Monday, March 10, 2025

Ms. Oklahoma Senior America Contestants Wanted

Debora Wedel, Ms. Oklahoma Senior America 2019.

Are you 60 years of age or better? The Ms. Senior America Pageant is the world’s first and foremost pageant to give honor to the women who have reached the “age of elegance” and Ms. Oklahoma Senior America is now seeking contestants to appear Saturday, April 15, 2023, at the Mustang Performing Arts Center, 200 W. Juniper, Mustang, OK 73064, at 1:00 p.m.
The contestant must be able to display a hobby or talent within 2 minutes and 45 seconds, model a long evening gown, give her philosophy of life within 35 seconds, and sit for a 5 minute interview. An information session about the Ms. Oklahoma Senior America Pageant will be held at the Album Quail Springs, 14201 N. Kentucky Ave., Oklahoma City, OK 73134, on Wednesday, February 1, 2023, from 1-3 p.m.
The winner will be sponsored by the Ms. Senior Oklahoma Foundation to compete in the National Ms. Senior America Pageant in Atlantic City, New Jersey, in October 2023. Her airfare, room and registration fee will be paid by the Foundation. Applications can be filled out on the Ms. Oklahoma Senior America Pageant Facebook page. For more information, contact Carol Kallenberger, Administrator, at

Husband and Wife Duo Provide Multigenerational Care in Oklahoma City

Physicians Mitch and Kristin Earley met in medical school at Des Moines University’s College of Osteopathic Medicine.

For physicians Mitch and Kristin Earley, every day is take your spouse to work day. In clinic, they often go by Dr. Mitch and Dr. Kristin to avoid any confusion among patients. He is enthusiastic about men’s health, and she loves women’s health. Together, they provide the whole range of expertise to their patients after recently joining Mercy Clinic Primary Care – Northwest Family in Oklahoma City.
The Earleys met in medical school at Des Moines University’s College of Osteopathic Medicine when Dr. Mitch was going into his third year and Dr. Kristin was entering her first year.
“Our family has taken care of a lot of other families over the years, which has been very rewarding,” said Dr. Mitch.
Combined, Dr. Mitch and Dr. Kristin have over 42 years of experience in medicine. Sometimes patients overlap, which provides a unique experience for those receiving care and their families. As patients grow, Dr. Mitch tends to treat more of the men and Dr. Kristin sees more of the women and children. (STORY CONTINUES BELOS)

“Family medicine is a great field because we have the privilege of caring for multiple generations of families,” said Dr. Kristin. “When you treat the whole family, you have a better understanding of your patients’ health, living and family situation. It completes the picture and allows us to provide personalized and informed support.”
Treating multiple generations of families has also led to some memorable moments. Dr. Mitch said, “I remember one of my patients gave me a hand-drawn picture, and as I tried to figure out what it was, I learned it was multiple generations of family members that either I or my wife had helped take care of in this little girl’s family, which was a fun thing to see.”
Both physicians appreciate providing general family medicine to any patient, regardless of age or gender. Preventive care is also an essential part of their treatment philosophies.
“I’ve wanted to be a physician for as long as I can remember. I was fascinated by how the body worked as a child, and as I pursued my education and career, it developed into an interest about how the whole person works,” said Dr. Kristin. “I want to create a partnership with my patients so we can better their quality of life together.”
In addition to general and men’s health, Dr. Mitch also provides sports medicine expertise to his patients.
“One aspect of family medicine that challenges me is figuring out a diagnosis and then determining the best course of action for a patient,” said Dr. Mitch. “I also really enjoy the diversity of patients that family practice provides. I can practice a variety of skills that helps improve a patient’s life.”
When they are not caring for patients, the Earleys enjoy sports, travel, music, cooking and trying new foods.
Schedule online with Dr. Mitch at and with Dr. Kristin at

TINSELTOWN TALKS: Adrienne Barbeau – from musicals to monsters


By Nick Thomas

Adrienne Barbeau and the creature in Swamp Thing – Embassy Pictures

Before “Grease,” the hit 1978 movie, there was “Grease” the musical theater production first performed in Chicago in 1971 before moving to Broadway a year later for over 3,000 performances.
Adrienne Barbeau, who played Rizzo during the first five months of the show’s run, helped commemorate the 50th anniversary of the production as a co-editor of the 2022 book: “Grease, Tell Me More, Tell Me More – Stories from the Broadway Phenomenon That Started It All.” It features personal anecdotes from the Broadway cast and crew.
“It stemmed from a Zoom meeting that the original cast had when the pandemic first shut everything down,” recalled Barbeau from her home in Los Angeles. “The stories everybody told were just so delightful and touching and funny and most of them all new to me because I left the show early on.” (STORY CONTINUES BELOW)

