Don Lowrey stands next to the telescope at Lake Hefner; remembering the past and looking to the future.

Story and photo by Vickie Jenkins

Have you ever prayed for something, not sure if your prayer would be answered?  That is what Don Lowrey did 40 years ago.  Little did he know that his prayer in 1975 would be a lifetime blessing.
The weather was in the low 20’s on the morning of February 12, 1975 in Oklahoma City.  Working as an electrical apprentice, Lowrey had just gotten to work.  Still in the parking lot, his attention turned to a man tapping on his car window, asking for help with a flat tire.
Moments later, Lowrey was hit over the head and put in the trunk of his car by three men.  Driven to a wooded area, a gun was put to Lowey’s head.  The gun malfunctioned and didn’t fire.  Lowrey was then hit over the head and knocked out.
Driven to another site, Lowrey was dumped out of the car.  The three men hit Lowrey with pieces of concrete blocks to his face.  His body was scarred with boot marks.  His right hip was dislocated and his left knee was severely injured.  He was then dragged over rocks and broken glass to an outhouse, located behind an abandoned shack.  Propping Lowrey against the wall, a pistol was put to the back of his head as a bullet was fired into his skull.  Both eyes swollen, a broken nose, a broken left jaw, smashed right cheek and a .22 caliber bullet lodged in his head, teeth knocked out and a fractured skull, the three men assumed Lowrey was dead.  Hours later, barely able to move, Lowrey began crawling to the abandoned shack 50 feet away, leaving a trail of blood.
It was three days later; a passerby saw movement through a window in the small shack.  The police and FBI were called.  Left for dead, Lowrey was still alive!   Lowrey was taken to Midwest City Memorial Hospital but later moved to Deaconess for safety reasons due to Lowrey being the only witness to the three fugitives.
The following days consisted of multiply surgeries and over 500 stitches in his head.  Surgery to remove the bullet was too risky; the bullet still remains.  Lowrey is thankful for the many doctors, nurses and friends that worked with him, encouraging him along the way.
What had Lowrey prayed for?  He asked God to give him a testimony.  His prayer was answered.   Lowrey continues to share his testimony to others through his book, I Didn’t Have a Prayer, but that’s What Saved Me and Lowrey will be releasing another book, Officially Christian August 2015.  Lowrey is active as a speaker for the Fellowship of Christian Athletes, churches, schools, civic organizations, prayer breakfasts,  book clubs, prisons and retirement centers.
Now, a retired electrician, Lowrey is a veteran basketball and football official with the Oklahoma Secondary Schools Athletic Association and a licensed minister.  His hobbies include golfing, writing books, poetry and songs.  A remarkable man, Lowrey has a miraculous story to share.  To order Lowrey’s book, call 405-816-8220 or email

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