Monday, March 10, 2025

TRAVEL / ENTERTAINMENT: Art and Artists at the Gilcrease Museum


Photography and Text by Terry “Travels with Terry” Zinn

Art can be entertaining and a reunion with favorite talented artist. The November Collectors Reserve event at Oklahoma’s Gilcrease Museum is such a gathering. The Museum is known for its western heritage art, but the Collectors Reserve brings together many contemporary artists expressing many cultures.
Following your favorite artist over the years and over the county, can be daunting, as it has been for many with the prolific bronze artist, Joshua Tobey, For many years his wildlife bronze creatures could be found in Sedona, Austin, Santa Fe and Loveland, among many galleries. The multiple award winning artist was present for the recent Collectors Reserve at the Gilcrease, and once again took home the highest award over 100 other artists with the Best In Show. He exhibited his large owl, Wise Guy, and bears performing a balancing act, Tricks of the Trade, and the Best In Show cougar in repose, Lions View.
Other artists exhibited were: Joan Marron-LaRue, Doug Hyde, Oreland C. Joe Sr., Linda Turma Robertson, Jim Wilcox, Sandy Scott, and Gerald Balciar among others. Cocktails and light refreshments were served as the guest perused the art that they would like to have the opportunity to purchase with a drawing for its set price. The museum provided group prices for a downtown Tulsa hotel and offered shuttles up to the Gilcrease, making the entire evening more enjoyable.
You may want to plan to attend the 2016 Collectors Reserve, or sample the Gilcrease before then with:
Rick Bartow: Things You Know But Cannot Explain opens January 24 and runs through April 24, 2016 at Gilcrease Museum. Featuring more than 100 pieces, including a broad selection of sculptures, paintings, drawings, prints, mixed media work and the giant pastels for which he is mostly known, the exhibition draws from public and private collections (including the artist’s studio) that affirm this extraordinary artist’s regional, national and international impact.
Also see the works of early nineteen hundred artist William R. Leigh, where in 1906, an opportunity to expand the scope of his work came about when the Santa Fe Railroad offered him free passage to the West in exchange for a painting of the Grand Canyon.
If you don’t have a favorite artist, you can start your search at the Gilcrease. For more information go to:

Mr. Terry Zinn – Travel Editor
Past President: International Food Wine and Travel Writers Association –

DSC_0016 - Joan Marron-LaRue

Joshua and Jo Tobey
Joshua and Jo Tobey

SENIOR TALK: If you were an animal, what animal would you be and why? Emerald Square Assisted Living


“I would be a lamb because a lamb seems so gentle.” Emma Stone

“I would be a wolf so I could catch my little lamb,” as he pointed to his wife, Emma. Curtis Stone

“I would be a dog because I would love to be loved and babied.” Doris Green

“I would be a cat because cats are nice.” Bennie Green

OMRF research sheds new light on effects of aging in knee joints

Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation scientists Tim Griffin, Ph.D. and Yao Fu, Ph.D.

Research from the Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation has identified new culprits that may be responsible for the development of arthritis.
The study found that growing older increases the production of a pair of inflammation-producing proteins. It suggests that targeting these inflammatory proteins might provide a path for future development of arthritis therapies.
The new findings, published in the Journal of Gerontology, provide a snapshot of age-related changes in a crucial area of soft tissue in the knee.
A team led by OMRF’s Tim Griffin, Ph.D., and Yao Fu, Ph.D., examined the knee joints of rats as they aged. In particular, the researchers studied the animals’ infrapatellar fat pad, the soft fatty tissue that lies beneath the kneecaps of both rodents and humans.
Scientists have known that these fat pads are a source of inflammation in osteoarthritic knees. And they’ve believed that this inflammation contributes to osteoarthritis, which occurs when cartilage breaks down and wears away.
“It’s actually the most common form of arthritis, often affecting the hips, hands and spine, in addition to the knees,” said Griffin. According to the Centers for Disease Control, an estimated 27 million Americans suffer from osteoarthritis.
Griffin and Fu wanted to look specifically at how aging affects inflammation in the fat pads. Griffin says he anticipated that as the animals grew older, the amount of inflammation produced by the fat pad and the size of the animals’ fat pads would increase.
“But our findings were not quite what we expected,” said Griffin. Specifically, the fat pads actually shrunk while producing higher levels of two inflammatory proteins.
“Our study suggests the fat pad is a contributor to a general increase in knee inflammation that occurs with age,” said Fu. This points toward future treatments to limit the inflammation, which might then prevent osteoarthritis from developing.
However, the researchers did find a benefit to aging in biological conditions that simulated an acute injury—such as a fall that causes damage to a joint. In this condition, the older fat pads decreased their production of leptin, a protein secreted by fat that also contributes to the break down of cartilage.
“We know there is acute inflammation that occurs after injury and can have long-term consequences,” said Griffin. “This study taught us that under certain conditions aging can actually limit the amount of leptin produced by the knee fat pad. This might help us develop new strategies to reduce post-traumatic osteoarthritis, a common cause of the disease in younger active adults.”
Janet Huebner, Ph.D., and Virginia Kraus, Ph.D., of Duke University also contributed to the research, which was supported by grants from the National Center for Research Resources (number RR018758), the National Institute of General Medical Sciences (number GM103441), the National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases (number AR066828), and the Arthritis Foundation.