Barbeau and two others involved in the production began assembling the stories.
“We sent out a questionnaire to over 100 actors, musicians, and crew members who had been involved in the show asking them to write down their stories of working on the production,” said Barbeau. “We put it all together in a terrific tribute to the show.”
Despite her strong connection to “Grease” which opened on Valentine’s Day, 1972, to this day Barbeau still has not watched the popular 1978 movie version which has many differences, including some of the music, from the original play.
“I happened to hear one of the songs from the movie a long time back, which was one of my songs,” she recalled. “It was lovely what they had done with it, but it just was not what we had done. So, I decided never to watch the film so I could keep the memory of our show and not cloud it with another version.”
Though her career began in musical theater, Barbeau left “Grease” to co-star in the TV comedy “Maude” throughout the 70s. But in the early 80s, the actress starred in several horror/sci-fi films (“Swamp Thing,” “The Fog,” “Escape from New York,” “Creepshow”) forever cementing her movie status as a horror sex symbol (see
“I started out in musical theater and comedy, and the transition to more dramatic roles was never by design,” Barbeau explained. “It’s just that somebody offered me something I wanted to do or needed to do to pay bills. I ended up playing strong women who were not victims and they were often interesting and challenging roles.”
“People always say, oh you were a sex symbol,” she adds. “But I like to remind them my first love scene in film was with a swamp monster!”

Nick Thomas teaches at Auburn University at Montgomery, in Alabama, and has written features, columns, and interviews for numerous magazines and newspapers. See

Greg Schwem: I’m going full ‘Clint Eastwood’ on you, pickleball youngsters


by Greg Schwem

It looks like pickleball is becoming popular with younger generations.

“Get off my pickleball court!”
I know, I know. That phrase may never reach pop culture status like, “Get off my lawn,” which curmudgeonly Clint Eastwood famously uttered in “Gran Torino” and, ultimately, became an ode to petulance and turf wars.
But, come on, when did these “kids” start playing the sport that was supposed to be reserved for old farts like me? Former “athletes” with knees that now creak, feet that swell and elbows that throb after completing simple tasks? Like getting out of bed. We took up pickleball because it’s the only sport left that, at our age, produces sweat but not a potential 911 call. If we’re too infirm for pickleball, all that’s left is bowling.
For a while, we were happy. We knew the one or two pickleball courts in our subdivisions would be empty when we rolled up with our posse of fellow retirees and snowbirds. Meanwhile, the Gen Z crowd jogged by, not even trying to hide their snickers and guffaws as they watched four guys flailing at a wiffleball, occasionally yelling, “KITCHEN” or “THREE TWO ON THE ONE” before launching a serve — an UNDERHAND serve. We didn’t care; we’d found our happy place, and, even better, knew it was created exclusively for us. Sort of like early bird dinner at Denny’s.
Or so we thought.
Now we fight for court space with those same Gen Zers, the ones who eventually stopped jogging, picked up paddles and decided to give America’s fastest growing sport a try. Oh, and they did more than try. While our medicated ointment was drying on our aching muscles, they were silently taking over. (STORY CONTINUES BELOW)

On a recent Friday evening at a suburban Chicago tennis club, it was hard to find any actual tennis players. Instead, more than 80 people, me included, converged for open play on tennis courts that had hastily been converted into pickleball courts via brightly colored tape that doubled as boundary lines.
As I waited for a court to open, I scanned the area and estimated at least half the players were younger than 35. The figure was probably higher; my deteriorating eyesight made it difficult to make out shapes on the outer courts.
What’s worse is that, in between drop spins and stacks (OK, I’ll stop with the terminology), they were discussing post-pickleball plans. Some talked of going out for drinks. Or dinner. At 9 p.m.!
After pickleball, the only thing I go out for is Advil.
Thankfully, in pickleball, younger does not necessarily mean better when it comes to skill. I have found the Gen Z set lacking in patience during an extended rally of cross-court dinks, preferring a smash when the ball is nowhere near at “smash level.” Gen Zers, if that sentence befuddles but also intrigues you, grab a paddle and join the fun.
But consider this your warning. “Fun” to grizzled pickleball veterans means you will most likely be on the receiving end of a pickleball hit with full force and aimed directly at your midsection.
It’s not that we hate you personally; rather, we are angry that our sport, almost overnight, doubled in popularity because a younger demographic wanted to be part of our playdates. And what are we supposed to do to exact revenge? Crash your MMOGs? (Massively Multiplayer Online Games). We don’t own Xboxes; we buy them for our grandchildren.
So, we’ll take out our frustrations on the pickleball court, specifically against you, bro with the backward baseball cap, baggy shorts and “Lollapalooza ’22” T-shirt, who took up pickleball because the courts were walking distance to his favorite karaoke bar. We’ll apologize when the point’s over.
Or maybe we won’t. Maybe we’ll do the snickering. Or maybe we’ll high-five our partners as we return to the baseline and get ready for the next point.
On second thought, it’s probably not a good idea if we high-five.
We might sprain something.

