Insurance Commissioner Glen Mulready today donated a Remington 870 Shotgun to the Coweta Police Department Chief Mike Bell at the Oklahoma Insurance Department (OID)’s Oklahoma City office.
“It is much appreciated more than you know,” Bell said. “As a small agency, we can’t afford equipment like this. It will greatly enhance our services.”
The Oklahoma Insurance Department’s Anti-Fraud Division collected the shotguns they don’t use anymore and donated them to underfunded law enforcement agencies. Anti-Fraud Chief Investigator Rick Wagnon contacted the Oklahoma Association of Chiefs of Police and the Oklahoma Sheriff’s Association for a list of underfunded agencies that each association could recommend. From that list, Commissioner Mulready drew the winners randomly and contacted each agency to schedule the shotgun handoff.
Wagnon said they carefully selected small, underfunded agencies that could get the most benefit from this donation. He also said the most of these agencies do not have shotguns and are excited to receive them.
“The goal of the firearm donation is to enable underfunded law enforcement agencies to acquire firearms at no cost in support of their mission,” Mulready said. “We are grateful for our law enforcement agencies and their service to our citizens.”
Mulready said that the department will donate a total of 7 shotguns to the following agencies. Sheriff Larry Lane, Sequoyah County SO, Chief Bob Ernst, Perkins PD, Sheriff Marty Grisham, Love County SO, Chief Mike Bell, Coweta PD, Chief John O’mara, Kiefer PD, Sheriff Joe Janz, Kiowa County SO, Sheriff Tim Turner, Haskell County SO.

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