Monday, March 10, 2025

Assistant Secretary of the Navy Visits Pearl Harbor

191207-N-N0101-116 PEARL HARBOR (Dec. 7, 2019) Assistant Secretary of the Navy, Manpower and Reserve Affairs, Greg Slavonic addresses the crowd at the USS Oklahoma Memorial to commemorate the crew aboard who sacrificed their lives during the December 7, 1941 attack on Pearl Harbor, an event that propelled the United States into World War II. (U.S. Navy Photo/Released)
PEARL HARBOR (Dec. 7, 2019) Assistant Secretary of the Navy, Manpower and Reserve Affairs , Greg Slavonic places a flower at the USS Oklahoma Memorial in honor of those lost on Dec. 7, 1941. (U.S. Navy Photo/Released)

By MC1 Jeffrey Hanshaw, SurgeMain Public Affairs

Assistant Secretary of the Navy for Manpower and Reserve Affairs Greg Slavonic visited Pearl Harbor Dec. 7, to speak personally with shipyard workers at an all-hands call and make public remarks at the USS Oklahoma Memorial on the anniversary of the World War II bombing.
Slavonic’s visit is in the wake of the deaths of two Pearl Harbor Naval Shipyard & Intermediate Maintenance Facility workers Dec. 5.
“The Pearl Harbor Naval Shipyard proved its tremendous spirit and resilience in the second World War when it responded to the tragic bombing,” Slavonic said. “In a mighty and skillful effort, USS Oklahoma was righted and refloated. Sadly, tragedy is upon us again—and we are here to remember the fallen from the past and from the recent present.”
Slavonic is responsible for the overall supervision and oversight of manpower and reserve component affairs of the department of the Navy including the development of programs and policy related to active, reserve, retired military personnel, their family members, and the civilian workforce; the tracking of the contractor workforce, and, the oversight of human resources systems within the department.
With the recent deaths fresh in everyone’s mind, Secretary Slavonic addressed a crowd of USS Oklahoma family members, World War II veterans and others, speaking on how the heroes of Pearl Harbor, both past and present, have always showed great resolve in the face of trials. “It’s hard to imagine what that day was like,” he said, referring to the attack on Pearl Harbor, an event that thrust the United States into World War II.
A retired U.S. Navy rear admiral and Oklahoma native, Slavonic enlisted as a signalman, eventually entered the Navy Reserve, and then retired after serving 34 years. He acknowledged the presence of another Sailor and World War II veteran in attendance at the ceremony: Signalman 2nd Class Burke Waldron. “I met a young man who is 96 years young and we have something in common,” Slavonic said, denoting their shared rating of signalman. “It was the bright spot of a difficult day.”
The memorial he stood before contains the names of those lost on the USS Oklahoma with each Sailor and Marine who perished represented by a marble pillar. Slavonic served on the committee that led the effort to build the memorial. He went on to describe how it is a visual representation of Sailors manning the rails, referring to how the erect marble pillars mirror sailors lining the deck of a ship to salute and render honors. “The greatest generation is recognized by this memorial,” he said, gesturing to the pillars.
“The men and women today, in uniform and out,” he said in closing, “embody the proud heritage and fighting spirit of the crew of Oklahoma and those who were determined to make her stand upright again. Their legacy lives on, their story will not die.”

New Year, New Life: Naadi patient gets ultimate gift

The staff at Naadi Healthcare Vascular and Interventional Center helped give June Brown a new lease on life.

story and photo by Bobby Anderson, Staff Writer

June Brown (above left) celebrates new lease on life.

