Jim Jinkins, President, and Donna Johnson, Board Member, solicit new members for the 21st C. Norman Seniors Association at 2nd Friday Art Walk in Norman in May.

by Judith Coker Center

If you live in Norman, you may want to join a new non-profit group for seniors called the 21st Century Norman Seniors Association. They are in the middle of a membership drive and seek active seniors and their family members who are interested in senior issues. There are no dues or age restrictions.
The association plans to advocate for Norman seniors on local issues and want to have a positive effect in building an inclusive community for Norman. They have no political, religious, or social affiliation. Currently they have over 200 members.
“We saw a need for this kind of group several months ago,” says Jim Jinkins, president of the association. “Working together seniors can create change that will benefit everyone. We welcome members of any age who are interested in improving life for seniors in Norman.”
At this point 21st Seniors has a temporary board and slate of officers, but with an enlarged membership, plan to hold elections in the fall. The original founders have been deeply interested in the Norman Forward plans for a new senior center and will continue to be involved in this as time goes on. However, long term the group wants to serve as a purposeful voice for seniors, networking with other groups for the larger good. They also want to promote Norman as an attractive retirement destination.
You may run into the 21st C. Norman Seniors Association at different locations in Norman this month as they look for new members. Stop and talk with them for more information. Also, the website, www.normanseniors.org, now under construction, has information about the group’s mission statement, temporary officers and board members, and other posts of interest to Norman seniors. There is a place on the website to join the group. You may also write to the group at PO Box 722082, Norman, OK 73072.
The Association plans to hold a meeting in June for members to socialize and discuss future plans. “You never know what good you can accomplish until you meet with like-minded people, set goals, and use your knowledge and influence to improve you own city,” said Jinkins. “Seniors have deep knowledge and rich experience, and are a resource Norman needs.” Join us and enrich your own life by working together and building new friendships through the 21st Century Norman Seniors Association.

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