Love’s Travel Stops & Country Stores has announced it will team up with United Way of Central Oklahoma and match any new and increased gifts from existing workplace campaigns and individual donors up to $200,000.
“Love’s is proud to partner once again with the United Way to make a positive impact in central Oklahoma,” said Jenny Love Meyer, vice president of communications for Love’s. “Our employees give generously every year to support United Way organizations making a measurable difference in our community. This year, we are challenging our neighbors to step up with us. Love’s will match dollar for dollar any new donation to the United Way made by individuals or local businesses up to $200,000.”
This gift comes at a time when the needs for health and human services continue to rise while resources remain limited. New dollars and the impact in the community will be doubled, allowing more central Oklahomans to benefit from the programs that United Way helps to fund at our 58 Partner Agencies.
“Love’s is a staple in our community because they give back so generously and truly care about people and the challenges they face,” said Debby Hampton, United Way of Central Oklahoma president and CEO. “With Love’s support, we’ll be able to touch more lives and make an even bigger impact in our community, and that’s what Love’s is known for – caring for those who need a hand-up.”
Donations may be made online at or by giving through your workplace campaign.

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