It’s a new year and June Brown is celebrating her new lease on life.
“They said there was really nothing they could do. It was just damaged muscle,” Brown said, recalling a July 2006 injury to her left leg that left her living in pain.
Over the next 13 years, that injury gave way to a vicious cycle of pain, redness and swelling followed by antibiotics.
And building oilfield equipment for a living, that meant Brown spent long days on her feet which just made problems worse.
She managed the best she could until she noticed a hole forming in her leg, about the size of a pencil eraser.
Her doctor put her on another round of antibiotics hoping it would curb the growing infection.
“The doctor was real nice but said he had never seen anything like this and wouldn’t touch it,” Brown remembers.
Finally deciding she had had enough, Brown pressed the issue and sought a second opinion.
Pathology samples showed dead tissue in her leg due to no blood flow.
“It was basically just dying,” she said.
She was horrified and in need of help.
That’s when she found Dr. C.V. Ramana and Naadi Healthcare Vascular and Interventional Center.
Dr. Ramana was able to restore blood flow for the first time in more than a decade.
“Within two weeks I was released from wound care. You wouldn’t believe the difference,” Brown said. “It’s got a scar but it’s a totally different leg. I’m just so happy there’s no pain, no nothing.
“I can forget about it.”
Naadi specializes in peripheral vascular disease and venous insufficiency.
From pain in the calf while walking to non-healing wounds, Naadi works on getting people back to their former selves.
“Ultimately, the end goal is if somebody has a really bad wound we don’t want them to lose their limb. We want to save their limb, save their life. People who have amputations have a very high mortality rate,” said Shelby Dudley, a radiology technologist at Naadi.
Naadi Vascular and Interventional Center is the first outpatient center in Oklahoma City dedicated to vascular and interventional radiology.
Interventional radiology (also known as IR) is the minimally invasive, image-guided treatment of medical conditions that once required open surgery.
Breakthroughs in technology and imaging have created new treatment choices for patients. In this new era of medicine, there is no longer one “right way” to handle your condition.
Personalized medicine means doing the right thing for each individual patient. More than ever, it’s imperative for you to know and understand all of the available options to treat your condition or disease. In many cases, there is a minimally invasive approach that could dramatically reduce your pain, risk and recovery time.
“A lot of people have pain in their legs and they think it’s normal and it’s not,” Dudley said. “A lot of people have peripheral vascular disease and they don’t know. It’s a misdiagnosed disease. This can be treated and there are things that can be done to prevent it.”
Controlling diabetes and blood pressure, exercise and maintaining a healthy diet are some of the biggest modifiable risk factors that can help prevent peripheral artery disease.
After the injury, Brown resigned herself to her current condition. She didn’t know things could be better.
Not until she visited Naadi and Dr. Ramana.
“He was great. He was real sweet and real concerned,” Brown said of Dr. Ramana. “He was patient with me. He didn’t try to push. He let me go at my own pace. I appreciated that. He made it to where I would understand what was going on to help relieve some of my anxiety.”
“His staff is really sweet. You couldn’t ask for better, more concerned people that want to make sure you’re comfortable, relaxed and healthy.”
Patients are able to self-refer to Naadi. Taking her health into her own hands was the best gift Brown could have given herself.
“That’s something I hope we can make a change in the culture,” Ramana said. “People see all of that as a normal part of growing old and kind of accept that and don’t think there is anything they can do to impact that.”
“One of the nice things about being in a facility like this is you get to see those patients over and over and you get to see how you’ve impacted their lives,” Ramana said. “It’s very rewarding.”
And now Brown has a new lease on life.

Visit Naadi Health at 1 NW 64th Street in Oklahoma City or call (405)-608-8884.


Kevin Morefield and Zella Classen of Valir Pace deliver food and pre-packaged to meals to 74-year-old Sharon Gibson at her Oklahoma City home. Half of all seniors are at risk for malnutrition. Gibson has battled malnutrition and a variety of health issues, but she says she is living life again and enjoying it thanks to Pace.

