Every year many elderly and vulnerable adults become victims of financial exploitation. Financial exploitation is defined as illegal or improper use, control, or withholding of property, income, or resources.
Many people fall victim to financial exploitation at the hands of both strangers and family. This crime is a felony under Oklahoma law. Penalties include jail time, thousands of dollars in fines, and restitution.
Signs of financial exploitation can include, but are not limited to the following:
• Unusual bank activity • Change of statement delivery address • Unpaid bills • Unexplained withdrawals or transfers • Large purchases that don’t fit the persons income level
How to protect against financial exploitation: • Estate planning • Choose a Power of Attorney ahead of time • Consult an Elder Law Attorney If you or someone you know are experiencing financial exploitation contact Adult Protective Services (APS). 800-522-3511 or okhotline.org
The Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program is in place to advocate for elderly Oklahomans who reside in Long Term Care facilities. As our aging population grows, so does the need to make sure our loved ones are being cared for. If you have question or concerns regarding Resident’s Rights in a long term care facility there are several ways to contact an Areawide Aging Agency Ombudsman. Call 405-942-8500 to speak to an Ombudsman Supervisor, visit the agency website at
www.areawideaging.org, or find us on Facebook.

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