Story and photos by John Smith, The Haurun Club

Irish History has now been agreed to be corrected by Armagh Councillors.
On 11 March 1998, Brian and Jason Bolger were convicted of Murder at a local pub in Essex.
The Bolger family relied upon unreliable lawyers, and then, in 2004, Darren Bolger and his mother, Carol decided to investigate the Murder case themselves as amateur detectives.
Darren received the constant infiltration by British Intelligence officers, (females) and female children of military leaders (Admiral of the Fleet) and senior police officers (West Midlands Police) in order to understand what the Bolger family knew of the case.
Whilst their research uncovered some extreme police corruption and malfeasance, Carol went on to research her own family and history of Northern Ireland (Johnston Family) and the Bolger’s of Ireland.
Ms. Johnson (married name – Bolger) discovered that her 3 x Great grandfather was a famous Master Mason from Armagh who had designed and built the Rollo Gillespie Monument at the Square in Comber 1844, and has also researched her three son’s heritage, which begins in Co. Wexford and Dublin where, the Bolger’s (Boulger’s) were landowners throughout the 1900’, then also becoming, media entrepreneurs and historical promoters of what are now, considered and generalised as, the IRA.
Mr. Smith acting for the family, communicated with, Ards and North Down Council, both in conversation and by Freedom of Information Request after covid-19 had stopped communication. He received documents and verbal advice from the council as follows,
In March 2019, a notice of motion was agreed by Alderman Muir and Alderman Menagh that this recommendation be adopted, upon a meeting held whereby, Alderman Girvan and Councillor McAlpine of Ards and North Down Council, also agree to have, Mr Johnston’s name, correct date of the build placed on a new plaque at a future ceremony attended by the community, with Ms Johnson and her children, of the Bolger family, giving a speech at the ceremony.
This information might not have been known, had it not been for Ms. Johnson and her research, during a period in which, she was (along with her son – Darren) unravelling her other two son’s conviction for Murder, in Essex (1998), named by Essex Police as – Operation Westminster.
Operation Westminster is a ‘true crime’ trilogy, planned for feature film and documentary, where there is now an equally interesting ‘historical story’ of the family, both Paternal and Maternal sides in Ireland, leading to the injustices they have suffered at the hand of the British Establishment and Justice System.
This may take us to an earlier point of series or film and or documentary interest with a drama, which begins in Ireland, one side from Dublin and the other from Armagh; unknown to each other and only linked, 150 years later, upon research, initiated from a Murder in Essex (1998).
For further information on the Bolger family and how this story ties in with the Monument at the Square in Comber, please visit:

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