When you hear the word “malnutrition,” you probably think of people in impoverished countries, but the fact is, one in every two older adults is at risk of becoming malnourished.
An elderly Oklahoma City woman was that one in two. Sharon Gibson said she was wasting away. Doctors had given up hope and so had she.
“It was just all overwhelming and I was to the point where I didn’t care whether I lived or died,” the 74-year-old said.
Malnutrition in older adults is a hidden and growing epidemic and a costly one. The estimated price tag of the increased health care costs for disease-associated malnutrition in older U.S. adults tops $51 Billion a year. Hunger is not the sole cause. Sometimes it’s about eating the wrong foods and sometimes medical conditions like cancer, diabetes and Alzheimer’s are to blame.
Gibson had been diagnosed with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, which left her constantly out of breath. She also had digestive issues that impacted her ability to eat, as well as trouble standing, which made it difficult to cook.
“I was very sick physically, emotionally. I couldn’t eat. My digestive system was shot. My lungs were shot – my whole bone structure. I couldn’t even stand up straight,” she explained. That was before Gibson found Valir Pace, a non-profit program that provides all-inclusive care to older adults.
“A lot of participants have come to me when I’m doing their initial assessment and they say, ‘you know, sometimes I have to pay my medicine, you know, pay for medicine and sometimes I have to decide if I want to eat or what I’m going to buy to eat and that’s so heartbreaking,” said Zella Classen, MA, RD/LD, director of Food and Nutrition at Valir Pace.
At Pace, Classen and the entire nutrition team spend their days preparing, serving and packing meals for delivery to participants. They know malnutrition in older adults can lead to a variety of health problems. These include:
• An increased risk of infection due to a weak immune system
• Poor wound healing
• Muscle weakness and decreased bone mass, which increases the risk of falls and fractures
• A higher risk of hospitalization and death
“A lot of times someone will come to me and they may not have been educated on an appropriate diet for them. And remember, as we are get older, we may develop a chronic disease like diabetes or heart disease, and things like that; and they may not have been educated on that. Or if they have been, they really struggle on getting the right foods for that diet because of their limited income. So, we try to work with them on educating and then trying to help solve that problem on getting them the appropriate foods,” Classen said.
Today thanks to Valir Pace, participants have access to two meals a day, as well as delivery of specially prepared meals and groceries to their homes. It’s not just providing food, though. Classen said it is about providing the right food and the right nutritional supplements to optimize health.
Today, Gibson has a very different outlook on life.
“Nutrition is the basis of everything. If you’re not eating, your body isn’t functioning. You can’t do anything else. So, Zella interviewed me and asked really good questions. They got to the root of my digestive problems and set up a plan with me and, slow but sure, I gathered strength,” she said.
Gibson pays nothing for the program – a program she says has literally saved her life.
“They’ve turned my life around. I’m living again. I’m not just existing. I’m not waiting to die. I’m living and enjoying each day,” she said.
To find out if you or a loved one qualifies for the program, visit

SAVVY SENIOR: IRS Introduces a Tax Form Created for Older Taxpayers


Dear Savvy Senior,

A couple months back I read that the IRS will be offering a new senior-friendly tax form this tax season that will be easier to use. What can you tell me about this? Paper Filer

Dear Filer,
It’s true. The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has created a new federal income-tax form specifically designed for senior taxpayers, age 65 and older, that should make filing a little easier this year, particularly those who don’t file electronically. Here’s what you should know.
Form 1040-SR
Created by the 2018 Bipartisan Budget Act, the new two-page simplified federal income tax form is called the 1040-SR. Similar in style to the old 1040-EZ form that the IRS discontinued last year, the new 1040-SR has larger print and better color contrast that makes it easier to read.
In addition, it also includes a chart to help older taxpayers calculate their standard deduction, which may help ensure that fewer seniors neglect to take the additional standard deduction that they are entitled to. For 2019, the additional deduction for those 65 or older or the blind is $1,300.
The 1040-SR form also has specific lines for retirement income streams such as Social Security benefits, IRA distributions, pensions and annuities, along with earned income from work wages and tips. And, it allows a child tax credit for seniors who are still taking care of a dependent child or grandchild.
You can also report capital gains and losses, as well as interest and dividends on this new form. Any of the tax schedules available to those using the standard form 1040 may also be used with the 1040-SR.
You should also know that the 1040-SR doesn’t put a limit on interest, dividends, or capital gains, nor does it cap overall income like the old 1040-EZ form did. But, if you have to itemize because of state and local taxes or charitable giving, then you will not be able to use the new Form 1040-SR.
Paper Filing Advantage
Seniors who use tax-preparation software to file their taxes will be able to generate a 1040-SR, but the new form will provide the most significant benefit to taxpayers who still fill out and file their returns on paper.
Last year, about 88 percent of the 153 million individual federal tax returns filed to the IRS were filed electronically. About 5 percent were prepared using tax software, then printed out and mailed to the agency, while about 7 percent were prepared on paper.
To use the new 1040-SR tax form for the 2019 filing year, taxpayers, including both spouses if filing jointly, must be at least age 65 before Jan. 1, 2020. You also don’t have to be retired to use the form – older workers can use it too. But early retirees (younger than 65) cannot use 1040-SR.
To see the 2019 draft version of the new 1040-SR form, go to–dft.pdf.
Tax Preparation Help
If you need help filing your tax returns this year, consider contacting the Tax Counseling for the Elderly (or TCE) program. Sponsored by the IRS, TEC provides free tax preparation and counseling to middle and low-income taxpayers, age 60 and older. Call 800-906-9887 or visit to locate a service near you.
Also check with AARP, a participant in the TCE program that provides free tax preparation at more than 4,800 sites nationwide. To locate an AARP Tax-Aide site call 888-227-7669 or visit You don’t have to be an AARP member to use this service.

