By Ron Hendricks

Hearing Loss Association of America Central Oklahoma Chapter (HLAA) celebrates a Quarter Century of service to Oklahomans with hearing loss. It is estimated that one Third of all Americans have a hearing loss of some degree. Hearing loss will continue to grow in the future with thousands of our finest young men and women returning from active military duty. Hearing loss the most prevalent injury among returning veterans so HLAA is very actively developing programs to assist the veteran. HLAA is a 501(C)(3) nonprofit organization whose main purpose is to help those with a hearing loss live successfully in a hearing world.
Help for successful living comes in many ways: $500 scholarships given to two students, Ashton Darling attending Oklahoma State University and Shaun Bainter who will be attending Oklahoma University. Meetings are held monthly in which professionals from many fields of study present new and helpful information to members. A national convention is held annually — one of our members, Wanda Evans, was recognized with the unique “Spirit of HLAA” award this year. The Hearing Helper’s Room where you can see and even try out hearing assistive devices without any sales pressure — it is an information only place. Our annual Ice Cream Social to be held August 6th, 2-4PM, at the Lakeside Methodist Church, 2925 NW 66, Oklahoma City and is open to the public at no admission charge
The Mission Statement of HLAA states that our goal is to open the world of communication to people with hearing loss by providing information, education, support and advocacy. HLAA’s primary purpose is to educate ourselves, our families, friends, coworkers, teachers, hearing health care providers, industry, government, and others about hearing loss. And we advocate for communication access in the workplace, hotels, schools, court systems, medical, and entertainment facilities.
We invite you to be a part of HLAA. Visit our website at

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