Marla Mercer-Cole, M.S.

Holiday Grief Support
Free program offers help for those recovering from loss of loved ones
The holiday season is usually a wonderful time filled with happy memories. But you may find it more difficult when experiencing grief. INTEGRIS Hospice offers this program especially for those who may benefit from additional support during this time of year.
Normal grief responses include appetite loss, difficulty sleeping, feelings of guilt or regret, lack of concentration, mood changes, numbness or crying.
Date Tuesday, Nov. 8
Time 6:15 to 7:30 p.m.
Place Bethany First Church of the Nazarene
6789 NW 39th Expressway • Bethany, OK 73008

To enroll Call Marla Mercer-Cole, M.S., 405-603-1708
Program is free of charge; space is limited. Reservations are required.

The session is facilitated by Marla Mercer-Cole, M.S., licensed professional counselor certified in thanatology: death, dying and bereavement. As current vice president of Mercer Adams Funeral Service in Bethany, she directs the aftercare program for families they serve and oversees community relations. Mercer-Cole also conducts six-week grief support programs throughout the metro Oklahoma City area for INTEGRIS Hospice.

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