(Greg Schwem is a corporate stand-up comedian and author of two books: “Text Me If You’re Breathing: Observations, Frustrations and Life Lessons From a Low-Tech Dad” and the recently released “The Road To Success Goes Through the Salad Bar: A Pile of BS From a Corporate Comedian,” available at Visit Greg on the web at
You’ve enjoyed reading, and laughing at, Greg Schwem’s monthly humor columns in Senior Living News. But did you know Greg is also a nationally touring stand-up comedian? And he loves to make audiences laugh about the joys, and frustrations, of growing older. Watch the clip and, if you’d like Greg to perform at your senior center or senior event, contact him through his website at

OMRF Receives $3.4 Million to Study Muscle Loss in Aging

Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation scientist Jacob Brown, Ph.D.

The National Institutes of Health has awarded the Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation $3.4 million to study age-related muscle atrophy and weakness.
The five-year grant follows a discovery by OMRF scientists Holly Van Remmen, Ph.D., and Jacob Brown, Ph.D., connecting age-related muscle loss called sarcopenia to a missing nerve signal.
Most people begin to experience progressive loss of muscle mass and strength in their 30s or 40s. The condition becomes more pronounced after age 65, leaving older people susceptible to falls and difficulty performing daily tasks.
“It’s just a natural process of aging, and some people lose more muscle mass and strength than others,” said Brown, a scientist in Van Remmen’s lab.
While inactivity is the most common contributor to sarcopenia, Van Remmen’s team has shown another cause: denervation, which is an interruption in communication with the nerves that connect muscles to the spinal cord. (STORY CONTINUES BELOW)

In recent work published in the journal Redox Biology, Van Remmen and Brown found that muscle makes a metabolite during denervation that leads to muscle atrophy. Metabolites are the products of chemical changes within a cell.
With the new grant, the researchers will study whether blocking the production of this metabolite protects against age-related muscle atrophy in research models.
“This is a novel area of research that we hope will lead to new possibilities to design much-needed pharmaceutical interventions,” said Van Remmen, who holds the G.T. Blankenship Chair in Aging Research. “Ultimately, we hope this path of research will extend the time that older adults can remain healthy and active.”
Without current drug options to treat sarcopenia, Van Remmen added that it’s important for older adults to ward off its progression by staying physically active and maintaining a healthy diet.
“Simple strength and resistance training paired with a diet that includes adequate amounts of healthy proteins can make a world of difference in maintaining muscle mass,” she said.

Meet Bella Rose – A Therapy Dog at INTEGRIS Health


Bella Rose is a 5-year-old therapy pet for INTEGRIS Health Southwest Medical Center and Terry Wulff is her handler. Bella has a very unique skill. She is trained to tuck her tail between her legs while visiting patients in the hospital to keep her wagging tail from hitting medical cords.
INTEGRIS Health has a total of 34 therapy animals walking the halls of our hospitals statewide. They are an integral part of our team, lifting spirits and providing comfort wherever they go.
For more information about volunteer opportunities at INTEGRIS Health visit:

OHC Presents February Kilgen Organ Performance Featuring “The Mark of Zorro”


The Oklahoma History Center is pleased to announce a performance in the Kilgen Organ series featuring organist Christian Elliott. He will provide the accompanying music and sound effects to the American western silent film “The Mark of Zorro” (1920) starring Douglas Fairbanks. This performance will take place on Monday, February 27, 2023, from 7 to 8:30 p.m. Tickets are $10 for Oklahoma Historical Society members and $20 for non-members, and may be reserved by calling 405-522-0765. Doors will open at 6 p.m., and seating is on a first-come, first-served basis.
Christian Elliott is a prominent concert organist, equally at home performing literature of the church and theater. Elliott’s career has included extensive silent film accompaniment at venues including the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, the Packard Foundation’s Stanford Theatre and the University of California, Los Angeles. Elliott was privileged to be mentored by several world-renowned organists and worked extensively with the “dean” of silent film accompaniment, Gaylord Carter. Elliott was named Organist of the Year by the American Theatre Organ Society in 2009.



