Jennifer Melton, Ginny Curtis and Tonderai Bassoppo-Moyo help Oklahomans make decisions about their healthcare needs at MCM Insurance.

by Bobby Anderson, Staff Writer

Three decades ago Ginny Curtis began a career in insurance that would change her customers’ lives forever.
“We run the business like we’re working for our parents or grandparents,” says Curtis, owner of MCM Insurance LLC. “The question I always ask my agents is ‘Did you make a friend?’”
“If the answer is yes, then it wouldn’t matter if they made a sale or not” MCM is most concerned that the client is enrolled in the right plan.
MCM has grown their business to 30 agents statewide, including 3 of her children.
“It’s awesome,” Curtis said of working with family. “From early on I taught them the value of customer service and that it’s more about service and relationships than making a nickel.”
“They’ve adopted that philosophy and have seen it work over the years.”
As 2018 begins to wind down, one of the most important times of the year for seniors begins rapidly approaching. The Medicare Annual Enrollment Period (AEP) occurs annually from (Oct. 15-Dec. 7). AEP is a time in which current Medicare beneficiaries can choose to change part of their coverage. They can change their Medicare Advantage Plan (Part C) and/or Prescription Drug Plan (Part D). It’s a time to reevaluate based on their benefits, health, and finances. If they find a plan that is a better fit for their needs than their current plan, they can then switch to, drop or add a Medicare Advantage or Part D plan.
During AEP Curtis’ agency goes into overdrive to make sure that everyone that needs help facilitating the changes coming their way is reached. “It’s very important to us that each person that comes through our agency chooses their plan based on their specific needs,” said Ginny. During an appointment with the agents from MCM, they will compare plans based on the customers list of medicines and doctors to narrow down which plan will cover all their needs the best.
In addition to individual appointments, MCM offers no-cost Navigating Through Medicare informational sessions around the metro.
The hour-long informational sessions allow people to become more familiar with the ins and outs of Medicare in a low-key setting.
“We don’t talk company plans or premiums,” Curtis said. “It’s simply teaching them the basics of Medicare and how to navigate through it.”
MCM will open its Medicare Store Oct. 2-5 with every Medicare Advantage option available on display for customers to compare.
“It’s a great time for them to shop, ask a lot of questions and find the information they need without feeling the pressure of having to make a decision,” Curtis said. “Really what they should do is shop that first 2 weeks and then by Oct. 15 they can schedule a time to figure out what’s best for them and make a decision.”
MCM Insurance is family owned and operated. Their agents are all dedicated to helping seniors not only find the right healthcare solution but understand what they’re purchasing.
“We are a little different than some agencies, in that we represent all the Medicare Advantage companies,” Curtis explained. “We have a great contract with every carrier, and they all pay the same fees so there’s no reason for us to sway a client one way or another.”
While many appointments are scheduled in the comfort of client homes, Curtis staffs the office at 2232 W. Hefner Road in the Village so that clients can walk in anytime 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. and speak with an agent directly without an appointment. During AEP they extend their hours to 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

MCM also has agents in Tulsa, Claremore and Lawton. You can reach the OKC office by calling 405-842-0494. You can also view their calendar and get more info on their website at


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