Are you confused and overwhelmed by long-term care living options? Don’t know where to start in seeking residential senior care? Wondering about the different types of care and costs? Ombudsmen Services to the rescue!
Ombudsmen Services are here as a resource to help families navigate the often complex network of senior care options available in the State of Oklahoma, but specifically in Oklahoma City and surrounding areas housed in the Areawide Aging Agency advancing the independence of Older and now younger adults since 1973. The Ombudsman Program can help those considering independent living, assisted living, memory care, residential care, or care for individuals with intellectual disabilities within long term care, and find the best solution for their specific situation.
Have you said to yourself, where do I even begin? What is the difference between independent living, assisted living, memory care and long term care? How will we pay for this? Are there services to help pay if our loved ones money runs out? Is there financial help for veterans and their spouses? My loved one experiences some confusion, do they need memory care? How do we learn more about Dementia and Alzheimers? What are the best communities for my needs and situation?
Ombudsman can give insight to what will work best for your loved ones having to face long-term care solutions to provide the best answers to care needs with no fees attached. We are a resource agency funded through federal and state entities. Our Ombudsmen have visited and toured every community in the four county area we serve, including Oklahoma County, Cleveland County, Canadian County and Logan County. We have done routines visits and handled concerns from residents and their families, and brought resolution often times in the approximately 145 facilities housed in these four counties. We have spoken with and talked to the directors, met with the nursing staff, spoken with social services and activity directors to advocate on the behalf of residents for the best quality of life for all residents.
Helping residents and their families is our mission, and making life better for residents are the goals we seek to endeavor. If we need to refer to other state agencies we are able to help with those services as well. No matter how tough the request or situation, Ombudsmen will do whatever we can to help. It is an honor to serve those who are in need of long-term care services in the communities in which we serve others, and help them get the quality of care they should rest in peacefully.
Call us at Areawide Aging Agency 405-942-8500 and ask to speak with one of our Ombudsman Supervisors for information and resources. Also, if you are interested in joining our team as a volunteer we are seeking individuals who would like to volunteer for our Ombudsman Program. Give us a call!
Long-Term Care Ombudsmen to the Rescue!
Widely admired columnist for the Wall Street Journal and best-selling author Peggy Noonan will lecture on “A Morning With Peggy Noonan” at OKC Town Hall on Thursday, February 16 at 10:30 at St. Luke’s United Methodist Church, 222 NW 15. Noonan was a special assistant to Presidents Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush and wrote many well-known speeches.
Noonan is a best-selling author of eight books on American history and culture and is a former producer for CBS News. The National Journal dubbed her political column indispensable to an understanding of the presidential year. Forbes magazine called her “principled, perceptive, persuasive and patriotic “. This lively lecture will provide the audience with an insight to the Washington political scene and a glimpse of what to expect from the newly elected President Donald Trump and Congress.
Tickets are available at the door for $25. New subscribers can purchase tickets for $50 for Noonan and the remaining two lectures featuring Ted Fishman speaking on “China, Inc. The Graying of the World & Friendship” March 16 and Joshua Landis speaking on “Syria and the Middle East” April 20. For ticket information call 405-202-4262 or email Luncheon with the speaker immediately follows the lecture at St. Luke’s Christian Life Center for $17. For luncheon tickets call 405-755-2362 or email Visit for updated information.
A Chance to Change Has Moved!
By Emily D. Lammie, Director of Community Engagement
After almost 27 years of operation in the iconic building on Classen Boulevard and I-44, A Chance to Change opened its doors at 2113 W. Britton Road. Since 1979, the agency has helped guide individuals and families to recovery from behavioral health and substance use disorders. This move has made it possible to enhance the addiction and behavioral health services the agency provides.
Thursday, January 12, 2017, A Chance to Change along with the Northwest Chamber of Oklahoma City held an official ribbon cutting and open house. Additional photos, photo descriptions, and interviews are available upon request.
The new building space has not come without growing pains, however. “We are thrilled to be able to truly become a full service counseling agency in this new location. We understand that many of our clients are in some of their darkest hours, insecure, and struggling for normalcy. Uprooting our location, although much needed and very improved, can be extremely stressful. The construction, décor, and facilities were all designed with our community in mind. From soothing wall colors, to comfortable chairs, the warmth and care our clients felt in the Classen location is still very much a part of the new building space,” said Janienne Bella, Chief Executive Officer.
Sunbeam Family Services Names Kevin Sonntag Counseling Director
Sunbeam Family Services announces the addition of Kevin Sonntag as the organization’s Director of Counseling.
