By Ron Hendricks, Hearing Loss Association of America Central Oklahoma Chapter

Hearing Loss Association of America Central Oklahoma Chapter (HLAA COC) is not all serious stuff. We have fun too. Our summer bingo party brought out a large crown for Bingo, Prizes and Pizza and August is cold. At least the ice cream at the Annual Ice Cream Social is cold. The social is the traditional kick-off of the new season of monthly Educational Seminars held by HLAA COC. Seminars have speakers of interest to the hearing loss community – subjects like technology, research, training, tips & tricks. All helpful to those with hearing loss and those who love ‘em. Speakers/programs for the fall include Shelley Gladden, Oklahoma Able Tech discussing technology, October we host Dr. Sarah Newman delving into research being done by Hearts for Hearing. In November Dr. Kopke with the Hough Ear Institute will talk about their research in hair regrowth that will possibly restore hearing. December, ‘ya-all come for the annual Christmas Party. The Ice Cream Social is also the time when we introduce the scholarship winners who are; Boyd Robertson, Josie Burns, Charles Brady IV.
HLAA COC’s educational seminars are captioned so you can see the conversation as well as hear it. Now there is also a hearing loop system to be used with the telecoil in your hearing aid AND we zoom the meeting too. Seminars are held monthly on the third Thursday, 11:30-1PM. The public is invited as there is no entry fee.
We have a lot of activities but our main mission here is to “Open the world of communication to people with hearing loss by providing information, education, support, and advocacy.” for more information visit our website,

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