John Houge, owner/general manager of A Safe Solution, is helping people stay in their homes longer.

story and photo by Bobby Anderson, Staff Writer

For 30 years now, John Houge has has helped seniors lead a longer, safer and more comfortable life all in the comfort of their own homes.
As the state manager, Houge helped bring Craftmatic adjustable bedding to Oklahomans near the turn of the century, ushering in a new era in home health and safety products.
And for the past 13 years he’s been an expert traveling the metro counseling seniors on the benefits of A Safe Solution walk-in tubs.
For many seniors, the worry about a fall is always in the back of their minds.
According to data compiled from the 1997 and 1998 National Health Interview Survey, the majority (55%) of fall injuries among older people occurred inside the house.
Falls in the bathroom are a major source.
Combine already slick surfaces with water and rugs and getting in and out of a bathtub and it can be a recipe for disaster – literally.
That’s where Houge and A Safe Solution come in. Walk-in tubs provide homeowners with the peace of mind knowing they will be as safe as possible.
“I enjoy going to see people and I enjoy helping them with their home health needs,” Houge said.
According to the National Institutes of Health, one in three adults aged 50 and over dies within 12 months of suffering a hip fracture. Older adults have a five-to-eight times higher risk of dying within the first three months of a hip fracture compared to those without a hip fracture. This increased risk of death remains for almost ten years.
Beyond suffering pain, a hip fracture results in a loss of physical function, decreased social engagement, increased dependence, and worse quality of life. Many people who have a hip fracture need to change their living conditions, such as relocating from their home into a residential aged care facility.
Ultimately, the often rapid regression of an older person’s health following a hip fracture means outcomes are poor.
By offering high-quality walk-in tubs that are safe and therapeutic, individuals overcome the risks of bathing in a standard bathtub.
For those who struggle to get into and out of a standard tub, dreading the difficult 30” threshold and slippery bathtub floor, a walk-in tub is the answer to changing bathing requirements.
Safety is a major reason many rely on walk-in tubs, but Houge said there’s a host of other reasons.
The benefits of a relaxing bath are becoming clearer and clearer in scientific literature.
Hydrotherapy is the full immersion of the body into both hot and cold water as a natural and holistic treatment which detoxifies the blood, stimulates blood circulation, enhances the immune system, improves digestion, reduces inflammation and much more.
For thousands of years, people around the world have benefited from the healing power of hydrotherapy. In recent decades, doctors have confirmed the healing power of bathing, and studies and testimonials have shown how hydrotherapy is a reliable and affordable home remedy for treating the symptoms of many of today’s most common ailments.
According to an article in the New England Journal of Medicine, type II diabetes patients reported a 13% reduction in blood-sugar levels, improved sleep, and an increased sense of well-being by simply enjoying warm water therapy as a home remedy for diabetes symptoms. Research shows stress reduction improves the quality of life and may indirectly improve blood sugar control.
“There’s the safety and integrity of being able to take care of themselves,” Houge added. “There’s enough safety (features) that most of our customers can take a bath by themselves without being afraid.”
Houge makes his sales calls personally.
“I don’t send a salesman. We’re family-owned, operated and local,” said Houge, who owns the business with wife Karen.
Knowing that change – even change for the good – can be stressful, Houge is there to answer any and all questions before during and after the process.
Once all questions are answered the product can be installed in as little as a day, with two days of set time to insure the optimal cure.
“It feels great because that’s what they really want,” Houge said. “It’s rewarding when they finally see the benefit. Most of our customers are pretty conservative. That is why our mission statement has always been to provide the highest quality products at the most reasonable price in the industry.”
Houge offers Veteran’s Discounts and lifetime warranties along with free in-home estimates.
He can be reached at 405-226-8424 or by email at

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