The Office of Tribal Government and the Oklahoma City Veterans Affairs Health Care System (OKC VA HCS) partner with multiple resources to kick-off another PACT Act event providing Tribal area Veterans and surviving spouses with healthcare assistance and an understanding of attendee’s VA benefits.
The PACT Act is one of the largest expansions of Veteran health care programs and benefits. The PACT Act will benefit millions of Veterans spanning generations of service members from World War II, Vietnam and more recent conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan. If you served between conflicts, don’t be afraid to come in and find out if you qualify.
The OTGR is hosting this Tribal PACT Act and bringing the OKC VA resources such as eligibility teams, medical experts to provide toxic exposure screening (TES), file claims with the Muskogee Benefits Office in association with the Oklahoma Department of Veterans Affairs.
Lawton-area Veterans are encouraged to come to the Fort Sill Apache Casino Event Center, located at 2315 E. Gore Blvd, Lawton, OK from 9 a.m. – 4 p.m on Thursday, July 27th. If you are unable to attend, please submit an intent to file so you don’t miss out on the PACT Act August 9 deadline.

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