The Oklahoma Hospital Association presented Excellence in Quality awards to four hospitals during its recent annual convention on Nov. 14. This award recognizes exceptional efforts to improve hospital quality and patient care and represents the highest level of professional acknowledgement from the OHA Council on Quality & Patient Safety.
Twenty-three OHA member hospital award application submissions were scored based on their story of identification of a project specific to identified needs within the hospital, creating innovative interventions that incorporate evidence-based best practices, demonstrating measurable and quantifiable results, sustaining/spreading the success within the hospital, and stimulating learning for others.
One award was presented in each of four categories based on hospital size: critical access hospital, 26-100 beds, 101-300 beds, and greater than 300 beds.
INTEGRIS Southwest Medical Center earned the 2019 Excellence in Quality award for a hospital with more than 300 beds.
INTEGRIS Southwest Medical Center, Oklahoma City
Project Title: Blood Culture Collection Performance Improvement Project
Submitted by: Tami Inman, BSN, RN, CIC, infection preventionist
The goals of the awards are to recognize outcomes in quality performance practices, capabilities and results; share best practices, challenges and successes among Oklahoma hospitals; and stimulate innovation, knowledge and learning in achieving quality and safety in health care among member hospitals.

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