Annie Laurie (Ivey) Whited

Annie Laurie (Ivey) Whited

Annie Laurie (Ivey) Whited of Noble was manager of the gift & book shop at the OU Continuing Ed Center before retiring in 1984. She attended Crosspointe Church in Norman and was a member of the Army Officers’ Wives Club. Annie’s words of wisdom: “Love the Lord, exercise, eat well and love others!”

Anna Lee Kurtz

Anna Lee Kurtz

Anna Lee Kurtz of Oklahoma City is now a centenarian. She attended and volunteered at Catholic churches wherever she lived, volunteered with Meals on Wheels and the Homeless Shelter. Anna says “Stay active, be positive and always be willing to help others!”

LaVerne Cox Tucker

LaVerne Cox Tucker of Sweetwater actively engages in her hobbies of reading, quilting & crocheting. She resides in the house built at the turn of the century that she moved into as a new bride & is involved with the decisions of the farming & ranching with her son & grandson. The Tucker Home Place was declared an Oklahoma Centennial Farm in 2022. Four generations of Tuckers have farmed the 160 acres. LaVerne’s life advice: “Be honest and be true!”

TRAVEL/ENTERTAINMENT: B is for Baltimore, Maryland


From Terry “Travels with Terry” Zinn
text and photo provided by the Oklahoma Historical Society

You could say that Baltimore is a city designed for Senior leisure. The hop on and off water taxi around the bay is an ideal way to see a lot of the area’s attractions with a minimum of exertion, as it stops at many attractions. The minimal fee is good for the entire day. The small boat captains are eager to answer area questions as to where to eat and museum times. Note, many museums and attractions are closed on Mondays and Tuesdays.
Of course it stops at historic Ft Mc Henry – famous for the inspiration of the Star Spangle Banner composition. ( You have to change boats to go the extra distance, but worth the convenience, when you think of the inconvenience of getting a taxi or uber to take you to the far out bay point. The preserved and reconstructed brick fort is informative if you have never visited a fort of this generation. It’s humbling to stand in the area that inspired America’s Anthem.
Once there it’s always good to schedule your visit with a tour by a park ranger for details of the fort. If not, the film is always inspiring, if not a bit nostalgic ,when at the end of the movie, a curtain opens to let you view through a large picture window the Fort in the background as the National Anthem plays.
Back in the downtown area is the Flag House where the American garrison size flag was created. Besides the history of the flag you can take a self-guided tour of a small period house, complete with furniture and staging of the time.
For pure entertainment, although you can’t help but learn something, is the national aquarium centrally located at the base of the Inner Harbor. ( All levels of this multilevel aquarium is easily accessible with riding the multiple escalators, or if needed there is an elevator. Hosting over 20,000 aquatic animals with a Backtip Reef and Living Seashore, and a couple of large screen animal related movies, and a live dolphin show, make the aquarium one of the Inner Harbors best attraction. Of course they host a extensive gift shop with snack bar.
When you’ve got to eat, Baltimore with its vast seafood menus offers many venues. The off the beaten track funky Little Havana Bar and Grill offers many seafood based foods along with an extensive bar and their famous large Mojito.
Phillips Seafood ( is a Baltimore tradition. They offer an upscale indoor or outdoor dining experience with reservations recommended. Their 8 ounce Crab Cake Extreme with Mac and Cheese, made with pure Jumbo Lump Crab with no fillers, is served in a skillet, and guaranteed to fill your Crab Cake desires. ($50.00)
If you plan to visit the Baltimore Museum of Art, be sure you check its times, as it is closed on Monday and Tuesdays. While it was closed the days I was in Baltimore I made sure I dined at Gertrude’s, where the Museum of Art displays culinary arts, under the expert guidance of owner, John Shields, is a must. Shields is a veteran TV host, and author and is called the “Culinary Ambassador of the Chesapeake Bay” with the restaurants opening in 1998. Gertrude’s is Shield’s tribute to his grandmother, Gertie. Shields is a personable entrepreneur and you may want to pickup one of his cookbooks including the 25th anniversary, “Chesapeake Bay Cooking.” Many menu options looked appealing but I chose the Irish Salmon, flown in to Gertrude’s several times a week. This is an example of the attention paid to the high standards that has made John Shield’s reputation.
An evening dining cruise aboard the Spirit of Baltimore, is a relaxing way to see more of the bay’s landscape while enjoying a buffet and beverages served by congenial staff. The cruise departs from the west wall of the harbor and cruises the Inner harbor along the Patapsco river, and includes glimpses of Fort Mc Henry. Come prepared for a casual and enjoyable evening, mixing with other tourist and those celebrating special occasions (
While visiting the Fells Point area of the harbor you may want to stop in to the upscale Sagamore Hotel for a respite and beverage, or if your budget allows overnight accommodations. For a budget minded traveler the Days Inn Inner Harbor (, about 3 blocks away from the harbor, and near the Horseshow Casino Baltimore, Ravens Stadium, and Oriole Park at Camden Yards, can fulfill your travel needs.
As you can guess there is much more to discover in Baltimore than I could cover in just two days, so historic and friendly Baltimore may require repeat visits (