Send your senior questions to: Savvy Senior, P.O. Box 5443, Norman, OK 73070, or visit Jim Miller is a contributor to the NBC Today show and author of “The Savvy Senior” book.

TRAVEL / ENTERTAINMENT: To Cruise or Not to Cruise



Photography and Text by Terry “Travels with Terry” Zinn

Any time of year is a good time to look toward the future while examining the past. Over my more than twenty-five years of professional travel writing and photography I find some of my most carefree experiences had been aboard a ship traveling to unknown destinations.
Over the years I have cruised aboard Regent, Royal Viking (twice), Holland American, MS Egypt, Sunline, Blount, Princess, Seabourn, The American Heritage Windjammer, and a Fantom ship to Cuba, among others. These personal experiences add credibility to my evaluations of the cruise experience. I often tell my friends that on the whole I find the cruise ship experience so good that I’d do it every week, if it weren’t for the single supplement penalty. Paying for two while I’m a single traveler is not appealing. Some cruise lines will try and pair you with a compatible stranger to negate the double charge, but that uncertainly is not for me.
There is a never-ending assortment of cruises ships, small to mega sized, all with advantages and disadvantages. Large mega ships offer a wider range of dining options, some with elite specialty pre reserved dinning rooms with up charges, but often worth the upscale food selections and air of luxury. Of course, when you share your leisure experiences with two or three thousand of your best strangers, with or without children and other walkers, can be a roadblock to carefree cruising. While the ships try their best not to have log jams during tour disembarkations, and final disembarkation, the wait is a challenger for impatient passengers. Larger ocean-going ships promise and offer a smoother sailing with the weather is not cooperating.
Smaller ships are more at prey to unwieldy seas, but most captains will steer away from such irritations if possible. The key is if possible, as the Captain is in charge of your safety as well as your enjoyment or frustrations, despite your wishes, as some planned on ports of call have to be substituted without notice. Other less offered options are historical lectures and smaller entertainment options as well as less shopping and casino. I can do without casinos, but some find it a must for evening entertainment.
You still have lots of options when exploring the ship your wish to book, including dining times, cabin locations, beverage packages, and optional upscale booking venues such as spas, relaxation areas, and on deck venues.
I find on cruises you get what you pay for. On an upcoming cruise with Celebrity I booked the aqua class ocean view cabin with concierge service and a beverage package and even room service which is so welcomed early in the morning. This is a regular size cabin with small veranda and is not the next class up a suite. The difference in price from a non Aqua class deck to a lower deck, same size room and veranda, was nominal. For the perks of the higher class, it made good sense to spend a little more and get a lot more luxury. I find this true on other cruise lines as well.
In our internet age, there are many cruise ship’s tours and reviews on line. Just put in the name of the cruise line or specified ship and you might be surprised at the honest and informative evaluations, some with cruise ship video tours.
Don’t let all these prepaid and prereserved options daunt you. It does take up your time and mental energies but that can be part of the cruise enjoyment. I have always found there are three levels of travel enjoyment. One is the pre-trip, planning and looking forward to an adventure. Two is the trip or destination itself. And three is reflecting, some time for years on your travel experience. All three levels amplify your benefits from travel.
It is well known that a prime advantage of a cruise is arrive, unpack once, and your basic needs, including food and entertainment, is taken care. Just as in any hotel, large or small, upscale or not, the noise irritation of door slamming from your “neighbors” is inevitable.
It this does not fit your disposition, maybe leisure travel is not for you. Travel is a risk, from a secure home base, but if you never challenge yourself to get out into the world, you become only an armchair traveler watching travel shows on TV. If health allows go as soon as you can as the world and its challenges are always increasing, and besides, I don’t think we are getting any younger or more mobile. But with an adventurous spirit and not expecting too much, travel can be a reward for your spirit and your pocketbook.

For your consideration:


Mr. Terry Zinn – Travel Editor
Past President: International Food Wine and Travel Writers Association
3110 N.W. 15 Street – Oklahoma City, OK 73107

What the Health is Pickleball?

Joe Washington played pickleball in September with volunteers at Senior Day at the Fair.