Kevin brings an outstanding combination of passion, compassion, counseling experience, and expertise with Employee Assistance Programs. We are looking forward to his proactive leadership in our counseling services at Sunbeam,” said Jim Priest Sunbeam Chief Executive Officer.
Sonntag brings more than 16 years of experience to his new position. Before joining the Sunbeam team, Sonntag served as manager of the employee assistance program for Denver-based Centura Health, was program manager for AspenPointe Health Services, Child & Family Network (2012-2015), Colorado Springs, and behavioral health clinician for Aspen Pointe Health Services from 2009-2012.
“Sunbeam Family Services is an invaluable piece of the fabric of this great city, and I am thrilled to be joining the excellent team here. My vision is that our counseling program will provide help, hope, and opportunity to even more people throughout this community in the years to come.”
Sonntag received a bachelor’s degree in business administration in management from Texas A&M University and a master’s degree in counseling from Denver Seminary.
Feb/Mar AARP Drivers Safety Classes
Date/ Day/ Location/ Time/ Registration #/ Instructor
Feb 7/ Tuesday/ Norman/ 9 am – 3:30 pm/ 307-3176/ Palinsky
Norman Regional Hospital – 901 N. Porter
Feb 8/ Wednesday/ Edmond/ 9 am – 3:30 pm/ 340-1975/ Harms
Touchmark – 2801 Shortgrass
Feb 10/ Friday/ Okla. City/ 9 am – 3:30 pm/ 951-2277/ Edwards
SW Medical Center – 4200 S. Douglas, Suite B-10
Feb 13/ Monday/ Okla. City/ 9 am – 3:30 pm/ 752-1200/ Palinsky
Epworth Villa – 14901 N. Pennsylvania Ave.
Feb 15/ Wednesday/ Okla. City/ 9 am – 3:30 pm/ 605-6900/ Palinsky
Grand Tapestry – Quail Springs – 14201 N. Kentucky
Feb 24/ Friday/ Okla. City/ 9 am – 3:30 pm/ 691-4091/ Palinsky
Mercy Health Center – 4300 W Memorial Rd, Room A/B
Feb 27/ Monday/ Shawnee/ 9 am – 3:30 pm/ 818-2916/ Brase Shawnee Senior Center – 401 W. Bell St.
Mar 2/ Thursday/ Okla. City/ 9:30 am – 4 pm/ 951-2277/ Edwards
Integris 3rd Age Life Center – 5100 N. Brookline
Mar 4/ Saturday/ Sulfer Okla./ 9 am – 3:30 pm/ 1-580-622-3016/ Pickle, Murray County Exten. – 3490 Hwy 7 West – Sulfer, Okla.
Mar 8/ Wednesday/ Edmond/ 9 am – 3:30 pm/ 210-6798/ Palinsky
AARP State Office – 126 N. Bryant
The prices for the classes are: $15 for AARP members and $20 for Non-AARP. Call John Palinsky, zone coordinator for the Oklahoma City area at 405-691-4091 or send mail to:
SWMC Congratulates Doctors for being selected as Best in the Specialty of Neurology
The Best Doctors in America List includes the nation’s most respected specialists and outstanding primary care physicians in the country. These are the doctors that other doctors recognize as the best in their fields. They cannot pay a fee and are not paid to be listed and cannot nominate or vote for themselves. It is a list which is truly unbiased and respected by the medical profession and patients alike as the source of top quality medical information.
Best Doctors, Inc. is transforming and improving health care by bringing together the best medical minds in the world to help identify the right diagnosis and treatment. The company’s innovative, peer-to-peer consultation service offers a new way for physicians to collaborate with other physicians to ensure patients receive the best care. Headquartered in Boston, MA, the global company seamlessly integrates its services with employers’ other health-related benefits, to serve more than 30 million members in every major region of the world.
DHS marks 40 years of improving mobility for seniors and individuals with disabilities Program seeks applicants
The Oklahoma Department of Human Services (DHS) provided more than 7.8 million miles of rides to Oklahomans last year through its Section 5310 transportation program. The federally funded Section 5310 capital assistance grant allows DHS to contract with nonprofits and certain eligible governmental entities to provide up to 85% of the cost of vehicles to transport Oklahomans over 65 years of age or who have disabilities.
“This program helps keep people connected with their community,” said Lance Robertson, division director for DHS Aging Services. “Nearly 600,000 riders were able to take more than 1.4 million trips in the last year alone thanks to this program.”
The program includes sufficient funding to assist in purchasing about 52 vehicles a year, with 580 grant-purchased vehicles on the road today. The program has 160 sub-recipients covering 85 percent of counties in Oklahoma. DHS is actively looking for agencies meeting the program’s criteria that have a need to replace vehicles or receive new vehicles.
