Anna Jackson

(Right) Anna Jackson of Sand Springs turned 100 today and celebrated with family and friends. Anna has been a member of the Trinity Baptist Church quilt group for 40 years! She loved to eat anything from the garden in her younger days, but now loves anything chocolate! Happy Birthday, Anna!

Evelyn Napier

(Left) Evelyn Napier of Tulsa celebrated her 100th Birthday today with a precision honor guard from Bixby High School. There have been many memorable changes during Evelyn’s lifetime – especially seeing flights to the moon. Her words of wisdom to us are: Don’t Drink or Smoke. Happy Birthday wishes to Evelyn!

Lou Ella Revel

(Right) Lou Revel of Oklahoma City was 100 last July and we recently celebrated her as a Centenarian of Oklahoma! She attended Sooner State Beauty College in Oklahoma City and had a career as a beautician, continuing to fix hair in her home until she was 90 years young. Her words of wisdom to us are: Keep Moving. Love Jesus. Work Hard.

Hattie Mann

(Right) Hattie Mann of Okmulgee celebrates her 100th birthday! She worked as an accounting clerk in California, then moved to Las Vegas and back to Okmulgee. She is a long-time member of the Okmulgee City-Wide Prayer Band. Hattie loves tacos! Her favorite song is Precious Lord and she shares these words of wisdom with us – Seek the Lord.

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