The Fountains at Canterbury Offers Virtual Look into Life with Dementia


The Fountains at Canterbury, in conjunction with Right at Home of Edmond, will host Virtual Dementia Tours Jan. 19 from 11 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. and Jan. 22 from 4:30 p.m. to 6 p.m. Both events will be held in the conference room at The Inn of The Fountains at Canterbury, 1402 NW 122nd Street, in Oklahoma City.
The Virtual Dementia Tour is a simulation scientifically proven to help individuals better comprehend what life is like with an impairment such as Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia.
Participants are equipped with vision disrupting goggles, headphones emitting loud, garbled sounds, latex gloves with fingers taped together and shoe inserts to hamper walking. These obstacles are designed to simulate the struggles of age-related ailments, as the participants are asked to complete a short series of everyday activities such as clearing a dining room table.
“This is such a unique opportunity, we think everyone can benefit from personally experiencing what people who have this ailment suffer through every day,” said Scott Steinmetz, executive director at The Fountains at Canterbury. “It really puts things into perspective, and helps families and caregivers better understand what’s really going on in the mind of someone living with dementia.”
As reported by the Alzheimer’s Association, Alzheimer’s is the most common form of dementia, making up 60 to 80 percent of cases. With the number of individuals age 65 and older with Alzheimer’s disease estimated to reach 7.1 million by 2025, creating awareness of the difficulties one faces when living with dementia is critical. A better understanding fosters empathy from families and caretakers, improves communication and provides insight on how to better assist those suffering.
The Fountains at Canterbury offers a variety of affordable care options with resort-style amenities, 24-hour staffing and Watermark’s Thrive Memory Care program that cultivates personal well-being.
The Fountains at Canterbury is dedicated to being the first choice in senior living, providing a continuum of care including independent living, assisted living, memory care, innovative rehabilitation therapies and skilled care. The Fountains at Canterbury is managed by Watermark Retirement Communities and is committed to creating an extraordinary community where people thrive. To learn more, please call (405) 381-8165 or go online to

Savvy Senior: Paying Income Tax on Social Security Benefits


Dear Savvy Senior, Will I have to pay federal income taxes on my Social Security benefits when I retire?  Approaching Retirement

