Story and photos provided by Carmen Daugherty
Supervisory Public Affairs Officer – OKC, VA Health Care System
On Sunday, October 22, the Oklahoma City Veterans Affairs, local community, family and friends gathered at the Charity Free Will Baptist Church to honor and celebrate the 100th birthday of World War II Veteran and Pastor Lonnie Evert DaVoult. Brother Lonnie was recognized with the distinguished title of Veteran Centenarian.
Born on October 20, 1923, Brother Lonnie was the founder and 33-year-Pastor of the Charity Free Will Baptist Church. DaVoult was drafted in the U.S. Army in January 1943, and he served in the Signal Corps during World War II.

“I was grateful for serving and to the Army for giving me the opportunity to drive all over Europe,” said DaVoult. His WWII military assignment was to deliver messages to the front lines and because of his service to the nation, he was highly decorated, was wounded in action, and is the recipient of the Purple Heart Award.
“My secret to long life is because I gave myself to God, to continue teaching and preaching his mighty word and you have to stay active to stay alive,” DaVoult said. Preaching is a joy for him and he has been doing it for 73 years and doesn’t see himself quitting anytime soon. Seeing and listening to his sermon, anyone would be envious of this centenarian’s energy, passion and enthusiasm.

DaVoult was presented with a Letter of Appreciation and coin from the Secretary of Veterans Affairs. OKC VA Chaplains Office presented Brother Lonnie with a lapel pin, letter, portion of a flag (to carry it with him from a grateful nation) and hand-made quilt.
The OKC VA believes 100 years on this earth is a milestone worth celebrating and it is a priority to recognize as many Veteran centenarians as possible.
The OKC VA Center for Development and Civic Engagement program called the Centenarian Celebration Project is a special initiative honoring Veterans turning 100 years old.
Congratulations to Brother Lonnie DaVoult. The OKC VA wishes you to have many more years of preaching and teaching as you continue to inspire those around you.
Charity Free Will Baptist Church is located at 2900 S Westminster Rd, Oklahoma City, OK 73130 https://www.charityfwbc.com/.
For more information about the OKC VA CDCE Centenarian Celebration Project, please contact the OKC VA website at https://www.va.gov/oklahoma-city-health-care/, contact OKCPublicAffairs@va.gov or visit the VA main page at
https://www.va.gov/ Home | Veterans Affairs.