Have you ever been in a nursing home or assisted living and overheard residents complaining and thought to yourself, “Something should be done. I wish I could help.” Maybe you or someone you know has a loved one and for one reason or another, needs to have long-term care. You try to find the best place possible by doing your homework; investigating, interviewing and finally you choose a facility. The loved one moves in and everything is going fine. Then comes that proverbial bump-in-the-road. Now what do you do? The answer is to call the Ombudsman.
If you haven’t heard, an Ombudsman is someone who advocates for residents living in long term care facilities. An Ombudsman visits with residents to find out their perspective on the care they receive. Ombudsmen try to empower residents or advocates for the residents to resolve that proverbial bump-in-the-road, no matter how big or small that “bump” may be.
According to the Nursing Home Reform Law, there are two key provisions that establish the foundation of care that older Oklahoman are entitled to have: Quality of Care and Quality of Life. This is the main focus of an Ombudsman volunteer. Ombudsmen ensure residents are receiving what they are entitled too, as well as, being that friendly face residents can count on.
If you are interested in being that friendly face, it only takes a desire to be the difference in someone’s life. Potential volunteers have to complete a two day training class, become certified, attend a once a month training meeting, and commit to a minimum of only 2 hours per week visiting with residents. Sound simple? It is! Such a small sacrifice to make a huge impact in the lives of so many. Our aging community deserves a happy life. Will you help deliver some happiness?
The next training will be April 27-28, 2016 at Areawide Aging Agency located at 4101 Perimeter Center Drive, Suite 310, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. Each day classes begin at 9:30am and adjourn at 3:30p.m. This 2-day training is absolutly FREE. If you are interested in becoming a volunteer or just want to learn more about the Ombudsman program, please RSVP by April 25, 2016 or contact Debra Burris or Eric Locke at (405)942-8500. Hurry!! There’s limited seating and you must register to attend.

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