Dear Approaching,
Whether or not you’ll be required to pay federal income tax on your Social Security benefits will depend on your income and filing status. About 35 percent of Social Security recipients have total incomes high enough to trigger federal income tax on their benefits.
To figure out if your benefits will be taxable, you’ll need to add up all of your “provisional income,” which includes wages, taxable and non-taxable interest, dividends, pensions and taxable retirement-plan distributions, self-employment, and other taxable income, plus half your annual Social Security benefits, minus certain deductions used in figuring your adjusted gross income.
How To Calculate
To help you with the calculations, get a copy of IRS Publication 915 “Social Security and Equivalent Railroad Retirement Benefits,” which provides detailed instructions and worksheets. You can download it at or call the IRS at 800-829-3676 and ask them to mail you a free copy.
After you do the calculations, the IRS says that if you’re single and your total income from all of the listed sources is:
· Less that $25,000, your Social Security will not be subject to federal income tax.
· Between $25,000 and $34,000, up to 50 percent of your Social Security benefits will be taxed at your regular income-tax rate.
· More than $34,000, up to 85 percent of your benefits will be taxed.
If you’re married and filing jointly and the total from all sources is:
· Less that $32,000, your Social Security won’t be taxed.
· Between $32,000 and $44,000, up to 50 percent of your Social Security benefits will be taxed.
· More than $44,000, up to 85 percent of your benefits will be taxed.
If you’re married and file a separate return, you probably will pay taxes on your benefits.
To limit potential taxes on your benefits, you’ll need to be cautious when taking distributions from retirement accounts or other sources. In addition to triggering ordinary income tax, a distribution that significantly raises your gross income can bump the proportion of your Social Security benefits subject to taxes.
How to File
If you find that part of your Social Security benefits will be taxable, you’ll need to file using Form 1040 or Form 1040A. You cannot use Form 1040EZ. You also need to know that if you do owe taxes, you’ll need to make quarterly estimated tax payments to the IRS or you can choose to have it automatically withheld from your benefits.
To have it withheld, you’ll need to complete IRS Form W-4V, Voluntary Withholding Request (, and file it with your local Social Security office. You can choose to have 7 percent, 10 percent, 15 percent or 25 percent of your total benefit payment withheld. If you subsequently decide you don’t want the taxes withheld, you can file another W-4V to stop the withholding.
State Taxation
In addition to the federal government, 13 states – Colorado, Connecticut, Kansas, Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, New Mexico, North Dakota, Rhode Island, Utah, Vermont and West Virginia – tax Social Security benefits to some extent too. If you live in one of these states, check with your state tax agency for details.
For questions on taxable Social Security benefits call the IRS help line at 800-829-1040, or visit an IRS Taxpayer Assistance Center (see where you can get face-to-face help.
Send your senior questions to: Savvy Senior, P.O. Box 5443, Norman, OK 73070, or visit Jim Miller is a contributor to the NBC Today show and author of “The Savvy Senior” book.

There are bigger concerns than ‘Cupgate 2015’


I feverishly wanted to discuss religion, as its misinterpretations and manipulations brought me to tears every time I looked at the news this week. But since the information on the multiple catastrophes that began overseas last week is changing so rapidly, I thought it best to focus on the heart of a recent extremism problem here in the U.S. and discuss the Starbucks coffee cup.
Never has Facebook seemed more uncool to me than when I saw that a Kevin James look-alike’s screaming post about a paper cup had garnered 12 million views. Hey, friends who still haven’t seen “The Social Network,” Facebook is not a reliable place to get your news. It was created to “socialize” online. And nowadays, some people who have the time to make long video posts only featuring themselves and put them up on Facebook one after another are often highly unemployable. No less, anyone who calls himself a “social media personality” is likely working in that space because no one else wants to pay him for his personality.
Joshua Feuerstein, the “Christian” who misquoted Starbucks’ policy on Christmas, said the company is trying to “take Christ and Christmas off of their brand new cups” and that the employees are not allowed to tell customers “Merry Christmas.” It might seem that Feuerstein just doesn’t understand that Starbucks isn’t just in his hometown but actually operates around the world, even in other countries where some people don’t even have Christmas. However, he also failed to grasp that America itself is not a “Christian country.” Elementary school history in our country is pretty clear that a founding tenant of our land is that people are free to practice any religion they like here.
Time and time again, though, we have seen that people who are the most incensed by political correctness often lack any correctness at all, as well as kindness, experience, information or taste.
I was relieved to see on Twitter (that would be Facebook’s social media spawn – and a platform that is also dying out for young hip urbanites at only a slightly slower pace than Facebook itself) that many Christians found Feuerstein to be the affront to Christians. I personally would like to request that all zealots of any organized religion who spread their hate on their free social media page in the name of any higher power save their Starbucks money. Instead, use it for therapy during any one of the many hours you spend on the internet.
Even the captain of anti-politically correctness, Donald Trump, commented on the inane Cupgate 2015 saying, “Seriously, I don’t care.” And I was thankful. With so many Republican candidates running for the nomination, I was worried that a few of them, or even all 75, might pose for portraits with Jesus as an alternative coffee cup.
Perhaps we might take a moment to consider how fanatical movements start. Just because Feuerstein’s version of Christian values hit its tipping point over the color of a cup doesn’t mean rage of any kind to a mass of followers in the name of God’s will can’t morph into something more insidious next time. Even this close to Jesus’ birthday.

(Diane Farr is known for her roles in “Californication,” “Numb3rs” and “Rescue Me,” and as the author of “The Girl Code.” You can read her blog at, follow her on or contact her on  c)2016 TRIBUNE MEDIA SERVICES, INC.