Entities interested in learning more can review the program’s management plan online at or call Patricia Heer at (405) 522-6683.
St. Mary’s, Enid Awarded Advanced Certification
St. Mary’s Regional Medical Center today announced it has earned The Joint Commission’s Gold Seal of Approval® for Advanced Certification for Total Hip and Total Knee Replacement and is the first medical facility in the state to achieve this certification.
The advanced certification is for Joint Commission-accredited hospitals, critical access hospitals and ambulatory surgery centers seeking to elevate the quality, consistency and safety of their services and patient care.
St. Mary’s underwent a rigorous onsite review in October when Joint Commission experts evaluated compliance with advanced disease-specific care standards and total hip and total knee replacement requirements, including orthopedic consultation, and pre-operative, intraoperative and post-surgical orthopedic surgeon follow-up care.
“Achieving Advanced Total Hip and Total Knee Replacement Certification recognizes St. Mary’s Regional Medical Center’s commitment to provide care in a safe and efficient manner for patients,” said Patrick Phelan, interim executive director, Hospital Business Development, The Joint Commission. “The advanced certification will help St. Mary’s better provide coordinated and comprehensive care to patients undergoing a total hip or total knee replacement.”
“St. Mary’s is pleased to receive advanced certification from The Joint Commission, the premier health care quality improvement and accrediting body in the nation,” added Stan Tatum, CEO of St. Mary’s Regional Medical Center. “We look forward to improving patient safety and quality of care for the increasing number of patients undergoing total hip or total knee replacement surgery and are grateful for the leadership provided by our orthopedic surgeons, Dr. Edgar Fike, Dr. David Keller and Dr. Tim Teske in achieving this certification.”
Innovative Solutions Needed to Fix America’s Health Insurance Problem
Oklahoma Insurance Commissioner John D. Doak is offering innovative ideas on health insurance to national leaders. Doak responded today to a request from U.S. House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy asking for recommendations as lawmakers move forward with the repeal of the Affordable Care Act.
“If the Affordable Care Act is repealed, we should take this as an opportunity to do something different, something that works,” Doak said. “Unlike other lines of insurance, the hands of the health insurance industry have been tied by the law, unable to grow and innovate. Now is the time to open the market to see what can be done to provide greater access to affordable health insurance for everyone.”
One of Doak’s suggestions to House Leader McCarthy includes examining the use of microinsurance. This type of insurance focuses on the low-income population and has been successful in countries like India. Doak included research from David M. Dror, Chairman of the Micro Insurance Academy, on how microinsurance could work in the United States.
Other ideas from Doak include:
Permitting sale of insurance across state lines under state regulatory enforcement.
Adopting policies that expand the use of health savings accounts coupled with more affordable, high-deductible health plans.
Allowing states to enact new health reforms at the grade-school level that incorporate physical fitness and nutrition programs to deter preventable illnesses.
Letting states determine the age at which a child can remain on his or her parent’s group health plan.
Enacting legislation that protects consumers from unfair balance billing and surprise billing from individual providers like anesthesiologists, radiologists or medical service companies such as air ambulance and imaging providers.
Allowing states to pursue innovative health care delivery mechanisms including, but not limited to, telemedicine and the expansion of the technologically-based Project ECHO® for rural America.
The Oklahoma Insurance Department and Commissioner Doak will be holding town hall meetings throughout the state to talk with Oklahomans about healthcare reform. The dates and locations of those meetings will be announced at a later date.
Would You Like to Join Our Airport Information Team?
Our Travelers Aid airport program is now accepting applications for information booth volunteers. Serving as an airport volunteer is a great way to meet people, solve problems, and learn about the growing tourism industry in Oklahoma City.
Travelers Aid volunteers staff two information booths at the airport, providing a warm welcome and a big smile to visitors. Our trainers will provide you with all of the resources you need to assist travelers, answer the telephone, offer paging services, provide directions and information, distribute maps and brochures, direct military personnel, and link distressed travelers with social services throughout the community.
We operate one booth on the ticket counter level and one in baggage claim, seven days per week from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. Typically volunteers work one 4-hour shift per week, but our schedule is flexible!
“My wife and I have always believed in volunteering as a way of showing respect for those who have helped us in the past and to, in turn, do good for others. Working at the airport is a wonderful experience. You never know whom you will meet or what kind of situation you will encounter. You meet and help people from literally all over the world,” says John Fink, an eight-year airport volunteer veteran. “Volunteering is a privilege and a very rewarding experience.”
Anyone who likes to meet people, solve problems, answer questions, and work in a dynamic environment should contact Megan Chapman, Travelers Aid Volunteer Coordinator, at (405) 486-0619 or for more information.