The OKC VAHCS relaunched the Medical Foster Home (MFH) program in 2023. The MFH program partners with caregivers in the community who are interested in welcoming Veterans to live with them in their private, residential home. The caregiver provides 24-hour care to the Veteran, who otherwise is no longer able to live independently in their own home.
The first MFH opened in October 2023, appropriately called House of Heroes. This home is now serving all female Veterans and providing these women a safe home with 24-hour care and without it, they may have otherwise been forced to transition into an institutional setting.
“What is beautiful about this House of Heroes home is that women from different life experiences and backgrounds have come together to support one another and because of this, our Veterans are being cared for in the most honorable way,” said Lindsey Altmiller-Hester, OKC VAHCS Medical Foster Home Coordinator. “Seeing our Veterans thrive in a home, enjoying things that are important to them, and having their needs met, that is why I do this.”
The first home consists of an all women team of Caregivers, they support the other Caregivers in the program by providing various health care support services to team members and all are working together to serve our Veterans who served. Often female Veterans can feel overlooked and put into situations and programs in-between male Veterans. This unique all-female home provides a place to feel comfortable, thrive and their healthcare needs are molded to their unique challenges.
The House of Heroes has cared for a Veteran that was once sleeping on the streets and is now thriving in their own bedroom and enjoying being supported by someone who cares about their wellbeing, has compassion and empathy to their situation. These Veterans’ health care needs are supported by the OKC VAHCS Home Based Primary Care (HBPC).
HBPC is a unique program that brings primary care to a Veteran in their home, including the MFH.
“It has been really rewarding to watch her transformation as she is getting the care she needs, the follow-up and continuity of care she needs” said Dr. Calli Landes, APRN. “She has this whole village of people in the MFH and with HBPC caring for her health and mental health. I think it helps her relax and feel safe and cared for.”
Dr. Landes shared that Veteran’s and families are often thankful for the care they receive in HBPC. HBPC is truly carrying out President Lincoln’s promise to care for those who served in our nation’s military and for their families, caregivers, and survivors. MFH and HBPC is a unique partnership to provide care for these Veterans.
“As coordinator of this program, we have an obligation to find the right match. The MFH Coordinator finds a caregiver, either male or female, in the community who is willing to take a Veteran into their private/residential home, provide 24-hour supervision, and as needed, personal assistance with day-to-day tasks. MFH follows CRC requirements for oversight, recruitment, and inspection of these homes that we are placing our Veterans.” Altmiller-Hester said, “These factors facilitate matching suitable MFHs with the greater complexity of these Veterans, achieving safe and therapeutic care in a small personal home setting. MFH provides an alternative to a nursing home, in a person’s home and a benefit is that it is at less than half the cost of institutional care.”
OKC VA HCS has sites in both OKC and Lawton and seeking caregivers who may be interested in welcoming a Veteran to live with them and provide that Veteran with 24-hour care. With an emphasis on supporting our Veterans in their communities, OKC VA is moving forward and aggressively seeking homes willing to foster our aging Veterans during this stage in their lives. This program aligns with the VA Secretary McDonough’s support for home care options for aging Veterans and OKC VA has relaunched this project to support this initiative and give qualified Veterans options to traditional nursing homes.
Interested caregivers can call the OKC VA MFH coordinator at 405-456-5484 or 405-208-9498 or email
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