The Oklahoma Assisted Living Association (OKALA) joined 35 of its state peers this week in Washington, DC in a meeting hosted by the Assisted Living Federation of America to discuss strategic relationships that promote excellence in senior living throughout Oklahoma and the nation.
The group engaged in fruitful dialogue focused on credentialing, standards, and public policy in the senior living industry that enhance levels of care while creating consistent, meaningful regulatory and legislative reform. Oklahoma and its state partners agreed that some of their most pressing issues include addressing the increasing acuity of residents in senior living communities and current life safety codes. OKALA also looks forward to serving in a leadership role within the state to help unite senior advocacy groups on the state level.
“This meeting between ALFA and its state partners really shows the spirit of partnership and collaboration that will lead us all too even greater success,” said Oklahoma Assisted Living Association Executive Director, Melissa Holland.
Many seniors and their families turn to assisted living to have the necessary supports they need to continue caring for their loved ones. While providing excellent quality of care, it is quality of life that has made assisted living such a popular option. Seniors who were isolated in their own homes, without friends or purpose of life, thrive after moving into an assisted living community.
A 2013 poll shows that 94% of assisted living residents say they are satisfied or very satisfied with the overall quality of life in their community. Today, 99% of senior living residents say they feel safe or very safe in their community.
“There was strong recognition among the group that the senior living industry has changed since ALFA was founded 25 years ago,” ALFA President and CEO James Balda said. “The senior living industry is successful when we’re successful together. This meeting helped us all move the discussion forward so that our new efforts in branding, credentialing and standards can be well integrated with the efforts we’ve seen by our state partners.”
Assisted living is home for our residents and typically 50% less expensive than a skilled nursing facility. Over 80% of senior living residents pay from their own private resources. There are many assisted living options available at various price points including large or small, urban or rural, high-rise or single level.

The Oklahoma Assisted Living Association (OKALA) is dedicated to the preservation of dignity and choice for older Oklahomans and to the quality of their care in the senior living setting. For over 18 years OKALA has been providing educational opportunities including an administrator certification course; representation with state department of health; and legislative advocacy for Assisted Living communities and those who provide services to them. For more information visit or on facebook.

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