Edmond Mobile Meals staff, board of directors, City of Edmond leaders, GH2 Architects & Midtown Construction team break ground on EMM building renovation (Feb 2024)
Edmond Mobile Meals’ founder, Carolyn Vance.

Edmond Mayor, Darrell Davis and Maggie Murdock-Nichols picking up meals for delivery 2023.
Edmond Mobile Meals Executive Director, Cristi Twenter in the kitchen with Chef Toni Washington and Chef Matthew Rodriguez (2024)

Edmond Mobile Meals is proud to announce its 50th anniversary of serving the Edmond community this month.
Established in 1974, Edmond Mobile Meals delivered its first six meals on April 22. Seven local churches donated $25 each and provided volunteer support to help the program get started. Since that first day, the nonprofit organization has delivered over 1.2 million meals to the homebound elderly and disabled residents in Edmond. Today, Edmond Mobile Meals delivers an average of 275 meals each weekday, 120 weekend meals, and an average of 50 meals for the Edmond Senior Center’s congregate lunch. Over 400 dedicated volunteers assist in preparing and packaging meals each weekday and delivering meals across 100 square miles of Edmond. A program record of over 73,000 meals were delivered last year.
Edmond Mobile Meals is the only organization that provides daily nourishing meals and wellness checks to the homebound residents of the community. The organization provides these services regardless of an individual’s ability to pay for the service. Clients are accepted into the program based only on need.
“Our primary mission is to make sure that no senior in Edmond ever goes hungry or feels forgotten,” said Executive Director, Cristi Twenter. To prepare for the anticipated increase in need for home-delivered meals for seniors, the organization in partnership with the City of Edmond is in the midst of an infrastructure expansion that will result in triple the capacity of meals that can be prepared each day. Twenter continues, “The aging population is surging and will double in the next decade. We are determined to make sure Edmond Mobile Meals is ready to meet the needs of Edmond’s seniors now and in the future.”
“We provide more than just a meal,” Twenter says. “The friendly volunteers who deliver our meals may be the only human contact some clients have each day. We know that social isolation and loneliness are extremely detrimental for homebound individuals. Real friendships are developed between our volunteers and clients. These relationships have a dramatically positive impact on our clients’ health and allows them to remain living independently in their own homes for as long as possible.”
In honor of this milestone anniversary, Edmond Mobile Meals asks for support of their endowment fund held at the Oklahoma City Community Foundation. Any gift made to this campaign will receive permanent recognition on a Legacy Wall that will be featured in the organization’s renovated building. Twenter says, “When you donate to our endowment fund, you are giving a gift to our future. Your contribution today will give back to Edmond’s most vulnerable residents forever. It is a wonderful opportunity to honor loved ones, current or former clients, or volunteers.” To donate in celebration Edmond Mobile Meals 50th Anniversary, visit https://edmondmobilemeals.org/donate, or mail a check payable to the Oklahoma City Community Foundation with “fbo Edmond Mobile Meals” on the memo line. The address is 1000 N. Broadway Ave, Oklahoma City, OK 73102.

Planned gifts can also be made to the Edmond Mobile Meals endowment fund. Commonly, these are donated through a will or trust. For more information about planned giving to Edmond Mobile Meals, please contact Cristi Twenter at cristi@edmondmobilemeals.org.

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