Elizabeth Von Gunten

(Right) 100 years old. Naomi Elizabeth (Oursler) Von Gunten of Stillwater is Always very active in her church & community, she regularly Facetimes & Zooms her family using her own iPad, but being the mother of wonderful children who contribute to their communities & churches is her special honor. Words of wisdom: “Go to church, be active in it & develop a strong religious faith!”

Leon Campbell

(Left) 100 years old. Leon Campbell served in the Army during World War II, had a career as an aircraft mechanic, and had many hobbies. He was a competitive dancer winning many awards. Words of wisdom to us are: Love the Live You Live and Dance Like No One is Watching!

Betty Jean Shuttee

(Right) 100 years old. Betty Jean (Field) Shuttee of Enid is a retired pediatric nurse, enjoys all music by Lawrence Welk, reading, gardening, singing, Netflix & angel food cake. Her travels have taken her to 39 countries & to every state in the US. She received a proclamation from the Mayor & a special poster made by a class of preschoolers. Words of wisdom: “Be patient, be positive and be kind to everyone!”

Phil Morgan

(Right) 102 years old. Phil Morgan is a veteran of WWII. Words of wisdom: “Put God first, go to church and develop a close walk with the Lord. Cherish your family, spend time with them, time goes fast, and kids grow up too quickly. Honor the military, respect the United States of America.”

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