Monday, March 10, 2025

Veteran Donates WWII Service Memorabilia to Fort Sill Field Artillery Museum

Above: Chandler with Children in front of uniform donations

World War II Army Veteran, Leland D. Chandler, donated his service dress uniform, awards, decorations, military documents and artifacts to the U.S. Army Air Defense Artillery Training Support Facility, Fort Sill, Oklahoma.
In January of 1941, Leland Chandler enlisted in the Army at 18 years old, served during WWII and was stationed at the Corregidor Islands in the Philippines with the 60th Coast Artillery. At the young age of 19 years old, Chandler was captured and taken to Japan and listed as a prisoner of war. During his three-and-a-half year status as a POW, Chandler worked as a steel mill laborer with 12-hour shifts, slept on the workroom floor, required to perform under grueling conditions, if he was healthy enough to work-he was given a bowl of rice a day to eat and was beaten when he physically couldn’t perform his laborious duties.
“There were 400 of us that went into that Japanese prison camp and when we were freed, only 53 of us came out, Chandler recalled as his children unveiled his service uniform and awards during the recent donation to the Fort Sill Museum.
Chandler weighed approximately 190 pounds when he went into the Japanese POW camp and when the remaining survivors were liberated, he weighed only 58 pounds.
“They told me I wouldn’t be able to have children, we’ll I’ve proved them all wrong. Heck, they never thought I would live this long and I’ve proved them wrong on that one too!”, Chandler said.
Three of Chandlers’ five children brought their father to Ft. Sill and were happy to help their Father donate his service memorabilia to the museum.
“We all talked about what we wanted to do with Dad’s military history and we all agreed, that it wouldn’t be right to split up his uniform and awards and that we wanted it all to be in the same place to be properly preserve to maintain all this history,” Linn Woodworth, Chandler’s daughter said, “Now we have a place that his kids, grandkids and great-grandkids can come to see all of our Father’s history in one location.”
“Our facility is the U.S. Army Air Defense Artillery Training Support Facility. We have three facilities here at Fort Sill-the Field Artillery Museum, Fort Sill Museum and the Air Defense Artillery Training Support Facility,” said Correy Twilley ADA Training Support Facility Curator. “Ours is a new training concept that uses history to develop our Soldiers, weapons and tactics.”
“We are ultimately a training facility and we have an obligation to teach our young AIT [Advanced Individual Training] students and OCS [Officer Candidates Students] that attend these courses about this part of our history so they can learn about the past in the hopes that we are not doomed to repeat it,” Twilley said, “We are grateful for this unique and well-preserved piece of Mr. Chandler’s history. With this donation, he is helping to educate the future generations of service members and their families who walk through these halls. So much of WWII history has been lost and Mr. Chandler and his family has helped us preserve this piece in time to teach those future generations about his contributions to our nation’s heritage.”
Chandler continues to defy the odds, at a very spry 101 years old, Mr. Chandler holds the title of centenarian and continues to puzzle the medical experts.
Chandler attributes his extraordinary good health to medical care he receives at the VA and his family that has taken such good care of him throughout the years.
“I’m 100 percent (VA service connection) and the VA has taken excellent care of me and they have done everything they needed to do for me and my wife-they are outstanding,” Chandler said.
“One of the best things the VA could have done for my Father is to ensure our Mother was also taken care of-this was a huge relief to me and our entire family,” Chandler’s daughter Linn Woodworth stated. Unfortunately, On December 1, 2023, Chandlers’ wife passed away, just four days after celebrating their 75th wedding anniversary.
Chandler encourages other Veterans to find out if they are now eligible for VA healthcare because the rules and laws have changed over the years. Although, Chandler gives some sage words of advice to Veterans and says to come to the VA prepared.
“Bring in the right paperwork, the documents you need to get them into the system,” Chandler said. Ask yourself, do you have what you need to back it up?”
When asked the question about Veterans who may be reluctant to come to the VA to find out if you are eligible or not, he gave some fatherly words of advice.
“Well, that is your own fault, if you don’t go in and find out-I don’t have any sympathy for people who don’t do the right thing. I don’t know about other places, but I know the VA where I belong, that is the way it works.”
Chandler added, “I wouldn’t be here today if it wasn’t for my family and the excellent care they have given to me over the years.” Chandler said, “I don’t know what I’d do without them.”
For more information about OKC VA HCS, visit our website at the below link:


Flag Poles Honoring Our Veterans

FPHOV volunteers arrive at the home of a surprised veteran.

