With the holiday season right around the corner, the staff at The Children’s Center Rehabilitation Hospital are preparing for their 13th annual Holiday Helper’s campaign. Individuals and groups looking for ways to donate this season can easily choose from a list of basic needs items and a special toy catalog to provide patients extra holiday cheer. The campaign will officially kick-off November 21 and will run through New Year’s Day.
“We are blessed beyond words to have a community who cares so much about the patients,” said Albert Gray, chief executive officer of The Children’s Center Rehabilitation Hospital. “The outpouring of support we receive year after year is a blessing, and it is truly a special time for our patients.”
The Hospital goes through more than 6,500 diapers in one week, 20,000 diapers in one month and 350,000 diapers in one year. With the addition of 40 more beds, the amount of diapers needed in one week has increased to 6,500. The staff request Huggies and Pampers due to the patient’s sensitivities.
This year it is easier than ever to become a Holiday Helper, you can download a basic needs list located at www.miracleshappenhere.org/ways-to-give/holiday-helpers/ . The basic needs list includes the items most needed by the patients. Besides being able to purchase items from a basic needs list, shoppers may also choose items from departmental wish lists or purchase Christmas presents for specific patients. Needs lists are also available on the hospital’s website www.miracleshappenhere.org.
“We are continually amazed by the generosity of our donors. While we experience this generosity all year, it is especially evident during the holiday season. Year after year, our donors help to meet the material needs of the Hospital. This is such a blessing to our patients and staff,” said Amy Coldren, manager of volunteer services.
Items can be dropped off daily between 9:00 a.m. and 9:00 p.m. at The Children’s Center Rehabilitation Hospital’s main lobby inside the Donald W. Reynolds Complex between Thanksgiving and New Year’s Day. The Children’s Center Rehabilitation Hospital is located on N.W. 39th Expressway just east of Rockwell. More information can be found on the Hospital’s website,
www.miracleshappenhere.org or by calling (405) 789-6711 option 4.


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