How Much Do You Have to Make to File Taxes?


Dear Recently,
I’m very sorry to hear about your uncle. The death of a loved of can bring about Whether or not you are required to file a federal income tax return this year will depend on how much you earned last year, as well as the source of the income, your age and filing status.
Here’s a rundown of this tax season’s IRS tax filing requirement thresholds.
For most people, this is pretty straightforward. If your 2022 gross income – which includes all taxable income, not counting your Social Security benefits, unless you are married and filing separately – was below the threshold for your filing status and age, you may not have to file. But if it’s over, you will.
* Single: $12,950 ($14,700 if you’re 65 or older by Jan. 1, 2022).
* Married filing jointly: $25,900 ($27,300 if you or your spouse is 65 or older; or $28,700 if you’re both over 65).
* Married filing separately: $5 at any age.
* Head of household: $19,400 ($21,150 if 65 or older).
* Qualifying widow(er) with dependent child: $25,900 ($27,300 if 65 or older).
To get a detailed breakdown on federal filing requirements, along with information on taxable and nontaxable income, call the IRS at 800-829-3676 and ask them to mail you a free copy of the “1040 and 1040-SR Instructions for Tax Year 2022,” or you can see it online at
Check Here Too – Be aware that there are other financial situations that can require you to file a tax return, even if your gross income falls below the IRS filing requirements. For example, if you earned more than $400 from self-employment in 2022, owe any special taxes like an alternative minimum tax, or get premium tax credits because you, your spouse or a dependent is enrolled in a Health Insurance Marketplace plan, you’ll need to file.
You’ll also need to file if you’re receiving Social Security benefits, and one-half of your benefits plus your other gross income and any tax-exempt interest exceeds $25,000, or $32,000 if you’re married and filing jointly.
To figure all this out, the IRS offers an online tax tool that asks a series of questions that will help you determine if you’re required to file, or if you should file because you’re due a refund. It takes less than 15 minutes to complete.
You can access this tool at – click on “Do I Need to File a Tax Return?” Or you can get assistance over the phone by calling the IRS helpline at 800-829-1040.
Check Your State – Even if you’re not required to file a federal tax return this year, don’t assume that you’re also excused from filing state income taxes. The rules for your state might be very different. Check with your state tax agency before concluding that you’re entirely in the clear. For links to state tax agencies see
Tax Preparation Help – If you find that you do need to file a tax return this year, you can free file through the IRS at if your 2022 adjusted gross income was below $73,000.
Or, if you need some help, contact the Tax Counseling for the Elderly (or TCE) program. Sponsored by the IRS, TCE provides free tax preparation and counseling to middle and low-income taxpayers, age 60 and older. Call 800-906-9887 or visit to locate services near you.
You can also get tax preparation assistance through the AARP Foundation Tax-Aide service. Call 888-227-7669 or visit for more information. You don’t have to be an AARP member to use this service.

Send your senior questions to: Savvy Senior, P.O. Box 5443, Norman, OK 73070, or visit Jim Miller is a contributor to the NBC Today show and author of “The Savvy Senior” book.