By Marise Boehs

Flag Pole is succesfuly installed and flag raised.

They gathered at the OnCue in Yukon Sunday morning – a dozen motorcycles, a few cars and 21 volunteers preparing to surprise a veteran who had asked for a flag pole for his yard.

FPHOV volunteers arrive at the home of a surprised veteran.

The skies were overcast, a little windy and cold but nobody seemed to mind. It was the first install of the 2024 season and a chance to catch up with friends and comrades and do a thing they all love and believe in.

Flag Poles Honoring Our Veterans is a 501(c)3 organization established in 2020. Their mission is to touch as many veterans as possible throughout the state of Oklahoma. The organization is completely volunteer and runs solely on donations of materials and money from individual and corporate sponsors.
Any Oklahoma veteran who has been honorably discharged and owns his or her home can ask for a flag pole through an application on their website. ( FPHOV has installed 560 flag poles in the past 4 years.

“The Sunday before Veterans Day every year we do 22 flagpoles in one day in the awareness of the 22 Veterans we lose a day to suicide.”
Kevin Blake, Founder FPHOV

They honor 3-5 Veterans each Sunday from mid March through Christmas unless a holiday falls on Sunday.

The fourth Annual Veteran Appreciation cookout will be in October with live music and free food for all veterans who have received a flagpole. In the evening there is a flagpole retirement ceremony.

Founder Kevin Blake explained about the ceremony. “We collect tattered flags throughout the year and we have a burn barrel. We retire each flag and call out the name of family or friend Veterans that have passed with each flag. Then I bring the barrel home after it cools and collect the grommets and make key chains out of them. Our flag never dies.”

In his own words…

In December 2019 we were helping serve dinner at a local church (Yellow Rose in Moore) to families for kids less fortunate and would be given toys to be able to have a Christmas.

Founder Kevin Blake tells how FPHOV came about.

A gentleman walked up to me and asked if I was the guy down the street from him that has a flagpole and every holiday (4th of July, Memorial Day) I set flags out down my driveway and along my curbside. We figured out that I was. He said he is a Veteran, he has an Army flag and an American flag and had always wanted a flagpole.
We chatted and then went our way. That night it laid on my heart “why doesn’t that Veteran have a flagpole”. So the next day I went out and purchased a flagpole, a flag, solar light and all the materials to install it. I notified his wife and asked her to have him in their driveway at noon on Sunday 3 days before Christmas.
I posted what I was doing on Facebook and asked folks to be at my house at 11:30 am Sunday. We had 19 motorcycles and 9 cars show up – almost 40 people. I loaded the concrete and tools in my riding lawnmower trailer. His wife had him outside when he heard the bikes start up. He said he thought it was just me and my biker buddies heading out. Everyone followed me on my mower with 2 people carrying the pole and when we rounded the corner his tears started flowing. With everyone videoing, going Facebook live, saying what a great idea and why hasn’t this ever been thought of before. That night my wife said to me “I think every Veteran deserves a flagpole in their yard when they retire”.

I set out and created the name, got our 501c3, nonprofit and copyright to the name and logo. And in March of 2020 (even when Covid was starting up at the same time) we got started. Our first year we Honored 100 Veterans.

The next year we set a goal of 150 Veterans and met that goal. But as volunteers with full time jobs we felt a bit pressured so we did not set an amount goal after that. We just do as many as possible.

Vet Chat Gives Veterans Opportunity for Networking, Fellowship, Resources

L-R Richard McQuillar, Deborah McQuillar, Leo Webster, Cloris Webster, Rick Huston, Leslie Harris. Started VetChat in Leo’s home.
Chaplain Don Udell offers spiritual encouragement and prayer for veterans and service members.
L-R Carle Evans, Shirley Moore, Sue Bruce “Three of our Vet Chat Widows”
L-R Deborah McQuillar AF SMSgt E8/RET, Petty Officer 1st Class (E6) Amy Petersen, Barbarah Curry AF MSgt E7/RET “Three of our Vet Chat Women”

Story and Photo by Van Mitchell, Staff Writer

Leo Webster, a 24-year Air Force MSgt/E7 RET, knows first-hand the importance of communication when helping other veterans.
In July 2018 he started Vet Chat, a monthly meeting where veterans can gather and communicate with each other and learn about resources that are available to them.
Meetings are held the second Saturday of each month at 9 a.m. in the lobby of Cornerstone Church located at 9900 SE 15th Street in Midwest City.
Vet Chat allows veterans and service members to network and fellowship while learning about the resources available to Warriors, spouses, family members, and widows.
The program’s goal is to give a source of support while also connecting and encouraging veterans by sharing stories in passing of useful advice, information, or resources.
Topics include education benefits, VA burial benefits, Wills, Power of Attorney, disability rating, housing and spousal benefits.
“We strive to connect our veterans with local agencies, organizations, and civic groups that specialize in assisting our heroes and their families,” Webster said. “The goal of this group is to be a source of support while also connecting, encouraging and motivating veterans.”
Webster said Senior News and Living will host a Veteran’s Resource Fair at Cornerstone Church on Saturday, Sept. 14 from 9 a.m. to noon in lieu of the regular Vet Chat meeting that day.