Quite a bit to a Senior

Ethan Ramm about to serve pickleball in the recent PC Smash Tournament at Hidden Trails in OKC. Photo by Audrey Ramm

Story by Darl DeVault

Central Oklahoma’s fastest growing recreational sport, pickleball, has everything going for it—universal design and appeal with senior-led visionary organizers. It is being widely embraced by seniors for its great health outcomes.
Pickleball is a recreational paddle sport for all ages and skill levels that is growing rapidly, providing more venues even now as winter weather sets in. The sport’s growth comes from its universal appeal wherein even grandparents who welcome the opportunity to try new fitness outlets can play with their grandkids to stay active.
Senior leaders have guided the Greater Oklahoma City Pickleball (GOPB) Club to average 32 percent growth for the last four years, after beginning in 2009 with several players. Currently, 750 members play and socialize at 18 venues around the metro area.
Brad Merritt, 63, president of the GOPB Club, says that pickleball is a draw for people of all ages and skill levels. “A major attraction of this sport is that strategy, placement and patience are greater assets than strength, size and speed,” Merritt said last week. “Older players and those with a less athletic background can really enjoy the game, while some play at a more competitive level.”
Merritt, as outgoing president after two years, is displaying that visionary zeal for the sport by beginning important negotiations with the city Edmond. Improved court availability could take place in the metro area once the newly built Edmond Tennis Center opens in early summer of 2020.
He and other club leaders seek to take advantage of that project, built by the City of Edmond and the Edmond Public Schools.
Merritt began talks two weeks ago to request that Edmonds’ previous facility, the Kickingbird Tennis Center, become a full-time pickleball venue.
The group is excited about this opportunity to have a full time pickleball facility locally.
As one of larger pickleball clubs in America, the GOPB Club has fostered pickleball as a way of life for its best players. Several professional players and impressive national title holders serve as role models to players of every age and talent level. They are traveling the globe to bring home gold, silver, and bronze medals from state and national tournaments and world cups.
The sports’ odd name is murky. Some say it is based on a dog named ‘Pickles’ who chased the ball as the three dads invented a game that young and old could play together 55 years ago. Joel Pritchard, Bill Bell, and Barney McCallum played the first games with solid wood paddles and a whiffle ball. They played near Seattle on a badminton court with the net lowered just past tennis height.
Played as singles and doubles, players only need the ability to move to get started in pickleball. The game is played on either indoor or outdoor courts that are usually scaled down tennis courts. There is serving, volleying and running in short bursts. There is sweating, bending, and stretching. Doubles games often brings spouses and children onto the same court.
Little is required to play, as only comfortable clothes and court shoes are needed to get started. The club furnishes paddles for beginners to use and will provide any partners needed. The club is full of friendly and helpful pickleball players always eager to welcome the curious to the court.
Club members offer lessons for beginners and help players develop their game through round robins, shootouts, leagues and novice-only tournaments. Better players attend tournaments in neighboring cities and states that happen all year long.
Each year, the club’s volunteers provide a free demonstration court for the full run of the Oklahoma State Fair, attracting many new players. The State Games of Oklahoma will host almost 500 players from across the nation here in Oklahoma City this month. Whether someone is just looking for a way to exercise or want to be challenged at a competitive level, there is a place in the pickleball community through this club’s activities.
You can get involved in the sport quickly by going to the national associations’ web site, www.places2play, and put in your zip code. That search brings up those venues in your local area along with times of play and contact information.
Through this club’s efforts and those of others there are places to play every day throughout Oklahoma with indoor and outdoor courts. They invite your interest at
“It’s an exciting time for the sport and the local club with a new board assuming leadership roles this January,” said Merritt. “We expect a lot of new faces in the new year and the GOPB Club invites you to join them on the courts.”

New use for OMRF brain cancer treatment could extend lives

Dr. James Battiste (left) is leading the clinical trial for OKN-007, an experimental drug that Dr. Rheal Towner (right) helped pioneer to treat brain cancer patients. (Photo courtesy of the Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation)

