The Oklahoma Dementia Care Network at the University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center will present a Training for Trainers for health professionals, in November. The event will be hosted by the Donald W. Reynolds Section of Geriatric Medicine at the OU College of Medicine and the department of Health Promotion Sciences at the OU Hudson College of Public Health.
The seminar is designed to elevate the level of care for persons living with dementia and to enhance encounters with older adults with cognitive impairment. Dementia is the loss of cognitive functioning that becomes more common as people grow older, affecting approximately one-third of persons over age 85.
OkDCN’s Training for Trainers is offered at no cost to participants. Topics covered will include: person-centered dementia care, infection control in dementia care, skin integrity in dementia care and end of life in dementia care. Participating educators/coordinators will receive a certificate of completion. Presenters include: Thomas Teasdale, DrPH, FGSA, FAGHE; Andrea Golden-Pogue, R.N., MSN; and the OkDCN team.
The training is scheduled from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., November 17, at MetroTech Springlake Campus Business Development Center, 199 Springlake Drive, Room 123, Oklahoma City. To register, go to: For more information, please email your name, email and organization to