January & February AARP Drivers Safety Classes


Date/ Day/ Location/ Time/ Registration #/ Instructor

Jan 27/ Wed. /OKC / 9 am – 3:30 pm/ 752-3400 or 478-4587/ Reffner
Mercy Hospital – 4300 W. Memorial Rd.
Feb 1/ Monday/ Okla. City/ 9 am – 3:30 pm/ 843-5995/ Palinsky
Bellview Reabilitation Center – 6500 N. Portland
Feb 4/ Thursday/ Okla. City/ 9:30 am – 4 pm/ 951-2277/ Edwards
Integris 3rd Age Life Center – 5100 N. Brookline, Suite 100
Feb 9/ Thursday/ Yukon/ 9 am – 3:30 pm/ 350-7680/ Edwards
Dale Robertson Senior Center – 1200 Lakeshore Dr
Feb 12/ Friday/ Okla. City/ 9 am – 3:30 pm/ 951-2277/ Edwards
SW Medical Center – 4200 S. Douglas, Suite B-10
Feb 16/ Tuesday/ Norman/ 9 am – 3:30 pm/ 440-8802/ Palinsky
Norman Regional Hospital – 901 N. Porter
Mar 3/ Thursday/ Okla. City/ 9:30 am – 4 pm/ 951-2277/ Edwards
Integris 3rd Age Life Center – 5100 N. Brookline, Suite 100
Mar 8/ Tuesday/ Midwest City/ 9 am – 3:30 pm/ 691-4091/ Palinsky
Rose State College – 6191 Tinker Diagonal
Mar 11/ Friday/ Okla. City/ 9 am – 3:30 pm/ 951-2277/ Edwards
SW Medical Center – 4200 S. Douglas, Suite B-10
The prices for the classes are: $15 for AARP members and $20 for Non-AARP. Call John Palinsky, zone coordinator for the Oklahoma City area at 405-691-4091 or send mail to:

INTEGRIS Joins Mayo Clinic Care Network


INTEGRIS and Mayo Clinic announced today that INTEGRIS has joined the Mayo Clinic Care Network, a national network of health care providers committed to better serving patients and their families through collaboration.
INTEGRIS is the first health care organization in Oklahoma to join the network. The formal agreement gives INTEGRIS access to the latest Mayo Clinic knowledge and promotes physician collaboration to benefit patients. Through shared resources, more patients can get answers to complex medical questions — and peace of mind —while staying close to home.
“While INTEGRIS works with some of the most accomplished and preeminent physicians in the region, we are constantly striving for ways to provide our patients with the best care possible,” says Bruce Lawrence, president and CEO, INTEGRIS. “This collaboration between INTEGRIS and Mayo Clinic brings together two trusted names – each with unique strengths – to the betterment of all Oklahomans.”
As a member of the Mayo Clinic Care Network, INTEGRIS will work with Mayo to share medical knowledge in ways that will enhance patient care. Network products and services include:
· eConsults that enable INTEGRIS physicians to connect electronically with Mayo specialists when they want additional input on a patient’s care
· AskMayoExpert database that offers INTEGRIS providers point-of-care, Mayo-vetted information on disease management, care guidelines and treatment recommendations, and reference materials for medical conditions
· Health care consulting that enables INTEGRIS to learn more about Mayo’s clinical, operational and business models, including the models’ design and implementation
· eTumor Board conferences that enable INTEGRIS physicians to present and discuss management of complex cancer cases with a multidisciplinary panel of Mayo specialists and other network members.
INTEGRIS providers also have access to Mayo’s extensive library of patient education materials, and can view archived Mayo Clinic grand rounds presentations that feature Mayo physicians and scientists.
“We are pleased to welcome INTEGRIS to the Mayo Clinic Care Network,” says David Hayes, M.D., medical director, Mayo Clinic Care Network. “This relationship brings together two like-minded organizations committed to patient-centered care. As we’ve worked toward today’s announcement, it’s been clear that we share many important values and at least one essential goal: to improve the delivery of health care in a way that benefits patients.”
Formed in 1995, INTEGRIS is a nationally recognized health care system with a wide presence in Oklahoma. Approximately 6 out of every 10 Oklahomans live within 30 miles of a facility or physician included in the INTEGRIS organization. INTEGRIS has eight hospitals, more than 2,500 physicians and more than 9,000 employees.
INTEGRIS and other members of the Mayo Clinic Care Network remain independent, but share Mayo’s commitment to improve the quality and delivery of health care. Launched in 2011, the Mayo Clinic Care Network has more than 35 member organizations in the U.S., Mexico, Puerto Rico and Singapore.