An experimental brain cancer compound developed at the Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation is being used in a new study that could considerably extend the lives of glioblastoma patients.
In a study at the University of Oklahoma’s Stephenson Cancer Center, the OMRF compound OKN-007 is being combined with Temodar, the current standard-of-care medication for glioblastoma. Researchers hope to learn if it can enhance Temodar’s effectiveness for a longer period of time.
Glioblastoma is an aggressive form of brain cancer with no cure. Even with surgery and chemotherapy, patients typically live only 12-18 months after diagnosis. Only 1 in 20 glioblastoma patients will live five years.
Temodar has been proven to work, but in most cases, patients tend to become resistant to the drug after approximately three months.
In combination, OKN-007 allows Temodar to remain effective for longer with less resistance, thus extending treatment well beyond the three-month window, perhaps indefinitely, said OMRF Vice President of Technology Ventures Manu Nair.
“Several additional months of treatment with Temodar can dramatically prolong the lives of patients and keep them from enduring other grueling treatments that can compromise their immune systems,” said Nair.
OKN-007 had been in trials to determine safety and efficacy since 2013. The compound was developed by OMRF scientists Rheal Towner, Ph.D., and Robert Floyd, Ph.D., as a novel therapeutic that dramatically decreased cell proliferation (spread) and angiogenesis (formation of new blood vessels), and it turned on the process of removing damaged cells so they can’t become cancerous.
“OKN-007 has been promising, but until now, it was only used in very late-stage cancer where patients are out of other options,” said Nair. “By combining it with Temodar, it offers a longer, more effective treatment regimen.”
The new study is led by James Battiste, M.D., Ph.D., medical director of the Comprehensive Brain Tumor Program at the Stephenson Cancer Center.
An estimated 12,000 Americans are diagnosed with glioblastoma each year, according to the American Brain Tumor Foundation. The standard treatment regimen involves surgery to remove as much of the tumor as possible, followed by radiation and chemotherapy. Still, the tumor almost always grows back.
“By combining Temodar and OKN-007 following initial surgery to have the brain tumor removed, we see potential for these patients to added benefit from an existing drug already proven to work, but for a much longer period of time,” said Nair.

Local Business Wins National Awards


Laura Lynn’s Home Care Named as Provider and Employer of Choice

Laura Lynn’s Home Care announced today that it has received both the 2019 Best of Home Care® – Provider of Choice and Employer of Choice Awards from Home Care Pulse. These awards are granted only to the top-ranking home care providers, based on client and caregiver satisfaction scores gathered by Home Care Pulse.
Laura Lynn’s Home Care is now ranked among a small handful of home care providers across the country who have proven their ability to provide an exceptional working experience to employees and the highest quality care to clients.
“We want to congratulate Laura Lynn’s Home Care on receiving both the Best of Home Care – Provider of Choice Award and the Best of Home Care – Employer of Choice Award,” says Erik Madsen, CEO of Home Care Pulse.
“Since these awards are based on real, unfiltered feedback from clients and caregivers, Laura Lynn’s Home Care has proven their dedication to providing a great work environment and solid training to employees, while maintaining their focus on client satisfaction. We are pleased to recognize their dedication to quality professionalism and expertise in home care.”
Best of Home Care providers have contracted with Home Care Pulse to gather feedback from their clients and caregivers via live phone interviews each month. Because Home Care Pulse is an independent company, it is able to collect honest and unbiased feedback.
“These awards confirm what we have always believed. Our team of caregivers is the absolute best you can get. We’re so proud of their hard work, their compassion and the care they provide to the families we serve,” says Laura Hicks, CEO and founder of Laura Lynn’s Home Care.
“Our goal at Home Care Pulse is to empower home care businesses to deliver the best home care possible,” says Erik Madsen, CEO of Home Care Pulse. “We are happy to recognize Laura Lynn’s Home Care as a Best of Home Care award-winning provider and celebrate their accomplishments in building a team of happy, qualified caregivers who provide outstanding care for their clients.”
For more information about Laura Lynn’s Home Care, visit or call (405) 418-2961.
Established in 2002 by Laura Lynn Hicks, Laura Lynn’s Home Care is a licensed home care agency and has become Oklahoma’s premier provider of private-duty services. Laura Lynn’s Home Care provides in-home assistance delivered by a team of Certified Home Health Aides. Laura Lynn’s Home Care clients are able to remain in the comfort of their homes, while receiving long-term care or post-operative assistance.


Blue Star Mothers Support and Encourage Military During Christmas

Blue Star Mothers of Oklahoma Chapter 6 Beverly Moran, left, and Linda Rakett, right, an RSVP volunteer, with Army Veteran Vinca Williams. Moran and Rakett delivered Christmas gift bags to veterans in Midwest City’s Emerald Care Center.