Webster said the idea of Vet Chat began while sitting in church.
“I was sitting in church one day and just looking around at the number of veterans in my church. And being a 24-year Air Force veteran myself, I said, “We need to start talking to each other.” This is just going on in my mind,” he said. “So, I invited a group of veterans to my house to have lunch.”
Webster said he and the rest of his invited guests sat in his living room and started talking to each other.
“You put a table full of food out, you can get a lot of people,” he said. “We started thinking about what are the things that we can just start helping veterans with? And obviously benefits and services and things that were available to veterans. So, I just ran a poll around the table and said, ‘Okay, what are some things? Just write down some things that you think that we can work on.’ Each person came up with a list of things they thought.”
Webster said the Vet Chat meetings outgrew his living room.
“We met in my living room at my house for a long time, but it just mushroomed,” he said. “I asked my pastor, Ron McKey, at Cornerstone Church if I could just start using the foyer in the church. He said absolutely. He said anything that we can do to help our veterans is welcomed.”
Webster said initially the Vet Chat meeting started with around eight veterans, but has grown slowly, but steadily.
“We started off with about eight people, and we’ve had as high as 57 people,” he said. “I would love to have over 100 veterans attend the Vet Chat meetings each month.”
Webster said he gets self-satisfaction from helping others.
“If someone needs something and I can help them, I feel that if I don’t do it, then I’m not fulfilling my calling of giving back,” he said.
Webster said the military teaches toughness, but that process has its challenges.
“Being in the service, us veterans are tough. We don’t ever want to admit that we have challenges, or we have aches and pains,” he said. “I’m a veteran and tried navigating applying for VA disability myself and ended up discouraged. My experience was frustrating like many others, but I had a gentleman, a good friend of mine said, ‘Leo, I’m not going to let you give up.’ He came to my house and picked me up and said, ‘We’re going down to the VA. I’m going to sit with you and you’re going to do this. He loved me through the process and just kept on loving me. And I’m comfortable right now.’”
“We help our veterans, their spouses and especially their widows.” Webster noted. When Sue Bruce lost her husband, the only thing she was sure of was she needed someone’s help. “They supported me through every part of the process. I had no clue as to all the benefits that were available to me. They just did everything, like family.” Bruce said. Carla Evans and her husband came on a Saturday earlier this year, seeking information primarily for her father and also her husband. Just weeks later her husband unexpectedly passed away. Evans said, “I could not have made it through that time without Leo and Vet Chat.
Webster said we also look out for our active service members.
“We have several wonderful retired women, like Barbara Curry, AF MSgt RET and Deborah McQuillar AF SMSgt Ret who love to support and mentor active duty females.”
Webster said he wants Vet Chat to be a safe harbor for every veteran.
“I want Vet Chat to become the model place in Midwest City where veterans can come and know, first of all, you’re at a safe place,” he said. “What you share with us is not going to be put on Facebook, it’s not going to be put out online. You are in a safe place. We are here to help you, and it’s going to be very private and confidential what you share with us. I just want to be here for our veterans. Being a veteran myself, I know how complicated it is and I just want to make life easy for these heroes and give them a safe place to just come and hang out.”
Webster said he works hard to earn each veteran’s respect.
“I have been there (Air Force) for 24 years, and I worked hard to earn the respect of the people that I serve,” he said. “And I venture to say everybody that comes to Vet Chat will tell you how hard I work to earn their respect. And I believe they all respect me, I really do. Because I don’t take anything for granted. I’m persistent when I know that I’m doing something that God would want me to do. I’m passionate about it, and I don’t want to leave any stone unturned. I want to do it with all my heart.”
Webster said while he enjoys how Vet Chat helps veterans; he will never be pleased until every veteran’s need is met.
“Yes, I am happy to see how the program is growing, but I will never be pleased until I know every veteran’s needs or services of what they need is met. And I’ll probably never accomplish that, but that gives me the drive to keep pushing every time,” he said. “Our goal is to assist our veterans to get everything that they’re entitled to. I want to be a friend to my fellow heroes, and not just be there for them.”
For more information about Vet Chat contact Webster at (405) 202-0661 or via email at or contact James McQuillar at (405) 659-2116 or via email at See our Resource Fair Flyer on page 22


Vietnam Veterans Day to be a busy one for VillagesOKC

Maj. Gen. Rita Aragon (retired) pins Navy veteran Eddie Roach during a past Vietnam War era ceremony at the Oklahoma History Center Museum. Both are VillagesOKC members.

