Rachel Kidd, RPC of Brookdale Assisted Living Facility poses with residents, Leora Henderson (L) and Bertha Moore (R) as they celebrate their birthdays.

by Vickie Jenkins, Staff Writer

The birthday activities were just beginning Tuesday morning, May 3, 2016 at Brookdale Assisted Living as birthday balloons were scattered around. Two of the residents were celebrating birthdays today. Not just any birthday but their 100th and their 108th.
Resident Bertha Moore turned 100 years old. Born in Oklahoma, she lived here her whole life. She has three children and some great grandchildren. Living at Brookdale for 8 years, she has come accustomed to the everyday activities, etc. Bertha enjoys being around other people and likes the excellent care that she is given. She has seen such a change in the progression of automobiles and technology. She said that when she was young, she rode a horse and buggy to school. “Quite a change from those days.” I commented. Bertha remembers the days of working on the farm helping out in any way that she could. She has fond memories of her father working for Sinclair Oil and later on, getting a job herself, working for Sinclair Lease.
The other resident celebrating her 108th birthday is Leora Henderson. She has been a resident of Brookdale for 8 years now. She was born in Oklahoma, just 1 year after the state of Oklahoma was established. She remembers working in the soup kitchen during World War I and being a school secretary at the time of World War II. She can still recall when food had to be rationed. She also rode a horse and buggy to school and has some memories of the depression. In Leora’s opinion, history books don’t do women justice. She believes firsthand accounts are the most important.
Surrounded by family and friends, these two women celebrate their birthdays. Thanks to Rachel Kidd and Brookdale Assisted Living Facility for recognizing and honoring these two fine women. Happy birthday, Bertha and Leora!

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