all the Medicare Advantage companies and services. It features all the Medicare supplement companies, along with all the Part D prescription plans available in Oklahoma.
More important than ever this year they teach a no-cost, hour-long Navigating Through Medicare educational seminar offered as individual sessions with their clients or in group presentations. This year the agency is also offering a virtual presentation, member meetings and phone appointments. Agency agents still offer face to face appointments at their office or in their client’s homes.
“I’ve been serving my client’s needs for 35 years,” Curtis said. “I enjoy my job helping others. If I didn’t, I wouldn’t be here.”
As 2020 begins to wind down, one of the most important times of the year for seniors begins rapidly approaching. The Medicare Open Enrollment Period (OEP) occurs annually from (Oct. 15-Dec. 7). OEP is a time in which current Medicare beneficiaries can choose to change part of their coverage.
Clients can change their Medicare Advantage Plan (Part C) and/or Prescription Drug Plan (Part D). It is a time to reevaluate their coverage based on their benefits, health, and finances. If they find a plan is a better fit for their needs than their current plan, they can then switch to, drop or add a Medicare Advantage or Part D plan.
During OEP Curtis’ agency goes into overdrive to make sure everyone who needs help making the changes coming their way is reached. “It’s very important to us each person who comes through our agency chooses their plan based on their specific needs,” Curtis said.
During an appointment with the agents from MCM, they will compare plans based on the customers list of medicines and doctors to narrow down which plan will cover all their needs the best.
“The first two weeks of October is a great time for clients to shop, ask a lot of questions. Clients can find the information they need without feeling the pressure of having to make a decision,” Curtis said. “By Oct. 15 they can schedule a time to figure out what’s best for them and make a decision.”
“We are a little different than some agencies, in that we represent all the Medicare Advantage companies,” Curtis explained. “We have a great relationship with every carrier. They all pay our agents the same fees so there’s no reason for us to sway a client one way or another.”
If you would like to schedule an appointment with a MCM agent to attend a Navigating through Medicare session, or schedule a presentation, you can reach the office at 405-842-0494. Clients can view the agencies’ calendar and get more info about the one-hour seminar at:
During the open enrollment period for Medicare, clients can find agents in their offices Monday through Saturday from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. October 1st through December 15th. Beginning December 16th, they returned to normal business hours of 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Saturday.
If you would like more info, their website is:
The firm also has offices in Tulsa and Shawnee.

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