By Marilyn Olson, Executive Director, VillagesOKC

March 29 will be a full day of celebration and commemoration for VillagesOKC members. It’s National Vietnam Veterans Day, and two major events will fill the day. A morning ceremony at the Oklahoma History Center Museum will honor all Vietnam-era veterans. An afternoon ceremony at Del City High School will recognize the character and sacrifice of 1st Lt. James Robert Kalsu.
VillagesOKC is partnering with the Oklahoma History Center Museum, the local offices of Humana, Oklahoma Warriors Honor Flight, the Force 50 Foundation and Navigating Medicare to host a pinning ceremony honoring all the servicemen and servicewomen, active or reservists, who served anywhere in the world during the Vietnam War-era. Each will receive a lapel pin inscribed with “A Grateful Nation Thanks and Honors You.”
The event will be held in the Devon Great Hall of the museum 10 a.m. to noon, with the doors opening at 9:00 a.m. This event is free and open to the public.
At 1 p.m. that afternoon, a larger-than-life monument to Kalsu will be unveiled at the Del City High School stadium which bears his name. At 1:30 p.m. in the Del City Performing Arts Center there will be a Vietnam-Era Veteran pinning ceremony and premier of the documentary “Uncommon Character – the Legacy of James Robert Kalsu.”
Kalsu was a stand-out student and Del City High School football star, an All-American at the University of Oklahoma, and Rookie of the Year for the Buffalo Bills, who became the only active professional athlete killed in action in the Vietnam War.
“If our children and grandchildren are to truly value the freedoms we have, it will be experiencing events like this where men and women are honored for their character and selfless acts of valor,” said VillagesOKC Executive Director Marilyn Olson. “VillagesOKC values our veterans and intends to continue finding ways to honor them.”
According to a release from the museum: “March 29 was designated as Vietnam Veterans Day by the 2008 National Defense Authorization Act, to be commemorated with annual nationwide events. Guided by the stipulations in that act, only Vietnam War veterans and their families are recognized. However, the Vietnam War Commemoration organization is providing recognition pins to honor any US veteran who served on active duty or in the reserves in the US Armed Forces at any time during the period of November 1, 1955, to May 15, 1975, regardless of location, Vietnam or elsewhere. Family members of any veteran unable to be present may also receive this pin.”
The keynote speaker will be Colonel “Chuck” DeBellevue who has been deemed “Ace of Aces;” one of only five to achieve that status from downing six North Vietnamese MiGs. Altogether, he logged 550 combat hours while flying 220 combat missions; 96 over Vietnam. His decorations include the Air Force Cross, three Silver Stars, three Legions of Merit, six Distinguished Flying Crosses, eighteen Air Medals and the Republic of Vietnam Gallantry Cross with Device. In 2012, he was inducted into the Oklahoma Military Hall of Fame and received the Congressional Gold Medal.


