On July 8, Joe Rackley was named the 2019 Cooperative Agricultural Pest Survey Recognition Award recipient for his contributions and outstanding efforts in support of the Oklahoma CAPS Program.
Rackley, a field inspector for the Oklahoma Department of Agriculture, Food and Forestry, voluntary took on the added role of State Survey Coordinator while the vacancy was being filled.
“Joe’s primary responsibility is to be a nursery field inspector,” said Blaine Powell, Oklahoma State Plant Health Director. “But, he has done an excellent job maintaining both duties despite the heavy work load.”
Rackley worked to draft and summit work plans which ensured Oklahoma’s participation in survey activity for the 2019 CAPS Program. With Rackley’s knowledge and understanding of the CAPS Program, he was able to smoothly facilitate program duties, Powell said.
Rackley has delivered multiple program presentations at various meetings across the state, and he worked with Agreement Specialists to resolve problems and discuss options for potential survey issues. He also completed activities for the 2018 season by entering all data and writing final reports. “Joe is extremely goal oriented and has a keen eye for details, ensuring all aspects of work and financial plans are written correctly and closely monitors field work for accuracy,” Powell said.
CAPS pest detection program supports the USDA Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service as it works to safeguard U.S. agricultural and environmental resources. The CAPS Recognition Award is designed to recognize individuals or groups for specific achievements and accomplishments resulting from work done in support of Pest Detection activities in the previous calendar year, and more information can be found at http://caps.ceris.purdue.edu/caps-recognition.

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