INTEGRIS and Mayo Clinic announced today that INTEGRIS has joined the Mayo Clinic Care Network, a national network of health care providers committed to better serving patients and their families through collaboration.
INTEGRIS is the first health care organization in Oklahoma to join the network. The formal agreement gives INTEGRIS access to the latest Mayo Clinic knowledge and promotes physician collaboration to benefit patients. Through shared resources, more patients can get answers to complex medical questions — and peace of mind —while staying close to home.
“While INTEGRIS works with some of the most accomplished and preeminent physicians in the region, we are constantly striving for ways to provide our patients with the best care possible,” says Bruce Lawrence, president and CEO, INTEGRIS. “This collaboration between INTEGRIS and Mayo Clinic brings together two trusted names – each with unique strengths – to the betterment of all Oklahomans.”
As a member of the Mayo Clinic Care Network, INTEGRIS will work with Mayo to share medical knowledge in ways that will enhance patient care. Network products and services include:
· eConsults that enable INTEGRIS physicians to connect electronically with Mayo specialists when they want additional input on a patient’s care
· AskMayoExpert database that offers INTEGRIS providers point-of-care, Mayo-vetted information on disease management, care guidelines and treatment recommendations, and reference materials for medical conditions
· Health care consulting that enables INTEGRIS to learn more about Mayo’s clinical, operational and business models, including the models’ design and implementation
· eTumor Board conferences that enable INTEGRIS physicians to present and discuss management of complex cancer cases with a multidisciplinary panel of Mayo specialists and other network members.
INTEGRIS providers also have access to Mayo’s extensive library of patient education materials, and can view archived Mayo Clinic grand rounds presentations that feature Mayo physicians and scientists.
“We are pleased to welcome INTEGRIS to the Mayo Clinic Care Network,” says David Hayes, M.D., medical director, Mayo Clinic Care Network. “This relationship brings together two like-minded organizations committed to patient-centered care. As we’ve worked toward today’s announcement, it’s been clear that we share many important values and at least one essential goal: to improve the delivery of health care in a way that benefits patients.”
Formed in 1995, INTEGRIS is a nationally recognized health care system with a wide presence in Oklahoma. Approximately 6 out of every 10 Oklahomans live within 30 miles of a facility or physician included in the INTEGRIS organization. INTEGRIS has eight hospitals, more than 2,500 physicians and more than 9,000 employees.
INTEGRIS and other members of the Mayo Clinic Care Network remain independent, but share Mayo’s commitment to improve the quality and delivery of health care. Launched in 2011, the Mayo Clinic Care Network has more than 35 member organizations in the U.S., Mexico, Puerto Rico and Singapore.

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