VA OKC Healthcare System Housed 367 Veterans Homelessness This Year


Today, VA OKC Healthcare System (OKC HCS) announced that it housed 367 Veterans experiencing homeless in Oklahoma this fiscal year. A total of 98.8% of these Veterans have not returned to homelessness and the OKC VA HCS Social Work Services continues to reach out to any unsheltered Veterans to ensure they have access to housing and other wraparound services they deserve.
Nationally, during this same time period, VA housed 43,116 Veterans experiencing homelessness, surpassing its fiscal year 2024 goal to house 41,000 Veterans a month earlier than anticipated. A total of 96.3% of the Veterans housed have not returned to homelessness, and 38,476 unsheltered Veterans have been engaged nationally.
Preventing and eliminating Veteran homelessness is a top priority for VA and the entire Biden-Harris Administration. Between 2022 and 2023, VA permanently housed nearly 87,000 Veterans. As a result of these efforts, the number of Veterans experiencing homelessness in the U.S. has fallen by over 4% since early 2020 and by more than 52% since 2010.
“No person who has served this country should ever have to experience homelessness,” said VA Secretary Denis McDonough. “As a result of this year’s efforts, more than 43,000 formerly homeless Veterans now have access to the homes that they deserve. And make no mistake: we won’t rest until every Veteran has a safe, stable, accessible, and affordable home to call their own.”
VA and the entire administration have taken considerable steps this year to combat Veteran homelessness. This week, the U.S. Interagency Council on Homelessness released the federal government’s first ever framework for homelessness prevention and launched a new series spotlighting local and federal efforts to prevent homelessness. Last month, VA awarded more than $800 million in grants via its Supportive Services for Veteran Families and Homeless Providers Grant and Per Diem programs, and in July, awarded over $26 million in grants to support legal services for Veterans facing homelessness. Additionally, last month, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and VA announced policy changes that will help more Veterans receive housing assistance under the HUD-VA Supportive Housing (HUD-VASH) program.
VA’s efforts to combat Veteran homelessness are grounded in reaching out to homeless Veterans, understanding their unique needs, and addressing them. These efforts are built on the evidence-based “Housing First” approach, which prioritizes getting a Veteran into housing, then providing or connecting them with the wraparound services and supports they need to stay housed, including health care, job training, legal and education assistance, and more.
Every day, VA staff and VA’s community partners nationwide help Veterans find permanent housing, such as apartments or houses to rent or own, often with subsidies to help make the housing affordable. In some cases, VA staff and partners help Veterans end their homelessness by reuniting them with family and friends.
Visit the to learn about housing initiatives and other programs supporting Veterans experiencing homelessness.


Veterans Resource Fair American Legion Post 88


Senior News and Living sponsored a pop-up resource fair at the American Legion in Norman on Monday, May 13th. Here are a few highlights from the event.

Jim Buck, a retired Navy veteran and general manager of the Norman Firehouse Subs delivered sandwiches to the Post. While he was there, he also talked with a Veterans Service Officer about his benefits. Post 88 has a high success rate for settling claims.
Brandon Wallace, right, an Army veteran and President of Flag Poles Honoring our Veterans chats with a veteran attendee at FPHOV table. This all volunteer organization installs flag poles (free of charge) in the yards of Oklahoma veterans. For more information see their website
Stretch Zone practioner, Josh Johnson, M.S.E., was giving complimentary demonstrations of the the Stretch Zone process.
Stretch Zone practioner, Josh Johnson, M.S.E., was giving complimentary demonstrations of the the Stretch Zone process.


A Marine’s Journey – Mr Sam’s WWII Story and Life


At 97, Gillaspy Shares Tales of Courage, Service, and Resilience.

From serving in WWII to building a family farm and becoming a beloved storyteller, legacy spans generations.

Story by Richard Stephens, Jr.

