Story by H.R. Holman

The event schedule for the Oklahoma Senior Games has been released, there are twenty-nine games for anyone fifty years and older. This year the games will be held from September through October, statewide. Games range from 3 on 3 Basketball, Track and Field events, Swimming, Cornhole, Tennis, Pickleball, Ballroom and Line dancing, Golf and Fitness Competition and other events.
The Games will be held at various locations; Oklahoma City, Moore, Yukon, Muskogee, Norman, Shawnee, Bixby, Perry, El Reno, Catoosa, Lawton, and Owasso. Age divisions for all singles competition will be determined by the athlete’s age as of December 31, 2023. Age divisions for all doubles and mixed doubles competition will be determined by the following age categories and will apply to both men and women for all individual, doubles and relay competitions. Brackets are divided by age in five-year increments, 50-54, 55-59 and so on. This makes it good because an athlete 75 is not competing with athlete 50. For complete information visit OKSENIORGAMES.COM.
There will be three new events this year in the OSG lineup they are Ballroom Dance, 8 Ball Pool and Disc Golf. In the past, 8 Ball has been an annual request, OSG has finally found the perfect facility, Deep Pockets Bar and Bistro in Tulsa and will be held September 9th. Ballroom Dance is always a spectator favorite, the event will be held in Tulsa at Elks Lodge 946 on Saturday, September 16. Disc Golf is also new this year, this competition will be held in Bethany at Eldon Lyon Park and will be held on September 16th.
According to Kathleen Fitzgerald, Executive Director of the Oklahoma Senior Game, “While the games do not begin until September, now is the time to prepare for competition. Practicing to compete in an event is an all year-round endeavor. Events like the Fitness Challenge can be practiced at home every day. You may have to travel further than your own neighborhood to practice but the rewards of fitness, fun, and friends are all waiting there.”
Join the games on the field, court, or course. Registration will open on Monday, March 27th. For a complete list of events, how to register and more information, go to or call 405-821-1500.
For more information about Oklahoma Senior Games go to the website at: or

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