Linda Rakett and her fellow Blue Star Mothers of Chapter 6 love supporting the military and veterans. Rakett is a volunteer with Blue Star Mothers through RSVP of Central Oklahoma. The national organization, made up of mothers who have children serving in the military or who have served and have been honorably discharged, started in 1942 during World War II.
“Our mission is to serve and help active duty military and veterans,” said Rakett, who became a Blue Star Mother when her son joined the Army right out of high school in 2003. “We send deployment boxes to the ones serving around the world, and we try to help the veterans who are at the Veterans Administration hospital or VA Centers.”
During the Christmas season, Linda and the other mothers contact nursing homes in the area and find out how many veterans are residents. They prepare gift bags that contain socks, candy, tissues, personal greeting cards, and snacks for each veteran to share with them for Christmas. They also participate in the Marines Toys for Tots drive, help out at the Military Welcome Center at Will Rogers World Airport, and participate in Veterans Day parades.
“We do whatever we can do to help,” Rakett said. “We love helping our military and our veterans.”
To learn more about Blue Star Mothers and volunteering with RSVP of Central Oklahoma, call Laura McPheeters at 405-605-3110 or email
Since 1973, RSVP of Central Oklahoma has helped senior adults continue to live with purpose and meaning by connecting them with rewarding community volunteer opportunities, including RSVP’s Provide-A-Ride Senior Transportation Program. RSVP is a partner of Senior Corps and the United Way of Central Oklahoma. To learn more about becoming a volunteer, call Laura McPheeters at 405.605.3110 or visit You can also follow RSVP on Facebook at

Trauma One Re-Verified as Level 1 Trauma Center


The trauma center at OU Medicine has been re-verified as a Level 1 Trauma Center by the American College of Surgeons.
In 2001, the Trauma One Center, at both OU Medical Center and The Children’s Hospital, was designated as Oklahoma’s only Level 1 Trauma Center, the highest national ranking a trauma center can receive. The verification process by the American College of Surgeons validates that trauma centers have all resources necessary for any type of trauma care.
“Earning verification from the American College of Surgeons is gratifying because it reflects the commitment and hard work that our healthcare professionals deliver day in and day out,” said OU Medical Center President Kris Gose. “The process validates that we have all resources in place to provide optimal trauma care at any time.”
As a Level 1 Trauma Center, Trauma One offers comprehensive care that can handle the most critical emergencies. Trauma One provides 24-hour coverage by general surgeons, and quick availability of care in specialties such as orthopedic surgery, neurosurgery, anesthesiology, emergency medicine, radiology, internal medicine, plastic surgery, oral and maxillofacial surgery and more.
Operating rooms and trauma surgeons are available 365 days a year, and the air ambulance Medi Flight can be dispatched in minutes to airlift patients to Trauma One. A multidisciplinary team of physicians, nurses, specialists and other health care professionals are always on site, using advanced technology to treat the most severe and critical injuries. Level 1 Trauma Centers provide total care for every aspect of injury, from prevention through rehabilitation.
In addition to serving people across Oklahoma, Trauma One, because of its location in the geographic center of the state, is ideally positioned for regional access as well. An injured person’s best chance for survival is when treatment occurs within an hour of the event. Paramedics, ambulance systems and other hospitals across the state play key roles in transporting patients to Trauma One within an hour.
“The Trauma One Center has been able to save countless lives in its nearly 20-year existence,” said Roxie Albrecht, M.D., medical director of Trauma One. “As part of a tertiary care center, it is important that we participate in continuous assessment of our program. Our aim is to always provide the highest level of care to people when they need it the most.”
The verification of Trauma One was conducted by the Verification Review Committee, a subcommittee of the Committee on Trauma of the American College of Surgeons. Verified trauma centers must meet the essential criteria that ensure trauma care capability and institutional performance, as outlined by the American College of Surgeons’ Committee on Trauma in its manual Resources for Optimal Care of the Injured Patient. There are five categories of verification in the program. In addition to submitting documentation, Trauma One had an on-site review by a team of experienced site reviewers.
Level 1 Trauma Centers like OU’s Trauma One also provide public education and prevention information to people across the state. OU’s primary areas of advocacy are: ATV Ride Safe Oklahoma, which provides classes to increase awareness of ATV safety guidelines; Stop the Bleed, a course that teaches how to save someone’s life by controlling bleeding; and concussion education for coaches, game officials, athletes and parents about the nature of concussion and head injury.