Mr. Sam Gillaspy during his service in the Marine Corps, 1945-1946. The vehicle may be one he drove at Camp Pendleton.
Mr. Sam Gillaspy, age 97, is a member of the Greatest Generation, a precious and small (100,000 remain) group of men (and women) who served our nation during WWII.  Everyone calls him Mr. Sam and he lives in Midwest City.
He is physically strong, slim, and walks straight without bending over or using any physical aid.  Over time, he has lost much of his hearing, some memory and speaks with difficulty.
Joining the Marine Corps
“I was 17 and the United States needed men awful hard.  So, I entered the Marines (enlisted on February 28, 1945, with a delayed report date) and I still had about three months of (high) school left,” Mr. Sam said.  His parents gave permission to enlist.  Why the Marine Corps?  According to Jeannie Vollmer, his partner, he felt that the Marines were the toughest Service.
Was he strong enough to join?  Mr. Sam laughed and said, “Oh yeah.  Back then, yeah, I was.”
Training at Parris Island
After graduating high school, the Marines sent Mr. Sam a letter assigning him to active duty service, effective June 5, 1945.  He remembered, “You got five days to get everything (ready to go).  And so, it took us five days to get from Oklahoma City to the east to the ocean” at Parris Island, South Carolina, for basic training.
Was the training hard?  “Yes, and I did pretty good…I made it the middle” (a good training record).
“They taught me how to fire a BAR (Browning Automatic Rifle)…It’s a long…bigger than a rifle and it has at the end of it, a tripod.  You laid down and (moving arms left to right) and shot…like a machine gun.”  Mr. Sam likely fired the Browning M1918A2 Automatic Rifle, which was the WWII production model used by servicemen after 1940.  “They put me to do it and became real good …We learned how to tear them down and get them back together.  We did that for several days.”
There was field training too.  Wearing backpacks, men held their BARs and crawled under barbed wire into live fire zones to practice wartime skills.
“Live ammunition.  We didn’t know.  They (instructors) were shooting.  It was bang, bang.  They told you that if you get up, they will shoot you.  You die…And you had to just to squeeze through the wire.  And some of the boys…had holes in their backpack…because they’re already big men and (it was) a small width.  I was down where it (the fire) didn’t hit me or my pack.  I made it just fine.”
Assignment at Camp Pendleton
After training, “We went from Parris Island…from east to the west…to San Diego, California…And we didn’t know where we were going.  We got out of the train, standing on the pier in the middle of the night…and there was a big boat with planks (gangway).  I had never seen such a ship like that – it was a monster thing.”
The Marines formed up.  A man called their names alphabetically, starting with “A.”   “All the boys were going upstairs (into the ship) as they called their name.
“Then, all of a sudden, this guy comes up with a jeep and said something to the guy that was reading the names.  He said, ‘You, you and you fall out and follow this man in the jeep.’  And I was the third one.  They put the three of us in that jeep and we drove and drove way up to (Camp) Pendleton” (California), Mr. Sam said.
The others left on the pier?  “And all the rest of them, they ended going into the ship.  Those that went out (on the ship), some of them came back, some of them didn’t.  I guess it was meant for me to stay right there.
“They needed somebody to take care of the general’s car.  They put me doing that.”  Private Gillaspy’s occupation was officially “Truck Driver.”  He serviced the vehicle and kept it shined.
Mr. Sam saw men coming back from being stationed in the Pacific theater of operations.  “I was able to talk with them.  This one man, I don’t know why, it’s been so long, he gave me his rifle that he came from the war…” because the man had used it shooting Japanese.  “And he said, ‘…he couldn’t take it anymore’…And he gave it (rifle) to me.  And I was able to put it in my barracks.”
Time Off
During days off, Mr. Sam and friends sometimes went to Los Angelas to United Services Organization (USO) parties.  Hitchhiking was common.
USOs were a place to relax with talking, dancing and drinking.  “What was nice was, Hollywood ladies would come up to me and ask, ‘Would you like to dance with me?’  I said, ‘Yes, Ma’am, but I don’t know how!’” he said, laughing.
Coming home
“My time ended (enlistment).  They gave me my big footlocker…When it was time (to leave), they took us to the post gates.”  Mr. Sam did what others did:  hitchhiked home.  “It was five minutes and this big Buick with a man driving it (pulled up).  He said, ‘Which way are you going?’  Mr. Sam replied, ‘I’m going to Oklahoma City.’ ‘Well,’ he said, ‘I’m going to Tulsa.  I’ll take you and it won’t cost you nothing.’”
That’s how Mr. Sam got home after serving in WIWII.  He was discharged as a Private First Class on August 26, 1946, after serving a bit more than 14 months.
Post war
Mr. Sam worked for Dolese, a well-known cement maker, for 40 years starting in 1949.  He met Betty, his future wife, and once married, had two daughters, Rita and Cynthia.  They built a home on 42nd Ave. and Kelly Ave. in Oklahoma City.
In 1961, Mr. Sam bought a 160-acre farm in Luther containing a small house built in 1889.  He drove concrete trucks full-time for Dolese and farmed part time.  Once he added rooms and electricity to the house, Betty, Rita, and Cynthia moved there in 1968.  Unfortunately, Betty died of a heart attack soon after.  They grew wheat and alfalfa, fed 80 Hereford cows and raised chickens and rabbits.
Mr. Sam is well known at Arcadia’s Round Barn.  He started storytelling and giving tours soon after the barn’s renovation in 1992.  He explained posters and pictures on the first floor and showed visitors the former hayloft on the second floor that hosted many dances.
Although he stopped storytelling at the Round Barn in 2020, lucky visitors can still catch him there when he stops in to say hello.
Was Mr. Sam glad he served in the war?  “Oh yeah, I was,” he said, smiling broadly.  “I enjoyed all of it.”
Asked he had a philosophy on living life or what makes for a good life, Mr. Sam thought for a minute.  Chuckling, then smiling, thinking through his answer, he replied, “I don’t smoke.  I don’t drink.  I don’t chase wild women.”  (Laughed).  His is a life lived well.

Tinker RAO Provides Guidance, Assistance to Veterans

CMSgt. (Retired USAF) Lorraine Caddy serves as the Director of the Military Retiree Activities Office at Tinker Air Force Base.

