From June 5th through June 15th, Daily Living Centers hosted its first ever Art Auction to fundraise for a $15,000 matching grant, generously pledged by the Carl C. Anderson Sr. and Marie Jo Anderson Charitable Foundation! Our participants spent weeks hand crafting pieces, while practicing skills of patience, dexterity, creativity, and self expression.
With the help of our amazing community partners, sponsors, and even friends and family of DLC participants and staff, the Art Auction brought in resources for our Activities and Programming far beyond what we could have hoped for. We are so thankful for your support as we work to better serve our participants and their caregivers. These funds will be matched to go towards activities and programming that fit the needs and preferences of each individual that we serve.
With your generous support, our grand total is $4,000! Thank you to all of the donors who made this event such a success! – Amanda Dirmeyer, President and CEO

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