Peter Hardt & Haleigh Scott granted $1000 each to assist with college expenses.

by Ron Hendricks

Hearing Loss Association of America Central Oklahoma Chapter (HLAA COC) is proud to introduce this year’s two scholarship recipients. Haleigh Scott and Peter Hardt. Each was granted $1,000 to assist with this year’s college expenses.
Haleigh is the daughter of Crystal & Derek Wilson. During Haleigh’s public education she never attended any special classes but learned early to sit up front and listen carefully. Haleigh faced what many people with hearing loss learn to deal with; questions, isolation, and feeling somehow different. She is attending University of Central Oklahoma and is pursuing a degree in Crimminal Justice and a minor in Forensics. While at UCO Haleigh is also on the cheerleading squad and is active in campus life. She has overcome those feelings insecurity & embarrassment.
Peter Hardt is on track to graduate the University of Oklahoma after the Fall 2020 semester with a degree in Accounting and a minor in Political Science. While at OU Peter has been appointed to be the Director of the Department of Exterior for Oklahoma Student Government. Peter was the first child to have their hearing loss detected by the infant and new-born hearing screening in the State of Oklahoma. Throughout his life he has spoken to parents, been on panels, a summer camp counselor, and has been held up as an example of what a person with hearing loss can do. Peter is the son of Jan & Michael Hardt of Oklahoma City.
HLAA COC is offering scholarships of $1,500 each for the upcoming school year. Application must be made by April 6, 2020. For more information visit the website, WWW.
The Hearing Loss Association of America Central Oklahoma Chapter is a 501(c)3 tax exempt organization. Out Chapter is run entirely by volunteer, there are no paid positions. [the HLAA hopes to open the world of communication to people who have a hearing loss by providing information, education, support and advocacy.

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