Story and Photo by Van Mitchel, Staff Writer

The Military Retiree Activities Office (RAO) at Tinker Air Force Base serves as a liaison between the active-duty community and the retiree population.
The RAO is located in Bldg. 1, Door 7, Room 153 at Tinker AFB, and is manned by experienced military retiree members Monday through Friday from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
“Our office is here to serve every retiree, regardless of rank or branch of service, when they need guidance or assistance with any issues, “ said RAO Director/CMSgt. (Retired USAF) Lorraine Caddy. “We also provide volunteers to support the Tinker mission at the RAO Office, and the Tinker Clinic Pharmacy.”
Chief Caddy said the Tinker RAO was started in 1982, and she has been with it since 1985. She started as RAO Director in 2014.
“Our primary mission is to be available for any military people or their families, regardless of rank or branch of service, to help them with whatever difficulties they’re having or get them to the right people to help them, which is really what we are,” she said. “We’re more of a referral agency than a doing agency. We have somebody here Monday through Friday from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. and they’re all trained with as much knowledge as we can give them. We just take the questions as they come on the phone or through the door.”
Chief Caddy said when someone calls or comes by the RAO, the process begins by determining what their problem is and how we can help
“Most military retirees should know how to handle their own personal business, but unfortunately, a lot of people don’t talk. Husbands and wives don’t talk, so they don’t all have the same information,” she said. “We try to find out exactly what their problem is, number one. We try to give them information about this office so that they know they can always come back here. I always tell people, “If we haven’t solved your problem, please come back. We’ll find somebody else who can help you,” because we always try to be available.”
Chief Caddy said once a veteran separates from their branch of service, it becomes more challenging to find help with services needed.
“When someone is on active duty, they basically have face to face help with all their human resource issues and things of that nature. But once you separate, you’re done. You don’t really have a local office to go to for admin information, things of that nature,” she said. “We try to get them the resources they need.”
Chief Caddy said one of the ways the RAO works to get information out is through its Military Retiree Appreciation Day happening on Saturday, Sept. 28 at the Tinker Event Center starting at 7:30 a.m. with the formal program starting at 9 a.m. with several speakers scheduled.
Chief Caddy said the 2023 Military Retiree Appreciation Day had 200 attendees.
“In years past, before COVID, we had more than that, but we had to stop completely for two years,” she said.
The event is planned by Chief Caddy and a committee of volunteers that she selects.
“We’ll open the doors to the public at 0730-for those attending with lite refreshments available while they last,” she said. “I currently have 20 booth folks lined up, meaning people will come and be at a table where you can go and speak with them, and these are people from TriCare and Casualty Assistance, VA, and more. We also have a bus tour that’s available for those who want to take it around Tinker. It takes about 45 minutes to do the bus tour.”
The Military Retiree Appreciation Day also includes the naming of the Volunteer of the Year.
“That award is presented by the Wing Commander at my request to the person at the Retiree Day Service ceremony, so that they know that we give a darn that they’re there, because these people are giving their time and they’ve already given 20 years or more of their life to service,” Chief Caddy said.
Chief Caddy encourages those attending Military Retiree Appreciation Day to ask their questions.
“When I send an email, I encourage them to bring their questions, and before I dismiss any speaker, I always say, ‘Do you have more questions? Please don’t wait until he leaves and then ask me,‘ which is what happens sometimes. They’re shy,” she said. “There’s no question that’s stupid, in my opinion. There is no such thing. If you have a question and you need answers then you need to ask it. Sometimes those questions can’t be answered at the meeting, but then I make sure that that person has an appointment with the people they need to speak with.”
Chief Caddy said she has a desire to keep helping veterans as she was helped along the way.
“I did 20 years of service, and I enjoyed every minute of it,” she said.
Chief Caddy said she was very fortunate to make Chief Master Sergeant after 15 years of service. She started her AF Creer in 1957 and retired from active service in 1977, and she was one of the first 10 women to achieve the rank of CMSgt in the entire United States Air Force.
“I was fortunate because I worked with people who cared,” she said. “Women veterans at that time were not assigned worldwide as they are today. I was working on an IG team and because of that was able to spend three years at Wiesbaden, Germany. My volunteer work with the RAO is great. I meet so many wonderful people and am happy to provide this service to our military retirees.”
Chief Caddy said veteran retiree volunteers are welcome to help with the RAO.
“We would love to have you join us as a volunteer in the Retiree Activities Office, and the Clinic Pharmacy,” she said. “We only ask for 3 hours a week of your time and you will know the joy of “continuing to serve.”

For more information about the RAO or to sign up for the Military Retiree Appreciation Day call (405) 739-2795 or email Chief Caddy at


Faith Plays Role in 104-Year-Old Veteran’s Life


by Van Mitchell, Staff Writer

Family, duty, and giving back are some of the hallmark virtues that Army veteran Clyde Houston has lived by.
Family and friends gathered on July 13 at the Montellano Event Center in Oklahoma City to celebrate his 104th birthday and paid homage to a man who made a positive impact on so many lives.
Houston was one of the Greatest Generation born in Porter, Oklahoma on July 17th, 1920.
Houston faced many challenges and according to his family, he never wavered on his duties as a soldier and a father. He served in the U.S. Army from 1941-1945 as a Quartermaster military occupational specialty and provided troops with supplies and logistical services.
Houston grew up during the Golden Age of American Sports and emphasized the value in good physical fitness and sporting activities. Throughout his lifetime, he continued to teach the importance of maintaining good health and physical fitness with his own athletic children and shared this love of sports with all the neighborhood kids.
To help teach kids the value of sporting activities and get kids involved with different athletics, he built a neighborhood basketball court to give his children and local kids an outlet to play sports, build teamwork skills and prepare these young men and women for life lessons that you can only learn from playing sports.
“My dad was kind of the caregiver for us and the neighborhood kids too,” said Deborah Lynn Furman, Houston’s daughter. “When my dad would cook, he would make sure the kids in the neighborhood, he provided them if they wanted to eat, they were welcome to it. He played basketball with the kids. That is how most of us learned how to play sports because my dad taught us. My dad was a hands-on dad. My dad got out there, played with the kids in the neighborhood, played with his kids. That’s the kind of man he is.”
Houston grew up in humble surroundings in Haskell, but later became a well-known high school athlete.
“My dad was a basketball star with his school, Haskell High School and played football and baseball,” Furman said. “He loved baseball and even played against (Negro League and Major League Hall of Famer) pitcher Satchel Paige (as adults). Back then my dad said they used to go to these little towns (across the country) and play and they would run them out of town because they did not allow Blacks.”
Throughout his military service and civilian career, Houston held several jobs and positions but none of those careers were as important as his role as husband to his late wife of 70 years Dolly Jewel Durham Houston and father to his eight children.
Houston has 22 grandchildren, 57 great-grandchildren, and 26 great-great grandchildren.
“My dad was the kind of man that we all would sit down at the dinner table and eat together. My parents did that daily,” Furman said. “He taught us how to honor the elderly. He taught us how to be respectful and mindful of people’s feelings and to be kind and giving.”
Furman said giving back was important to her father and his faith.
“My dad was a real giving person,” she said. “If it were something that a church member was lacking, like not having food in their house, my dad would take a sack of groceries to those people. My dad instilled in us that you had to have a good work ethic. You had to be honest, and you could not take anything that did not belong to you. You had to work for what you wanted because he did that. And my dad took care of us. We never wanted for anything, and with eight kids, that is a task in itself.”
Furman said her father was proud of his military service but added that his experience was shadowed with the way Black soldiers were treated.
“I will put it this way, my dad said they weren’t fair about certain things. It was certain jobs that the Black soldiers were assigned to,” Furman said. “And my dad was a Quartermaster. He took the supplies around to the different platoons.”
Furman said her father taught his children to not be prejudiced and treat people how you would want to be treated.
“My dad didn’t curse,” she said. “My parents didn’t use profanity. We weren’t subjected to that. We had loving parents. My dad is easy going. My dad was the kind of person, like at Christmastime, my dad, if you give him a pair of socks, he is happy. You give him anything. He didn’t want us to grow up being like that (angry) because he felt like eventually things would get better and eventually it did.”
After separating from the military, Houston worked for Spartan Aeronautics before moving from Haskell to Oklahoma City.
“My mother wanted to move to Oklahoma City where her mother was, so my dad got on at the post office downtown,” Furman said. “He later worked construction and hurt his back and retired.”
Furman said faith has been her father’s bedrock in life.
“My dad wakes up every morning praying to God, every morning,” she said. “Faith is very important to him. My dad was a member of Church of God in Christ, my mother was Methodist, so it was different from what my mother was accustomed to. But once my mother married my dad, she joined the Church of God in Christ and that is all I know. I know that faith, love, and being decent and honest is the main objective that my parents taught us. And to believe in God and always trust in Him because that is your source.”

